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9 calls to gmap_defaults() in GMap Module 6.2

gmap_admin_settings in ./
@file GMap settings form.
gmap_elements in ./gmap.module
Implementation of hook_elements().
gmap_location_node_page in ./gmap_location.module
Draws a page with a google map with the node on it, or if no node is set all of the nodes on it.
gmap_location_user_page in ./gmap_location.module
Draws a page with a google map that has all of the site users.
gmap_macro_builder_form in ./gmap_macro_builder.module
Macro builder form.
gmap_plugin_style_gmap::render in ./
Render the display in this style.
gmap_set_location in ./gmap.module
Location chooser utility function.
theme_gmap in ./gmap.module
Gmap element theme hook
_gmap_parse_macro in ./