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google_cse_results.html.twig in Google Custom Search Engine 8.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 templates/google_cse_results.html.twig
{# In a Twig template we attach the library. #}
{{ attach_library('google_cse/googlecseResults') }}
{% if prefix %}
  <div class="google-cse-results-prefix">{{ prefix }}</div>
{% endif %}

{% if results_searchbox_form %}
  {{ results_searchbox_form }}
{% endif %}

<div id="google-cse-results">
  {{ cse_tag | raw }}
    {{ noscript }}
{% if suffix %}
  <div class="google-cse-results-suffix">{{ suffix }}</div>
{% endif %}


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  1. {# In a Twig template we attach the library. #}
  2. {{ attach_library('google_cse/googlecseResults') }}
  3. {% if prefix %}
  4. <div class="google-cse-results-prefix">{{ prefix }}</div>
  5. {% endif %}
  6. {% if results_searchbox_form %}
  7. {{ results_searchbox_form }}
  8. {% endif %}
  9. <div id="google-cse-results">
  10. {{ cse_tag | raw }}
  11. <noscript>
  12. {{ noscript }}
  13. </noscript>
  14. </div>
  15. {% if suffix %}
  16. <div class="google-cse-results-suffix">{{ suffix }}</div>
  17. {% endif %}