You are here in Google Analytics Counter 7.3

Provides the Google Analytics Counter Feed object type and associated methods. Most of the Google Analytics authentication process is taken over from because all we need here is its Google Analytics API submodule but it is not possible to use that separately. Moreover, Google Analytics Reports requires also module Chart which is completely unrelated to this module. For use Oauth2 it's also included patch #20 from issue: "Add Support for OAuth2 Authentication" in

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 * @file
 * Provides the Google Analytics Counter Feed object type
 * and associated methods.
 * Most of the Google Analytics authentication process is taken over from
 * because all we need
 * here is its Google Analytics API submodule but it is not possible to use
 * that separately. Moreover, Google Analytics Reports requires also module
 * Chart which is completely unrelated to this module.
 * For use Oauth2 it's also included patch #20 from issue: "Add Support for
 * OAuth2 Authentication" in

 * GoogleAnalyticsCounterFeed class to authorize access to and request data
 * from the Google Analytics Core Reporting API.
class GoogleAnalyticsCounterFeed {
  const OAUTH2_REVOKE_URI = '';
  const OAUTH2_TOKEN_URI = '';
  const OAUTH2_AUTH_URL = '';
  const SCOPE = '';

  // Response object.
  public $response;

  // Formatted array of request results.
  public $results;

  // URL to Google Analytics Core Reporting API.
  public $queryPath;

  // Translated error message.
  public $error;

  // Boolean TRUE if data is from the cache tables.
  public $fromCache = FALSE;

  // OAuth access token.
  public $access_token;

  // OAuth refresh token.
  public $refresh_token;

  // OAuth expiration time.
  public $expires_at;

  // Host and endpoint of Google Analytics API.
  protected $host = '';

  // Request header source.
  protected $source = 'drupal';

  // Google authorize callback verifier string.
  protected $verifier;

  // OAuth host.
  protected $oAuthHost = '';

   * Check if object is authenticated with Google.
  public function isAuthenticated() {
    return !empty($this->access_token);
  public function __construct($token = NULL) {
    $this->access_token = $token;

   * Get the current page url
   * @return String
  public static function currentUrl() {
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
      $https = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on';
    else {
      $https = FALSE;
    $url = $https ? 'https://' : 'http://';
    $url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    if (!$https && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80' || $https && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '443') {
      $url .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
    return $url . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

   * Create a URL to obtain user authorization.
   * The authorization endpoint allows the user to first
   * authenticate, and then grant/deny the access request.
   * @param string $client_id
   * @return string
  public function createAuthUrl($client_id, $redirect_uri) {
    $params = array(
      'redirect_uri=' . $redirect_uri,
      'client_id=' . urlencode($client_id),
      'scope=' . self::SCOPE,
    $params = implode('&', $params);
    return self::OAUTH2_AUTH_URL . "?{$params}";

   * Authenticate with the Google API
   * @param String $client_id
   * @param String $client_secret
   * @param String $refresh_token
   * @return GAFeed
  protected function fetchToken($client_id, $client_secret, $redirect_uri, $refresh_token = NULL) {
    if ($refresh_token) {
      $params = array(
        'client_id=' . $client_id,
        'client_secret=' . $client_secret,
        'refresh_token=' . $refresh_token,
    else {
      $params = array(
        'code=' . $_GET['code'],
        'redirect_uri=' . $redirect_uri,
        'client_id=' . $client_id,
        'client_secret=' . $client_secret,
    $data = implode('&', $params);
    $this->response = drupal_http_request(self::OAUTH2_TOKEN_URI, array(
      'headers' => array(
        'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      'method' => 'POST',
      'data' => $data,
    if (substr($this->response->code, 0, 1) == '2') {
      $decoded_response = json_decode($this->response->data, true);
      $this->access_token = $decoded_response['access_token'];
      $this->expires_at = time() + $decoded_response['expires_in'];
      if (!$refresh_token) {
        $this->refresh_token = $decoded_response['refresh_token'];
    else {
      $error_msg = 'Code: !code - Error: !message - Message: !details';
      $error_vars = array(
        '!code' => $this->response->code,
        '!message' => $this->response->error,
        '!details' => strip_tags($this->response->data),
      $this->error = t($error_msg, $error_vars);
      watchdog('Google Analytics Counter', $error_msg, $error_vars, WATCHDOG_ERROR);

   * Complete the authentication process.
   * We got here after being redirected from a successful authorization grant.
   * Fetch the access token
   * @param String $client_id
   * @param String $client_secret
  public function finishAuthentication($client_id, $client_secret, $redirect_uri) {
      ->fetchToken($client_id, $client_secret, $redirect_uri);

   * Begin authentication by allowing the user to grant/deny access to the Google account
   * @param String $client_id
  public function beginAuthentication($client_id, $redirect_uri) {
      ->createAuthUrl($client_id, $redirect_uri));

   * Fetches a fresh access token with the given refresh token.
   * @param String $client_id
   * @param String $client_secret
   * @param string $refresh_token
  public function refreshToken($client_id, $client_secret, $refresh_token) {
    $this->refresh_token = $refresh_token;
      ->fetchToken($client_id, $client_secret, '', $refresh_token);

   * OAuth step #1: Fetch request token.
   * Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access
   * token, if a token isn't provided.
   * @param string|NULL $token The token (access token or a refresh token) that should be revoked.
   * @return boolean Returns True if the revocation was successful, otherwise False.
  public function revokeToken($token = NULL) {
    if (!$token) {
      $token = $this->refresh_token ? $this->refresh_token : $this->access_token;
    $this->response = drupal_http_request(self::OAUTH2_REVOKE_URI, array(
      'headers' => array(
        'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      'method' => 'POST',
      'data' => "token={$token}",
    if ($this->response->code == 200) {
      $this->access_token = NULL;
      return true;
    return false;

   * OAuth step #2: Authorize request token.
   * Generate authorization token header for all requests
   * @return Array
  public function generateAuthHeader($token = NULL) {
    if ($token == NULL) {
      $token = $this->access_token;
    return array(
      'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,

   * OAuth step #3: Fetch access token.
   * Set the verifier property
  public function setVerifier($verifier) {
    $this->verifier = $verifier;

   * Set the host property.
  public function setHost($host) {
    $this->host = $host;

   * Set the queryPath property.
  protected function setQueryPath($path) {
    $this->queryPath = 'https://' . $this->host . '/' . $path;

   * Public query method for all Core Reporting API features.
  public function query($url, $params = array(), $method = 'GET', $headers, $cache_options = array()) {
    $params_defaults = array(
      'start-index' => 1,
      'max-results' => 1000,
    $params += $params_defaults;

    // Provide cache defaults if a developer did not override them.
    $cache_defaults = array(
      'cid' => NULL,
      'expire' => google_analytics_counter_cache_time(),
      'refresh' => FALSE,
    $cache_options += $cache_defaults;

    // Provide a query MD5 for the cid if the developer did not provide one.
    if (empty($cache_options['cid'])) {
      $cache_options['cid'] = 'GoogleAnalyticsCounterFeed:' . md5(serialize(array_merge($params, array(
    $cache = cache_get($cache_options['cid']);
    if (!$cache_options['refresh'] && isset($cache) && !empty($cache->data)) {
      $this->response = $cache->data;
      $this->results = json_decode($this->response->data);
      $this->fromCache = TRUE;
    else {
        ->request($url, $params, $headers);
    if (empty($this->error)) {
      cache_set($cache_options['cid'], $this->response, 'cache', $cache_options['expire']);
    return empty($this->error);

   * Execute a query.
  protected function request($url, $params = array(), $headers = array(), $method = 'GET') {
    $options = array(
      'method' => $method,
      'headers' => $headers,
    if (count($params) > 0) {
      if ($method == 'GET') {
        $url .= '?' . drupal_http_build_query($params);
      else {
        $options['data'] = drupal_http_build_query($params);
    $this->response = drupal_http_request($url, $options);
    if ($this->response->code == '200') {
      $this->results = json_decode($this->response->data);
    else {

      // Data is undefined if the connection failed.
      if (!isset($this->response->data)) {
        $this->response->data = '';
      $error_vars = array(
        '@code' => $this->response->code,
        '@message' => $this->response->error,
        '@details' => strip_tags($this->response->data),
      $this->error = t('Code: @code, Error: @message, Message: @details', $error_vars);
      watchdog('Google Analytics Counter', 'Code: @code, Error: @message, Message: @details', $error_vars, WATCHDOG_ERROR);

   * Query Management API - Accounts.
  public function queryAccounts($params = array(), $cache_options = array()) {
      ->query($this->queryPath, $params, 'GET', $this
      ->generateAuthHeader(), $cache_options);
    return $this;

   * Query Management API - WebProperties.
  public function queryWebProperties($params = array(), $cache_options = array()) {
    $params += array(
      'account-id' => '~all',
      ->setQueryPath('management/accounts/' . $params['account-id'] . '/webproperties');
      ->query($this->queryPath, $params, 'GET', $this
      ->generateAuthHeader(), $cache_options);
    return $this;

   * Query Management API - Profiles.
  public function queryProfiles($params = array(), $cache_options = array()) {
    $params += array(
      'account-id' => '~all',
      'web-property-id' => '~all',
      ->setQueryPath('management/accounts/' . $params['account-id'] . '/webproperties/' . $params['web-property-id'] . '/profiles');
      ->query($this->queryPath, $params, 'GET', $this
      ->generateAuthHeader(), $cache_options);
    return $this;

   * Query Management API - Segments.
  public function querySegments($params = array(), $cache_options = array()) {
      ->query($this->queryPath, $params, 'GET', $this
      ->generateAuthHeader(), $cache_options);
    return $this;

   * Query Management API - Goals.
  public function queryGoals($params = array(), $cache_options = array()) {
    $params += array(
      'account-id' => '~all',
      'web-property-id' => '~all',
      'profile-id' => '~all',
      ->setQueryPath('management/accounts/' . $params['account-id'] . '/webproperties/' . $params['web-property-id'] . '/profiles/' . $params['profile-id'] . '/goals');
      ->query($this->queryPath, $params, 'GET', $this
      ->generateAuthHeader(), $cache_options);
    return $this;

   * Query and sanitize report data.
  public function queryReportFeed($params = array(), $cache_options = array()) {

    // Provide defaults if the developer did not override them.
    $params += array(
      'profile_id' => 0,
      'dimensions' => NULL,
      'metrics' => 'ga:visits',
      'sort_metric' => NULL,
      'filters' => NULL,
      'segment' => NULL,
      'start_date' => NULL,
      'end_date' => NULL,
      'start_index' => 1,
      'max_results' => 10000,
    $parameters = array(
      'ids' => $params['profile_id'],
    if (is_array($params['dimensions'])) {
      $parameters['dimensions'] = implode(',', $params['dimensions']);
    elseif ($params['dimensions'] !== NULL) {
      $parameters['dimensions'] = $params['dimensions'];
    if (is_array($params['metrics'])) {
      $parameters['metrics'] = implode(',', $params['metrics']);
    else {
      $parameters['metrics'] = $params['metrics'];
    if ($params['sort_metric'] == NULL && isset($parameters['metrics'])) {
      $parameters['sort'] = $parameters['metrics'];
    elseif (is_array($params['sort_metric'])) {
      $parameters['sort'] = implode(',', $params['sort_metric']);
    else {
      $parameters['sort'] = $params['sort_metric'];
    if (empty($params['start_date']) || !is_int($params['start_date'])) {

      // Use the day that Google Analytics was released (1 Jan 2005).
      $start_date = '2005-01-01';
    elseif (is_int($params['start_date'])) {

      // Assume a Unix timestamp.
      $start_date = date('Y-m-d', $params['start_date']);
    $parameters['start-date'] = $start_date;
    if (empty($params['end_date']) || !is_int($params['end_date'])) {
      $end_date = date('Y-m-d');
    elseif (is_int($params['end_date'])) {

      // Assume a Unix timestamp.
      $end_date = date('Y-m-d', $params['end_date']);
    $parameters['end-date'] = $end_date;

    // Accept only strings, not arrays, for the following parameters.
    if (!empty($params['filters'])) {
      $parameters['filters'] = $params['filters'];
    if (!empty($params['segment'])) {
      $parameters['segment'] = $params['segment'];
    $parameters['start-index'] = $params['start_index'];
    $parameters['max-results'] = $params['max_results'];
    if ($this
      ->query($this->queryPath, $parameters, 'GET', $this
      ->generateAuthHeader(), $cache_options)) {
    return $this;

   * Sanitize report data.
  protected function sanitizeReport() {

    // Named keys for report values.
    $this->results->rawRows = isset($this->results->rows) ? $this->results->rows : array();
    $this->results->rows = array();
    foreach ($this->results->rawRows as $row_key => $row_value) {
      foreach ($row_value as $item_key => $item_value) {
        $this->results->rows[$row_key][str_replace('ga:', '', $this->results->columnHeaders[$item_key]->name)] = $item_value;

    // Named keys for report totals.
    $this->results->rawTotals = $this->results->totalsForAllResults;
    $this->results->totalsForAllResults = array();
    foreach ($this->results->rawTotals as $row_key => $row_value) {
      $this->results->totalsForAllResults[str_replace('ga:', '', $row_key)] = $row_value;

   * Addition replacements.
  public function replaceData($type, $value) {
    switch ($type) {
      case 'userType':
        return $value == 'New Visitor' ? t('New Visitor') : t('Returning Visitor');
      case 'date':
        return strtotime($value);
      case 'yearMonth':
        return strtotime($value . '01');
      case 'userGender':
        return $value == 'male' ? t('Male') : t('Female');
        return $value;



Namesort descending Description
GoogleAnalyticsCounterFeed GoogleAnalyticsCounterFeed class to authorize access to and request data from the Google Analytics Core Reporting API.