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6 calls to google_appliance_get_settings() in Google Search Appliance 6.2

google_appliance_admin_settings in ./google_appliance.module
google_appliance module configuration form.
google_appliance_admin_settings_submit in ./google_appliance.module
Submit handler for module configuration form. Rebuild menus if a significant config value was changed.
google_appliance_catch_all_task_access in ./google_appliance.module
Menu access callback to prevent the catch-all LOCAL_TASK from triggering when one of the standard search tabs is active.
google_appliance_menu in ./google_appliance.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
google_appliance_menu_alter in ./google_appliance.module
Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
google_appliance_search_form in ./google_appliance.module
Define the search form.