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public function GoogleApplianceRelatedSearchesBlock::testCase in Google Search Appliance 7


testing/google_appliance.test, line 838
Implements automated simpletest routines for integration testing of the Google Appliance module.


Block related searches: test that the block is available and displays as expected.


public function testCase() {

  // set block title to confirm that the interface is available.
  $block_title = $this
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/manage/google_appliance/ga_related_searches/configure', array(
    'title' => $block_title,
  ), t('Save block'));

  // confirm block settings update
    ->assertText(t('The block configuration has been saved.'), t('<b>{MTP:}</b> Block title set (successful interaction).'));

  // Set the block to a region to confirm block is available.
  $edit = array();
  $edit['blocks[google_appliance_ga_related_searches][region]'] = 'content';
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
    ->assertText(t('The block settings have been updated.'), t('<b>{MTP:}</b> Block successfully moved to footer region (successful interaction).'));

  // configure the module to connect
  $testing_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'google_appliance') . '/testing';
  $settings_fn = $testing_dir . '/';
  $example_settings_fn = $testing_dir . '/';
  if (file_exists($settings_fn)) {

    // grab the $file_spec array to config the module's connection settings
    include_once $settings_fn;

    // use those settings
    $settings = array(
      // define good settings
      'hostname' => $file_spec['hostname'],
      'collection' => $file_spec['collection'],
      'frontend' => $file_spec['frontend'],
      'timeout' => 10,
      'autofilter' => '1',
      'query_inspection' => FALSE,
      'search_title' => $this
      'results_per_page' => 16,
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/search/google_appliance/settings', $settings, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved'), t('Successful module settings save .'));

    // submit the search specified in $file_spec via URL (form submission already tested)
      ->drupalGet('gsearch/' . $file_spec['query']);

    // make sure we get a response, and that it is not an error message
      ->assertNoText(t('No Results'), t('Search via URL succeeded, and produced a results listing.'));

    // ensure that the block shows up
      ->assertText(t('@block_title', array(
      '@block_title' => $block_title,
    )), t('<b>{MTP:}</b> Found block title for related search block on the page (expected behavior)'));

    // no real good way to identify the label of a related search link, so whether or not
    // clicking those links produce a new results page with the expected query (they do) is
    // left to manual testing
  else {
      ->error('Test settings file not found, aborting test. See ' . $example_settings_fn . ' for more information.');