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function getlocations_mapquest_plugin_style::options_form in Get Locations 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/getlocations_mapquest/views/ \getlocations_mapquest_plugin_style::options_form()

Options form

Overrides views_plugin_style::options_form


modules/getlocations_mapquest/views/, line 107 @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL


@file @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL


function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
  parent::options_form($form, $form_state);

  #if (! module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {

  #  return;

  $form['#theme'] = 'getlocations_mapquest_plugin_style_options_form';
  $getlocations_mapquest_paths = getlocations_mapquest_paths_get();
  $getlocations_paths = getlocations_paths_get();
  $form['#attached']['js'] = array(
  $handlers = $this->display->handler
  $source_options = array(
    '' => t('None'),
  foreach ($handlers as $handle) {
    $source_options[$handle->options['id']] = !empty($handle->options['label']) ? $handle->options['label'] : $handle->options['id'];
  $labels = array(
    'width' => t('Width'),
    'height' => t('Height'),
  $form += getlocations_map_display_basics_form($this->options, $labels);
  $form += getlocations_mapquest_display_options_form($this->options);

  // markers

      if ($this->options['awesome'] && $this->options['marker_type'] == 'fa') {
        // do awesome markers
        // nodes
        $labels = array(
          'awesome_icon' => t('Node Awesome icon'),
          'awesome_icon_color' => t('Node Awesome icon color'),
          'awesome_marker_color' => t('Node Awesome marker color'),
          'awesome_title' => t('Node Awesome Fonts icon settings'),
          'awesome_icon_spin' => t('Node Awesome icon spin'),
          'awesome_icon_size' => t('Node Awesome icon size'),
          'awesome_icon_type' => t('Node Awesome icon type'),
          'awesome_icon_flip' => t('Node Awesome icon flip and rotate'),
        $form += getlocations_mapquest_awesome_markers_elements_get($this->options, $labels, "node");
        // TODO per content type fieldname etc
        // node type markers
        if ($types = getlocations_get_types()) {
          $getlocations_node_marker = variable_get('getlocations_node_marker', array('enable' => 0));
          if ($getlocations_node_marker['enable']) {
            $typect = 0;
            foreach ($types AS $type => $name) {
              $field_names = getlocations_get_fieldname2($type, 'node');
              foreach ($field_names AS $field_name) {
                $label = t('%name Map marker, field %field' , array('%name' => $name, '%field' => $field_name));
                $mkey = 'node_marker__' . drupal_strtolower($type) . '__' . $field_name;
                $labels = array(
                  'awesome_icon'         => t($label . ' Awesome icon'),
                  'awesome_icon_color'   => t($label . ' Awesome icon color'),
                  'awesome_marker_color' => t($label . ' Awesome marker color'),
                  'awesome_title'        => t($label . ' Awesome Fonts icon settings'),
                  'awesome_icon_spin'    => t($label . ' Awesome icon spin'),
                  'awesome_icon_size'    => t($label . ' Awesome icon size'),
                  'awesome_icon_type'    => t($label . ' Awesome icon type'),
                  'awesome_icon_flip'    => t($label . ' Awesome icon flip and rotate'),
                $form += getlocations_mapquest_awesome_markers_elements_get($this->options, $labels, $mkey);
        // users
        if (getlocations_check_entity_type('user') || getlocations_check_entity_type('profile2')) {
          $labels = array(
            'awesome_icon' => t('User Awesome icon'),
            'awesome_icon_color' => t('User Awesome icon color'),
            'awesome_marker_color' => t('User Awesome marker color'),
            'awesome_title' => t('User Awesome Fonts icon settings'),
            'awesome_icon_spin' => t('User Awesome icon spin'),
            'awesome_icon_size' => t('User Awesome icon size'),
            'awesome_icon_type' => t('User Awesome icon type'),
            'awesome_icon_flip' => t('User Awesome icon flip and rotate'),
          $form += getlocations_mapquest_awesome_markers_elements_get($this->options, $labels, 'user');

        if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
          if ($types = getlocations_get_machine_vocabularies()) {
            // vocabulary
            // TODO per vocab
            $labels = array(
              'awesome_icon' => t('Vocabulary Awesome icon'),
              'awesome_icon_color' => t('Vocabulary Awesome icon color'),
              'awesome_marker_color' => t('Vocabulary Awesome marker color'),
              'awesome_title' => t('Vocabulary Awesome Fonts icon settings'),
              'awesome_icon_spin' => t('Vocabulary Awesome icon spin'),
              'awesome_icon_size' => t('Vocabulary Awesome icon size'),
              'awesome_icon_type' => t('Vocabulary Awesome icon type'),
              'awesome_icon_flip' => t('Vocabulary Awesome icon flip and rotate'),
            $form += getlocations_mapquest_awesome_markers_elements_get($this->options, $labels, 'vocabulary');

          // terms
          // TODO per term
          $labels = array(
            'awesome_icon' => t('Term Awesome icon'),
            'awesome_icon_color' => t('Term Awesome icon color'),
            'awesome_marker_color' => t('Term Awesome marker color'),
            'awesome_title' => t('Term Awesome Fonts icon settings'),
            'awesome_icon_spin' => t('Term Awesome icon spin'),
            'awesome_icon_size' => t('Term Awesome icon size'),
            'awesome_icon_type' => t('Term Awesome icon type'),
            'awesome_icon_flip' => t('Term Awesome icon flip and rotate'),
          $form += getlocations_mapquest_awesome_markers_elements_get($this->options, $labels, 'term');
        if (getlocations_check_entity_type('comment')) {
          // comment
          $labels = array(
            'awesome_icon' => t('Comment Awesome icon'),
            'awesome_icon_color' => t('Comment Awesome icon color'),
            'awesome_marker_color' => t('Comment Awesome marker color'),
            'awesome_title' => t('Comment Awesome Fonts icon settings'),
            'awesome_icon_spin' => t('Comment Awesome icon spin'),
            'awesome_icon_size' => t('Comment Awesome icon size'),
            'awesome_icon_type' => t('Comment Awesome icon type'),
            'awesome_icon_flip' => t('Comment Awesome icon flip and rotate'),
          $form += getlocations_mapquest_awesome_markers_elements_get($this->options, $labels, 'comment');


      else {

  // do getlocations markers
  $markers = getlocations_get_marker_titles();

  // node markers
  $getlocations_node_marker = variable_get('getlocations_node_marker', array(
    'enable' => 0,
  if ($getlocations_node_marker['enable']) {
    if ($types = getlocations_get_types()) {
      foreach ($types as $type => $name) {
        $field_names = getlocations_get_fieldname2($type, 'node');
        foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
          if (isset($getlocations_node_marker['content_type'][$type]['field_name'][$field_name]['map_marker'])) {
            $mkey = 'node_marker__' . drupal_strtolower($type) . '__' . $field_name;
            $form[$mkey] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('%name Content Map Marker, field %field', array(
              '%name' => $name,
              '%field' => $field_name,
            )), $markers, isset($this->options[$mkey]) ? $this->options[$mkey] : $getlocations_node_marker['content_type'][$type]['field_name'][$field_name]['map_marker']);
  else {
    $form['node_map_marker'] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('Content Map marker'), $markers, $this->options['node_map_marker']);

  // user markers
  if (getlocations_check_entity_type('user') || getlocations_check_entity_type('profile2')) {
    $form['user_map_marker'] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('User Map Marker'), $markers, $this->options['user_map_marker']);

  // vocabulary markers
  if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    if ($types = getlocations_get_machine_vocabularies()) {
      $types2 = getlocations_get_vocabularies();
      $getlocations_vocabulary_marker = variable_get('getlocations_vocabulary_marker', array(
        'enable' => 0,
      if ($getlocations_vocabulary_marker['enable']) {
        foreach ($types as $type => $name) {
          $field_name = getlocations_get_fieldname($name, 'taxonomy_term');
          $mkey = 'vocabulary_marker_' . $field_name;
          $form[$mkey] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('%name Vocabulary Marker', array(
            '%name' => $types2[$type],
          )), $markers, isset($this->options[$mkey]) ? $this->options[$mkey] : $getlocations_vocabulary_marker['vocabulary'][$type]['map_marker']);
      else {
        $form['vocabulary_map_marker'] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('Vocabulary Map Marker'), $markers, $this->options['vocabulary_map_marker']);

    // term markers
    $getlocations_term_marker = variable_get('getlocations_term_marker', array(
      'enable' => 0,
      'vids' => 0,
      'max_depth' => '',
    if ($getlocations_term_marker['enable'] && $getlocations_term_marker['vids']) {
      $depth = is_numeric($getlocations_term_marker['max_depth']) && $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] > 0 ? $getlocations_term_marker['max_depth'] : NULL;
      $vids = $getlocations_term_marker['vids'];
      foreach ($vids as $vid) {
        $terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, $depth);
        $tct = 0;
        foreach ($terms as $term) {
          $name = $term->name;
          $tid = $term->tid;
          $mkey = 'term_marker_' . $tid;
          $form[$mkey] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('%name Map Marker', array(
            '%name' => $name,
          )), $markers, $this->options[$mkey]);
          if (!$tct) {
            $v = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
            $vocab_name = $v->name;
            $form[$mkey]['#prefix'] = t('Terms for %name', array(
              '%name' => $vocab_name,
    else {
      $form['term_map_marker'] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('Term Map marker'), $markers, $this->options['term_map_marker']);

  // comments
  if (getlocations_check_entity_type('comment')) {

    // default comment marker
    $form['comment_map_marker'] = getlocations_element_map_marker(t('Comment Map marker'), $markers, $this->options['comment_map_marker']);

  /*    } */

  // search markers
  if (module_exists('getlocations_fields') && module_exists('views')) {
    $form += getlocations_fields_views_search_form($this->options, 'mapquest');

  // end markers
  // categories
  $term_reference_fields = getlocations_get_term_reference_fields();
  $opts = array(
    0 => t('None'),
    1 => t('Content Type'),
  if ($term_reference_fields) {
    $opts += array(
      2 => t('Term reference'),
  $form['category_method'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Category method'), $this->options['category_method'], $opts, t('To ensure that this works you will need to add either a Content type or a Term reference field to the Field list in your View.'));
  $form['category_method']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-category1">';
  if ($term_reference_fields) {
    $form['category_term_reference_field'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Term reference field name'), $this->options['category_term_reference_field'], $term_reference_fields, t('Select the field on which you are categorising.'));
    $form['category_term_reference_field']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-category2">';
    $form['category_term_reference_field']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  $form['category_showhide_buttons'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Enable category show/hide buttons'), $this->options['category_showhide_buttons'], t('This option will place toggle buttons on the map.'));
  $form['category_showhide_buttons']['#suffix'] = '</div>';

  // custom content
  $form['custom_content_enable'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Replace default content'), $this->options['custom_content_enable']);
  $form['custom_content_enable']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-custom-content-enable">';
  $form['custom_content_enable']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  $form['custom_content_source'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Popup Data'), $this->options['custom_content_source'], $source_options, t('The field to use as a data source for the marker popup.'));
  $form['custom_content_source']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-custom-content-source">';
  $form['custom_content_source']['#suffix'] = '</div>';

  #    $form['nodezoom'] = getlocations_element_map_zoom(

  #      t('Default Zoom for Single location'),

  #      $this->options['nodezoom'],

  #      t('The Default zoom level for a single marker.')

  #    );
  $form['empty_result'] = getlocations_element_map_checkbox(t('Show map even if view has no results'), $this->options['empty_result']);

  #$form['empty_result'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => 0);

  // munge the title and description
  $form['category_showhide_buttons']['#title'] = t('Enable category show/hide checkboxes');
  $form['category_showhide_buttons']['#description'] = t('This option will place checkboxes on the layer control');