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GoogleMini.php in Google Search Appliance 6.2

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  1. 5 GoogleMini.php


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if (!defined('GOOGLE_MINI_MAX_RESULTS')) {
  define('GOOGLE_MINI_MAX_RESULTS', 1000);
class GoogleMini {
  private $_metaDataFilters = array();
  public $baseUrl = '';

  public $frontEnd = '';

  // IF SET WILL DISABLE parsing of results.
  public $collection = '';

  protected $_queryParts;
  public function __construct($debug = FALSE, $debug_callback = NULL) {
    if ($debug) {
      $this->debug = TRUE;
      if ($debug_callback && function_exists($debug_callback)) {
        $this->debug_callback = $debug_callback;
  function log($message = NULL) {
    if ($this->debug_callback) {
      $callback = $this->debug_callback;
      call_user_func($callback, $message);

   * Helper function, just builds the array for processing, may have validation later.
   * @param string $key
   * @param string $value
  public function setQueryPart($key, $value) {
    $this->_queryParts[$key] = $value;

   * Helper function, returns a pre-assigned query part.
   * @param string $key
   * @return the query part corresponding to $key, or false if it doesn't exist
  public function getQueryPart($key) {
    if ($this->_queryParts[$key]) {
      return $this->_queryParts[$key];
    return false;

   * Adds a meta data filter to the query.  Currently has limited flexibility.
   * Pass a key as a meta field and values as an array of values to be OR'd together.
   * or you can pass a value as a string to be the only value (for ease of use).
   * When you filter on many fields they are all AND'd together.
   * @param fieldname $key
   * @param string|array $values
   * @param type either requiredfields or partialfields
   * @param string $join either AND or OR
  public function addMetaDataFilter($key, $values, $type = 'partialfields', $join = 'OR') {
    if (!in_array($type, array(
    ))) {
      throw new GoogleMiniCriteriaException("You must provide a type of either partialfields or requiredfields", '-99');
    if (is_array($values)) {
      $this->_metaDataFilters[$type][$key] = new stdClass();
      $this->_metaDataFilters[$type][$key]->type = $join;
      foreach ($values as $k => $value) {
        $this->_metaDataFilters[$type][$key]->values[] = urlencode($value);
    else {
      $this->_metaDataFilters[$type][$key]->type = $join;
      $this->_metaDataFilters[$type][$key]->values = array(

   * Sets the languages to be used in the search, if none specified, searches all languages
   * @param array $languages
  public function setLanguageFilter($languages = NULL) {
    if ($languages) {
      if (is_array($languages)) {
          ->setQueryPart("lr", implode('|', $languages));
      else {
          ->setQueryPart("lr", $languages);
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Creates a date filter
   * @param date $date_before Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
   * @param date $date_after Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  public function setDateFilter($date_before, $date_after) {
    if ($this->_queryParts['q']) {
      $this->_queryParts['q'] .= "%20daterange:{$date_before}..{$date_after}";
    else {
        ->setQueryPart('q', "daterange:{$date_before}..{$date_after}");

   * Adds a site restriction. Useful if just querying by date, as that won't work
   * unless you search for words or at least one other keyword search.
   * @param string $domain
  public function setDomainRestriction($domain) {
    if ($this->_queryParts['q']) {
      $this->_queryParts['q'] .= "%20site:{$domain}";
    else {
        ->setQueryPart('q', "site:" . urlencode($domain));

   * Sets sorting type (date or relevancy) and direction
   * @param string $dir
   *  A - Sort in Ascending order
   *  D - Sort in Descending order
   * @param string $mode
   *  S - Return the 1,000 most relevant results, sorted by date.
   *  R - Return all results, sorted by date.
   *   *** WARNING *** Do not use this filter if your collection contains more than 50,000 documents.
   *   If the result set is very large, the sort operation could create significant delays in the display of results.
  public function setDateSort($dir = "D", $mode = 'S') {
    if ($dir != 'A' && $dir != 'D') {
      throw new GoogleMiniCriteriaException(sprintf("The Sort direction provided is incorrect.  Got %s, needs to be A or D", htmlentities($dir)), E_WARNING);
    if ($mode != 'S' && $mode != 'R') {
      throw new GoogleMiniCriteriaException(sprintf("The Sort mode provided is incorrect.  Got %s, needs to be S or R", htmlentities($mode)), E_WARNING);

    // build sort string
      ->setQueryPart('sort', "date:{$dir}:{$mode}:d1");
    return true;

   * Set the keywords used for keyword search
   * @param string $keys
  public function setKeywords($keys) {
    if ($this->_queryParts['q']) {
      $this->_queryParts['q'] .= "%20" . urlencode($keys);
    else {
        ->setQueryPart('q', urlencode($keys));

   * Set fields to show in results. For all fields, send an asterisk (*)
   * @param array $fields
  public function setMetaDataRequested($fields = NULL) {
    if (is_array($fields)) {
        ->setQueryPart('getfields', implode('.', $fields));
    else {
        ->setQueryPart('getfields', $fields);

   * Set page of result set to be shown and sets number of results per page
   * @param int $page
  public function setPageAndResultsPerPage($page = 0, $results = 10) {
    $end = $page * $results + $results;
    if ($end > GOOGLE_MINI_MAX_RESULTS) {
      throw new GoogleMiniCriteriaException("You cannot get more than " . GOOGLE_MINI_MAX_RESULTS . " results per page, requested {$end}", 2);
      ->setQueryPart('start', $page * $results);
      ->setQueryPart('num', $results);
    return true;

   * Set the encoding for data coming out of the search
   * @param string $enc
  public function setOutputEncoding($enc) {
      ->setQueryPart('oe', $enc);

   * Set the encoding for data going into the search
   * @param string $enc
  public function setInputEncoding($enc) {
      ->setQueryPart('ie', $enc);

   * Fires the query to google
  public function buildQuery() {
    if (!$this->baseUrl || !$this->collection) {
      throw new GoogleMiniQueryException("Required variables (baseUrl or collection) missing", E_WARNING);
    if (count($this->_metaDataFilters)) {
      foreach ($this->_metaDataFilters as $type => $fields) {
        $_metafilter = '';
        foreach ($fields as $field => $mdf) {
          if ($mdf->type == "ANDNEG") {
            foreach ($mdf->values as $value) {
              $metafilter .= '-' . $field . ':' . $value . '.';
          elseif ($mdf->type == 'OR' || $mdf->type == 'OROR') {
            $vals = array();
            foreach ($mdf->values as $v) {
              $vals[] = $field . ':' . $v;

            // The 'OROR' case is used on the Related Information pages, where you want
            // to search documents with one of multiple terms in multiple vocabularies.
            // You have to join the different types with a | otherwise the date sorting gets messed up.

             * IMPORTANT!  The new Version of the Mini uses parenthesis.
             * This will not work for older versions pre August 2008 (I believe).
             * If you are using one of these versions see the patch at: ?
             * which will use the old ?
            if ($mdf->type == 'OROR') {
              $metafilter .= '(' . join("|", $vals) . ")|";
            else {
              $metafilter .= '(' . join("|", $vals) . ").";
          else {
            foreach ($mdf->values as $value) {
              $metafilter .= $field . ':' . $value . '.';
        $metafilter = substr($metafilter, 0, -1);
          ->setQueryPart($type, $metafilter);
      ->setQueryPart('output', 'xml_no_dtd');
    $query = $this->baseUrl;
    $query .= "?site=" . $this->collection;
    if ($this->debug) {
        ->log('Building Query');
        ->log(var_export($this->_queryParts, 1));
    foreach ($this->_queryParts as $label => $value) {
      $query .= "&{$label}={$value}";
    $this->_query = $query;
    if ($this->debug) {
    return $query;
  public function query($iteratorClass = 'GoogleMiniResultIterator') {
    $query = $this
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $query);

    // Set the query URL.
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);

    // Return the response during the curl_exec() call, or FALSE on error.
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, TRUE);

    // Output errors to STDERR
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

    // Allow the cURL request to succeed even if the Google Mini server's SSL certificate isn't valid.
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);

    // This way, you can serve the Google Mini using https without having to maintain an SSL certficate.
    // Set this to a large number if connections aren't being made. Set to 0 for infinite timeout.
    if ($timeout = variable_get('google_appliance_timeout', FALSE)) {
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);

    // send request
    $resultXML = curl_exec($ch);
    if ($this->debug) {
        ->log('Made cURL request to ' . $query);

    // handle errors if cURL request fails
    if (!$resultXML) {
      if ($this->debug) {
          ->log('cURL error #' . curl_errno($ch) . ': ' . curl_error($ch));
      throw new GoogleMiniResultException('There was a cURL error while connecting with the Google device.');
      return FALSE;

    // if request succeeded, return formatted result set
    return self::resultFactory($resultXML, $iteratorClass);
  function resultFactory($resultXML, $className = 'GoogleMiniResultIterator') {
    $results = array();
    if (!($payload = simplexml_load_string($resultXML))) {
      $errors = array();
      foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
        $errors[] = $error->message;
      $errors = join(', ', $errors);
      throw new GoogleMiniResultException('There was an error parsing the result XML: ' . $errors);
      return FALSE;
    $totalResults = $payload->RES->M;
    if ($totalResults == 0) {
      if (!$payload->GM) {
        throw new GoogleMiniResultException("No Results found", '1');
    else {
      foreach ($payload
        ->xpath('//R') as $res) {
        $results[] = $res;
    $iterator = new $className($results);
    $iterator->payload = $payload;
    $iterator->time = $payload->TM;
    $iterator->totalResults = $totalResults;
    return $iterator;

class GoogleResult extends SimpleXMLIterator {

class GoogleMiniResultIterator extends ArrayIterator {
  public $time;
  public $payload;
  public $totalResults;
  function current() {
    $result = parent::current();
    return new GoogleMiniResult($result);
  function __get($key) {
    return $this->payload->{$key};

   * Returns an array of keymatches keyed with:
   * [link] => [title]
  function getKeyMatches() {
    $output = array();
    if ($this->GM) {
      foreach ($this->GM as $match) {
        $output[(string) $match->GL] = (string) $match->GD;
    return $output;

   * Returns an array of synonyms.
  function getSynonyms() {
    $output = array();
    if ($this->Synonyms) {
      foreach ($this->Synonyms
        ->children() as $child) {
        $output[] = (string) $child['q'];
    return $output;

class GoogleMiniResult {
  var $metaData;
  function __construct($result) {
    $this->result = $result;
  function __get($key) {
    return $this->result->{$key};
  function getMetaData($key) {
    if (!$this->metaData) {
    return $this->metaData[$key];
  function buildMetaData() {
    foreach ($this->result->MT as $metaTag) {
      $name = $metaTag['N'];
      $value = $metaTag['V'];
      $this->metaData[(string) $name] = (string) $value;

class GoogleMiniQueryException extends GoogleMiniException {

class GoogleMiniCriteriaException extends GoogleMiniException {

class GoogleMiniResultException extends GoogleMiniException {
  var $log_messages = array();

class GoogleMiniException extends Exception {
  function __construct($message, $code = null) {
    parent::__construct($message, $code);
    $this->userMessage = GoogleMiniException::getUserMessage($code);
    if (!$this->userMessage) {
      $this->userMessage = $message;
  function getErrorCodes() {
    static $error_codes;
    if (!$error_codes) {
      $error_codes = array(
        '-100' => 'We apologize, but the connection to our search engine appears to be down at the moment, please try again later.',
        '-99' => 'We apologize, but your search cannot be completed at this time, please try again later.',
        '1' => 'No results were found that matched your criteria.  Please try broadening your search.',
        '2' => 'Sorry, but our search does not return more than 1,000 records, please refine your criteria.',
    return $error_codes;
  function getUserMessage($code) {
    $error_codes = $this
    return $error_codes[$code];
