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7 calls to global_filter_set_on_session() in Views Global Filter 8

global_filter_action_set_filter in ./
The action function for the 'global_filter_action_set_filter'.
global_filter_clear_filters in ./global_filter.module
Set all or the supplied global filters back to their global defaults.
global_filter_get_view_next_value in ./global_filter.module
In the supplied view return the successor to the supplied reference value.
global_filter_init in ./global_filter.module
Implements hook_init().
global_filter_set_form_on_session in ./
Stashes the selected global filter value(s) in the user's session.
global_filter_user_login in ./global_filter.module
Implements hook_user_login().
global_filter_user_profile_form_submit in ./global_filter.module
Additional handler for when the user_profile_form is submitted.