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9 calls to SqlGroupGraphStorage::loadMap() in Subgroup (Graph) 1.0.x

SqlGroupGraphStorage::getAncestors in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
Gets all ancestor parent groups of the given child group.
SqlGroupGraphStorage::getDescendants in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
Gets all descendant child groups of the given parent group.
SqlGroupGraphStorage::getDirectAncestors in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
SqlGroupGraphStorage::getDirectDescendants in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
SqlGroupGraphStorage::getPath in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
Use the Breadth-first search algoritm to find the path between groups.
SqlGroupGraphStorage::isAncestor in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
Checks if a group (A) is the direct ancestor of another group (B).
SqlGroupGraphStorage::isDescendant in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
Checks if a group (A) is the descendant of another group (B).
SqlGroupGraphStorage::isDirectAncestor in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
Checks if a group (A) is the ancestor of another group (B).
SqlGroupGraphStorage::isDirectDescendant in src/Graph/SqlGroupGraphStorage.php
Checks if a group (A) is the direct descendant of another group (B).