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8 string references to YAML keys in google_api_client.routing.yml in Google API PHP Client 8.3

Callback::callbackUrl in src/Controller/Callback.php
Callback URL for Google API Auth.
GoogleApiClientDeleteForm::getCancelUrl in src/Form/GoogleApiClientDeleteForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
GoogleApiClientForm::buildForm in src/Form/GoogleApiClientForm.php
Form constructor.
GoogleApiClientListBuilder::render in src/Entity/Controller/GoogleApiClientListBuilder.php
We override ::render() so that we can add our own content above the table. parent::render() is where EntityListBuilder creates the table using our buildHeader() and buildRow() implementations.
GoogleApiClientRevokeForm::getCancelUrl in src/Form/GoogleApiClientRevokeForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
GoogleApiServiceClientDeleteForm::getCancelUrl in src/Form/GoogleApiServiceClientDeleteForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
GoogleApiServiceClientForm::save in src/Form/GoogleApiServiceClientForm.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
google_api_client_entity_operation in ./google_api_client.module
Implements hook_entity_operation().