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public function GTMContainerManager::loadContainers in GoogleTagManager 7.2

Returns the container entities sorted by weight.

@todo Implement status property and filter on it.

Return value

array The array of container entity objects.

3 calls to GTMContainerManager::loadContainers()
GTMContainerManager::createAllAssets in includes/entity/
Prepares directory for and saves snippet files for all containers.
GTMContainerManager::getNoScriptAttachments in includes/entity/
Adds render array items of page top attachments.
GTMContainerManager::getScriptAttachments in includes/entity/
Adds render array items of page attachments.


includes/entity/, line 101


Defines the Google tag container manager.


public function loadContainers() {
  static $containers;
  if (!isset($containers)) {
    $keys = array_flip(array(
    $objects = ctools_export_load_object('gtag_config', 'all');
    $objects = array_diff_key($objects, $keys);
    $containers = array();
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
      $containers[] = new GTMContainer((array) $object);
    usort($containers, function ($a, $b) {
      return (int) $b->weight < (int) $a->weight;
  return $containers;