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public function GoogleAnalyticsBasicTest::testGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode in Google Analytics 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/GoogleAnalyticsBasicTest.php \Drupal\Tests\google_analytics\Functional\GoogleAnalyticsBasicTest::testGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode()
  2. 4.x tests/src/Functional/GoogleAnalyticsBasicTest.php \Drupal\Tests\google_analytics\Functional\GoogleAnalyticsBasicTest::testGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode()

Tests if tracking code is properly added to the page.


tests/src/Functional/GoogleAnalyticsBasicTest.php, line 186


Test basic functionality of Google Analytics module.




public function testGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode() {
  $ua_code = 'UA-123456-2';
    ->set('account', $ua_code)

  // Show tracking code on every page except the listed pages.
    ->set('visibility.request_path_mode', 0)

  // Enable tracking code for all user roles.
    ->set('visibility.user_role_roles', [])

  /* Sample JS code as added to page:
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/sites/all/modules/google_analytics/google_analytics.js?w"></script>
     <!-- Global Site Tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
     <script async src=""></script>
     window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
     function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)};
     gtag('js', new Date());
     gtag('config', 'UA-123456-7');

  // Test whether tracking code uses latest JS.
    ->set('cache', 0)
    ->assertRaw('<script async src="' . $ua_code . '"></script>');
    ->assertRaw('window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)};gtag("js", new Date());');
    ->assertRaw('"google_analytics":{"account":"' . $ua_code . '"');

  // Enable anonymizing of IP addresses.
    ->set('privacy.anonymizeip', 1)

  // Test whether anonymize visitors IP address feature has been enabled.
    ->set('privacy.anonymizeip', 0)

  // Test if track Enhanced Link Attribution is enabled.
    ->set('track.linkid', 1)

  // Test if track Enhanced Link Attribution is disabled.
    ->set('track.linkid', 0)

  // Test if tracking of User ID is enabled.
    ->set('track.userid', 1)

  // Test if tracking of User ID is disabled.
    ->set('track.userid', 0)

  // Test if track display features is disabled.
    ->set('track.displayfeatures', 0)

  // Test if track display features is enabled.
    ->set('track.displayfeatures', 1)

  // Test if tracking of url fragments is enabled.
    ->set('track.urlfragments', 1)
    ->assertRaw('"page_path":location.pathname + + location.hash});');

  // Test if tracking of url fragments is disabled.
    ->set('track.urlfragments', 0)
    ->assertNoRaw('"page_path":location.pathname + + location.hash});');

  // Test whether single domain tracking is active.

  // Enable "One domain with multiple subdomains".
    ->set('domain_mode', 1)

  // Test may run on localhost, an ipaddress or real domain name.
  // TODO: Workaround to run tests successfully. This feature cannot tested
  // reliable.
  global $cookie_domain;
  if (count(explode('.', $cookie_domain)) > 2 && !is_numeric(str_replace('.', '', $cookie_domain))) {
      ->assertRaw('"cookie_domain":"' . $cookie_domain . '"');
  else {

    // Special cases, Localhost and IP addresses don't show 'cookieDomain'.
      ->assertNoRaw('"cookie_domain":"' . $cookie_domain . '"');

  // Enable "Multiple top-level domains" tracking.
    ->set('domain_mode', 2)
    ->set('cross_domains', "\")
    ->assertRaw('gtag("config", "' . $ua_code . '", {"groups":"default","linker":');
    ->assertRaw('gtag("config", "' . $ua_code . '", {"groups":"default","linker":{"domains":["",""]}});');
    ->set('domain_mode', 0)

  // Test whether debugging script has been enabled.
    ->set('debug', 1)

  // @FIXME


  // Check if text and link is shown on 'Status Reports' page.
  // Requires 'administer site configuration' permission.
    ->t('Google Analytics module has debugging enabled. Please disable debugging setting in production sites from the <a href=":url">Google Analytics settings page</a>.', [
    ':url' => Url::fromRoute('google_analytics.admin_settings_form')

  // Test whether debugging script has been disabled.
    ->set('debug', 0)

  // Test whether the CREATE and BEFORE and AFTER code is added to the
  // tracking code.
  $codesnippet_parameters = [
    'cookie_domain' => '',
    'cookie_name' => 'myNewName',
    'cookie_expires' => 20000,
    'sample_rate' => 4.3,
    ->set('codesnippet.create', $codesnippet_parameters)
    ->set('codesnippet.before', 'gtag("set", {"currency":"USD"});')
    ->set('codesnippet.after', 'gtag("config", "UA-123456-3", {"groups":"default"});if(1 == 1 && 2 < 3 && 2 > 1){console.log("Google Analytics: Custom condition works.");}')
    ->assertRaw('gtag("config", "' . $ua_code . '", {"groups":"default","cookie_domain":"","cookie_name":"myNewName","cookie_expires":20000,"sample_rate":4.3});');
    ->assertRaw('gtag("set", {"currency":"USD"});');
    ->assertRaw('gtag("config", "UA-123456-3", {"groups":"default"});');
    ->assertRaw('if(1 == 1 && 2 < 3 && 2 > 1){console.log("Google Analytics: Custom condition works.");}');