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filter.html in GMap Module 6.2


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<p>If you would like to use GMap macros directly in nodes, you will need to
    activate the <em>GMap filter</em> on one or more
    <a href="base_url:admin/settings/filters">input formats</a>.</p>

<p>To add a new input format, click the
    <a href="base_url:admin/settings/filters/add">Add input format</a> tab
    and fill in the form.

<p>To reconfigure an existing format, click the <em>Configure</em> link for the
    input format you wish to change on the
    <a href="base_url:admin/settings/filters">input formats</a> page.

    If you are using the <em>HTML filter</em> or another filter that strips or
    manipulates HTML content, it is highly recommended to keep them <em>above</em>
    the GMap Filter in the filter order. When configuring an input format, click the
    <em>Rearrange</em> tab to see and change the filter order.

    After adding the <em>GMap filter</em>, you can paste GMap "macros" into a node
    and they will turn into maps when viewing the node.

    If you have the <em>GMap Macro Builder</em> module installed, you can easily
    <a href="base_url:map/macro">create a macro</a> suitable for pasting into a

<p>Read <a href=""></a> for more information on input formats.