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8 calls to globallink_is_field_configured_for_translation() in GlobalLink Connect for Drupal 7.6

globallink_beans_get_xml in globallink_beans/
Gets XML data from specific bean.
globallink_beans_traverse_fields_and_field_collections in globallink_beans/
Recursively adds fields and field collections to translation XML document.
globallink_entity_generate_xml_document in globallink_entity/
Generates XML document for entity.
globallink_entity_traverse_fields_and_field_collections in globallink_entity/
Traverses entity fields and field collections.
globallink_generate_xml_document in ./
Builds XML document with translation data.
globallink_insert_fc_fields in ./
Inserts field collection fields.
globallink_insert_fc_item_fields in ./
Inserts field collection item fields.
globallink_traverse_fields_and_field_collections in ./
Recursively adds fields and field collections to translation XML document.