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17 calls to global_filter_get_parameter() in Views Global Filter 8

global_filter_active_filter_names in ./global_filter.module
Returns a list of all filter names or only those visible on the current page.
global_filter_block_configure in ./
Implements hook_block_configure().
global_filter_block_save in ./
Implements hook_block_save().
global_filter_clear_filters in ./global_filter.module
Set all or the supplied global filters back to their global defaults.
global_filter_create_widget in ./
Based on the requested or field-implied widget.
global_filter_field_slider_widget_form_alter in widgets/
Called via hook_field_widget_form_alter().
global_filter_finalise_form in ./
Complete the form.
global_filter_get_filters_for_block in ./
Return an array of names of the filters inside the block by the given id.
global_filter_get_global_default in ./global_filter.module
Get the global default for the filter by the supplied name or index.
global_filter_get_used_view_names in ./global_filter.module
Returns a list of view names that are currently used as global filters.
global_filter_init in ./global_filter.module
Implements hook_init().
global_filter_key_by_name in ./global_filter.module
Get filter key by name.
global_filter_options_none in ./
Override of the theme_options_none() function.
global_filter_set_on_session in ./
Sets the filter of the supplied name to the supplied value.
global_filter_user_login in ./global_filter.module
Implements hook_user_login().
global_filter_user_profile_form_submit in ./global_filter.module
Additional handler for when the user_profile_form is submitted.
_global_filter_configure_form in ./
Generates the filter configuration form for filters in a block.