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Functions in GMap Module 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_gmap_compress_icon_def ./ Make a compressed definition. A series of arrays with trailing holes allowed. Any missing values at the end of subarrays are equal to the last defined value. 1
_gmap_doheader ./gmap.module Set up the HTML header for GMap. If you are going to include a custom JS file that extends GMap, you probabaly want to call this first to ensure that the core js files have been added. 1
_gmap_get_icondata ./ Get marker icon data for constructing json object. 1
_gmap_get_marker_titles ./ 1
_gmap_location_node_map_defaults ./gmap_location.module Get the node map variable defaults. 2
_gmap_location_user_map_defaults ./gmap_location.module Get the user map variable defaults. 2
_gmap_parse_macro ./ 1
_gmap_parse_style ./ Parse a macro style definition. Example: #111111/1/100/#111111/1 @internal 1
_gmap_polyutil_encode ./ 2
_gmap_polyutil_get_zoom_level ./ Place points in levels based on their "weight" -- a value derived from distance calculations in the simplification algorithm, gmap_polyutil_dp_encode(). 1
_gmap_polyutil_zoom_levels ./ Build a logarithmic scale of zoom levels. 2
_gmap_prepare ./gmap.module Handle filter preparation. 1
_gmap_rebuild_marker_js_submit ./ Rebuild marker js. 1
_gmap_str2coord ./ Parse "x.xxxxx , y.yyyyyy (+ x.xxxxx, y.yyyyy ...)" into an array of points. @internal 1


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