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6 calls to google_api_client_load_library() in Google API PHP Client 8.3

Callback::callbackUrl in src/Controller/Callback.php
Callback URL for Google API Auth.
GoogleApiClientForm::buildForm in src/Form/GoogleApiClientForm.php
Form constructor.
GoogleApiClientService::getClient in src/Service/GoogleApiClientService.php
Function to retrieve the google client for different operations.
GoogleApiServiceClientService::getClient in src/Service/GoogleApiServiceClientService.php
Function to retrieve the google client for different operations.
google_api_client_requirements in ./google_api_client.install
Implements hook_requirements().
_google_api_client_read_scope_info in ./google_api_client.module
Helper function which reads the installed library and discovery api to build cache for scopes and names.