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Functions in Get Locations 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
getlocations_map_display_options_form ./getlocations.module 2
getlocations_menu ./getlocations.module Implementation of hook_menu().
getlocations_nids ./getlocations.module Menu callback 1 1
getlocations_nodemap ./getlocations.module Menu callback 1 1
getlocations_paths_get ./getlocations.module 2
getlocations_perm ./getlocations.module Implementation of hook_perm().
getlocations_regenerate_markers ./getlocations.module Regenerate the markerdata file. 2
getlocations_reverse_geocode ./getlocations.module Reverse Geocode an address Input can be a string or an array Output is an array if successful, string if failed
getlocations_setlocations ./getlocations.module Set up javascript settings and map 6
getlocations_settings_form ./ Function to display the getlocations admin settings form 1
getlocations_settings_validate ./ 1
getlocations_setup_js ./getlocations.module Function to setup the map scripts 1
getlocations_setup_map ./getlocations.module Function to setup the map scripts 2
getlocations_theme ./ Implementation of hook_theme().
getlocations_typemap ./getlocations.module Menu callback 1 1
getlocations_type_load ./getlocations.module Check that the node type exists
getlocations_uninstall ./getlocations.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
getlocations_usermap ./getlocations.module Menu callback 1 1
getlocations_usersmap ./getlocations.module Menu callback 1 1
getlocations_views_api ./getlocations.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
getlocations_views_default_views ./ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
getlocations_views_plugins ./ Implementation of hook_views_plugins().
template_preprocess_getlocations_box ./
template_preprocess_getlocations_view_map ./ Preprocess function for theme_getlocations_view_map().
theme_getlocations_info ./ returns a location's vcard, requested by ajax
theme_getlocations_show ./ All the map displays pass through here.
_getlocations_compress_array ./ Remove trailing duplicates from an array. 2
_getlocations_compress_icon_def ./ Make a compressed definition. A series of arrays with trailing holes allowed. Any missing values at the end of subarrays are equal to the last defined value. 1
_getlocations_get_icondata ./ Get marker icon data for constructing json object. 1
_getlocations_get_marker_titles ./ 1
_getlocations_rebuild_marker_js_submit ./ Rebuild marker js. 1


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