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8 calls to getdirections_latlon_check() in Get Directions 7.3

getdirections_entity_setlocation in ./getdirections.module
Function to setup the map
getdirections_entity_setlocations in ./getdirections.module
Function to setup the map
getdirections_entity_setlocations_via in ./getdirections.module
Function to setup the map to display waypoints
getdirections_fields_field_formatter_view in modules/getdirections_fields/getdirections_fields.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view(). Build a renderable array for a field value.
getdirections_latlon in ./getdirections.module
Function to setup the map and form
getdirections_latlons in ./getdirections.module
Function to setup the map
getdirections_latlon_load in ./getdirections.module
getdirections_setlocation_id in ./getdirections.module
Function to setup the map and form