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geshifilter.install in GeSHi Filter for syntax highlighting 5.2

Installation and uninstallation functions for the GeSHi filter.


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 * @file
 * Installation and uninstallation functions for the GeSHi filter.

 * Implementation of hook_install
function geshifilter_install() {

  // Enable some popular languages and set their language tags by default
  $languages = array(
  foreach ($languages as $language) {
    variable_set('geshifilter_language_enabled_' . $language, TRUE);
    variable_set('geshifilter_language_tags_' . $language, '<' . $language . '>');

  // what to do next?
  drupal_set_message(t('GeSHi filter is installed. You should now <a href="!geshi_admin">configure the GeSHi filter</a> and enable it in the desired <a href="!input_formats">input formats</a>.', array(
    '!geshi_admin' => url('admin/settings/geshifilter'),
    '!input_formats' => url('admin/settings/filters'),

 * On uninstall: remove module variables and clear variable cache
function geshifilter_uninstall() {
  db_query("DELETE FROM {variable} WHERE name LIKE 'geshifilter_%'");
  cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache');

 * Implementation of hook_update_N()
function geshifilter_update_1() {

  // clear the cache of available languages
  return array();


Namesort descending Description
geshifilter_install Implementation of hook_install
geshifilter_uninstall On uninstall: remove module variables and clear variable cache
geshifilter_update_1 Implementation of hook_update_N()