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protected function EntityRevisionById::resolveValues in GraphQL 8.3

Retrieve the list of field values.

Always returns a list of field values. Even for single value fields. Single/multi field handling is responsibility of the base class.


mixed $value: The current object value.

array $args: Field arguments.

$context: The resolve context.

\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info: The resolve info object.

Return value

\Generator The value generator.

Overrides FieldPluginBase::resolveValues


modules/graphql_core/src/Plugin/GraphQL/Fields/Entity/EntityRevisionById.php, line 87


Plugin annotation @GraphQLField( id = "entity_revision_by_id", secure = true, arguments = { "id" = "String!" }, contextual_arguments = {"language"}, deriver = "Drupal\graphql_core\Plugin\Deriver\Fields\EntityRevisionByIdDeriver" )




protected function resolveValues($value, array $args, ResolveContext $context, ResolveInfo $info) {
  $definition = $this
  $storage = $this->entityTypeManager
  if (!($entity = $storage
    ->loadRevision($args['id']))) {

    // If there is no entity with this id, add the list cache tags so that the
    // cache entry is purged whenever a new entity of this type is saved.
    $pluginDefinition = $this
    $entityType = $this->entityTypeManager
    $metadata = new CacheableMetadata();
    (yield new CacheableValue(NULL, [
  else {
    if (($access = $entity
      ->access('view', NULL, TRUE)) && $access
      ->isAllowed()) {
      if ($entity instanceof TranslatableInterface && isset($args['language']) && $args['language'] != $entity
        ->getId() && $entity
        ->isTranslatable()) {
        if ($entity
          ->hasTranslation($args['language'])) {
          $entity = $entity
      (yield new CacheableValue($entity, [
    else {

      // If the entity exists but we do not grant access to it, we still want
      // to have it's cache metadata in the output because future changes to
      // the entity might affect its visibility for the user.
      (yield new CacheableValue(NULL, [