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Functions in GMap Module 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_gmap_compress_array ./ Remove trailing duplicates from an array. 2
_gmap_compress_icon_def ./ Make a compressed definition. A series of arrays with trailing holes allowed. Any missing values at the end of subarrays are equal to the last defined value. 1
_gmap_doheader ./gmap.module Set up the HTML header for GMap. If you are going to include a custom JS file that extends GMap, you probabaly want to call this first to ensure that the core js files have been added. 1
_gmap_get_icondata ./ Get marker icon data for constructing json object. 1
_gmap_get_marker_titles ./ 1
_gmap_location_node_map_defaults ./gmap_location.module Get the node map variable defaults. 2
_gmap_location_user_map_defaults ./gmap_location.module Get the user map variable defaults. 3
_gmap_parse_macro ./ 1
_gmap_parse_style ./ Parse a macro style definition. Example: #111111/1/100/#111111/1 @internal 1
_gmap_polyutil_encode ./ 2
_gmap_polyutil_get_zoom_level ./ Place points in levels based on their "weight" -- a value derived from distance calculations in the simplification algorithm, gmap_polyutil_dp_encode(). 1
_gmap_polyutil_zoom_levels ./ Build a logarithmic scale of zoom levels. 2
_gmap_prepare ./gmap.module Handle filter preparation. 1
_gmap_str2coord ./ Parse "x.xxxxx , y.yyyyyy (+ x.xxxxx, y.yyyyy ...)" into an array of points. @internal 1
_gmap_views_find_coords_ids ./gmap_views.module Helper function to find a valid latitude and longitude in this field 2
_gmap_views_get_lat_long_from_ids ./gmap_views.module Helper function to find actual lat and lon values from the work done in _gmap_views_find_coords_ids 1
_location_floats_are_equal ./ Epsilon test. Helper function for seeing if two floats are equal. We could use other functions, but all of them belong to libraries that do not come standard with PHP out of the box. 1


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