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public static function GoogleApplianceResultsPageFunctions::getInfo in Google Search Appliance 7


testing/google_appliance.test, line 664
Implements automated simpletest routines for integration testing of the Google Appliance module.


Results page elements: verifies elements that should appear on the results page, and tests the functionality of the sort headers and pager


public static function getInfo() {
  return array(
    'name' => 'Results Page Functions',
    'description' => 'Checks that the results page default templates provide feedback as expected, and that sorting and paging actually works. <b>You must provide connection settings in a file</b> in the /testing directory within the module in
      order for real searches to execute. See the example file {module_directory}/google_appliance/testing/ for more info. Not providing the file simply aborts the tests require a connection to your device.',
    'group' => 'Google Appliance',