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protected function Server::getValidationRules in GraphQL 8.4

Returns the validation rules to use for the query.

@todo Handle this through configurable plugins on the server.

May return a callable to allow the server to decide the validation rules independently for each query operation.

public function getValidationRules() {
  return function (OperationParams $params, DocumentNode $document, $operation) {
    if (isset($params->queryId)) {
      // Assume that pre-parsed documents are already validated. This allows
      // us to store pre-validated query documents e.g. for persisted queries
      // effectively improving performance by skipping run-time validation.
      return [];

    return array_values(DocumentValidator::defaultRules());

Return value

array|callable The validation rules or a callable factory.

1 call to Server::getValidationRules()
Server::configuration in src/Entity/Server.php


src/Entity/Server.php, line 492


The main GraphQL configuration and request entry point.




protected function getValidationRules() {
  return function (OperationParams $params, DocumentNode $document, $operation) {
    if (isset($params->queryId)) {

      // Assume that pre-parsed documents are already validated. This allows
      // us to store pre-validated query documents e.g. for persisted queries
      // effectively improving performance by skipping run-time validation.
      return [];
    return array_values(DocumentValidator::defaultRules());