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function GoogleAnalyticsPhpFilterTest::testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter in Google Analytics 6.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 googleanalytics.test \GoogleAnalyticsPhpFilterTest::testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter()
  2. 7 googleanalytics.test \GoogleAnalyticsPhpFilterTest::testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter()


./googleanalytics.test, line 668
Test file for Google Analytics module.




function testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter() {
  $ua_code = 'UA-123456-1';
  $edit = array();
  $edit['googleanalytics_account'] = $ua_code;
  $edit['googleanalytics_visibility'] = 2;
  $edit['googleanalytics_pages'] = '<?php return 0; ?>';
    ->drupalPost('admin/settings/googleanalytics', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

  // Compare saved setting with posted setting.
  $googleanalytics_pages = variable_get('googleanalytics_pages', $this
    ->assertEqual('<?php return 0; ?>', $googleanalytics_pages, '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: PHP code snippet is intact.');

  // Check tracking code visibility.
  variable_set('googleanalytics_pages', '<?php return TRUE; ?>');
    ->assertRaw('//', '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: Tracking is displayed on frontpage page.');
    ->assertRaw('//', '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: Tracking is displayed on admin page.');
  variable_set('googleanalytics_pages', '<?php return FALSE; ?>');
    ->assertNoRaw('//', '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: Tracking is not displayed on frontpage page.');

  // Test administration form.
  variable_set('googleanalytics_pages', '<?php return TRUE; ?>');
    ->assertRaw(t('Pages on which this PHP code returns <code>TRUE</code> (experts only)'), '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: Permission to administer PHP for tracking visibility.');
    ->assertRaw(check_plain('<?php return TRUE; ?>'), '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: PHP code snippted is displayed.');

  // Login the delegated user and check if fields are visible.
    ->assertNoRaw(t('Pages on which this PHP code returns <code>TRUE</code> (experts only)'), '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: No permission to administer PHP for tracking visibility.');
    ->assertNoRaw(check_plain('<?php return TRUE; ?>'), '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: No permission to view PHP code snippted.');

  // Set a different value and verify that this is still the same after the post.
  variable_set('googleanalytics_pages', '<?php return 0; ?>');
  $edit = array();
  $edit['googleanalytics_account'] = $ua_code;
    ->drupalPost('admin/settings/googleanalytics', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

  // Compare saved setting with posted setting.
  $googleanalytics_visibility_pages = variable_get('googleanalytics_visibility', 0);
  $googleanalytics_pages = variable_get('googleanalytics_pages', $this
    ->assertEqual(2, $googleanalytics_visibility_pages, '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: Pages on which this PHP code returns TRUE is selected.');
    ->assertEqual('<?php return 0; ?>', $googleanalytics_pages, '[testGoogleAnalyticsPhpFilter]: PHP code snippet is intact.');