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7 string references to google_tag.container_manager in GoogleTagManager 8

ContainerForm::save in src/Form/ContainerForm.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
google_tag_page_attachments in ./google_tag.module
Implements hook_page_attachments().
google_tag_page_top in ./google_tag.module
Implements hook_page_top().
GTMTestBase::deleteContainers in tests/src/Functional/GTMTestBase.php
Delete containers from the database and delete snippet files.
GTMTestBase::saveContainers in tests/src/Functional/GTMTestBase.php
Save containers in the database and create snippet files.
_google_tag_assets_create in ./google_tag.module
Saves snippet files and data layer classes based on current settings.
_google_tag_assets_delete in ./google_tag.module
Deletes snippet files for enabled containers.