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10 calls to GoogleMini::setQueryPart() in Google Search Appliance 5

GoogleMini::buildQuery in ./GoogleMini.php
Fires the query to google
GoogleMini::setDateFilter in ./GoogleMini.php
Creates a date filter
GoogleMini::setDateSort in ./GoogleMini.php
Sets sorting type (date or relevancy) and direction
GoogleMini::setDomainRestriction in ./GoogleMini.php
Adds a site restriction. Useful if just querying by date, as that won't work unless you search for words or at least one other keyword search.
GoogleMini::setInputEncoding in ./GoogleMini.php
Set the encoding for data going into the search
GoogleMini::setKeywords in ./GoogleMini.php
Set the keywords used for keyword search
GoogleMini::setLanguageFilter in ./GoogleMini.php
Sets the languages to be used in the search, if none specified, searches all languages
GoogleMini::setMetaDataRequested in ./GoogleMini.php
Set fields to show in results. For all fields, send an asterisk (*)
GoogleMini::setOutputEncoding in ./GoogleMini.php
Set the encoding for data coming out of the search
GoogleMini::setPageAndResultsPerPage in ./GoogleMini.php
Set page of result set to be shown and sets number of results per page