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views.view.geolocation_common_map_ajax_test.yml in Geolocation Field 8



View source
  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. module:
  5. - geolocation
  6. - node
  7. - user
  8. id: geolocation_common_map_ajax_test
  9. label: 'Geolocation Common Map Ajax Test'
  10. module: views
  11. description: ''
  12. tag: ''
  13. base_table: node_field_data
  14. base_field: nid
  15. core: 8.x
  16. display:
  17. default:
  18. display_plugin: default
  19. id: default
  20. display_title: Master
  21. position: 0
  22. display_options:
  23. access:
  24. type: perm
  25. options:
  26. perm: 'access content'
  27. cache:
  28. type: tag
  29. options: { }
  30. query:
  31. type: views_query
  32. options:
  33. disable_sql_rewrite: false
  34. distinct: false
  35. replica: false
  36. query_comment: ''
  37. query_tags: { }
  38. exposed_form:
  39. type: basic
  40. options:
  41. submit_button: Apply
  42. reset_button: true
  43. reset_button_label: Reset
  44. exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
  45. expose_sort_order: true
  46. sort_asc_label: Asc
  47. sort_desc_label: Desc
  48. pager:
  49. type: full
  50. options:
  51. items_per_page: 10
  52. offset: 0
  53. id: 0
  54. total_pages: null
  55. expose:
  56. items_per_page: false
  57. items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
  58. items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
  59. items_per_page_options_all: false
  60. items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
  61. offset: false
  62. offset_label: Offset
  63. tags:
  64. previous: '‹ Previous'
  65. next: 'Next ›'
  66. first: '« First'
  67. last: 'Last »'
  68. quantity: 9
  69. style:
  70. type: default
  71. options:
  72. grouping: { }
  73. row_class: ''
  74. default_row_class: true
  75. row:
  76. type: fields
  77. options:
  78. default_field_elements: true
  79. inline: { }
  80. separator: ''
  81. hide_empty: false
  82. fields:
  83. title:
  84. id: title
  85. table: node_field_data
  86. field: title
  87. entity_type: node
  88. entity_field: title
  89. label: ''
  90. alter:
  91. alter_text: false
  92. make_link: false
  93. absolute: false
  94. trim: false
  95. word_boundary: false
  96. ellipsis: false
  97. strip_tags: false
  98. html: false
  99. hide_empty: false
  100. empty_zero: false
  101. settings:
  102. link_to_entity: true
  103. plugin_id: field
  104. relationship: none
  105. group_type: group
  106. admin_label: ''
  107. exclude: false
  108. element_type: ''
  109. element_class: ''
  110. element_label_type: ''
  111. element_label_class: ''
  112. element_label_colon: true
  113. element_wrapper_type: ''
  114. element_wrapper_class: ''
  115. element_default_classes: true
  116. empty: ''
  117. hide_alter_empty: true
  118. click_sort_column: value
  119. type: string
  120. group_column: value
  121. group_columns: { }
  122. group_rows: true
  123. delta_limit: 0
  124. delta_offset: 0
  125. delta_reversed: false
  126. delta_first_last: false
  127. multi_type: separator
  128. separator: ', '
  129. field_api_classes: false
  130. field_geolocation:
  131. id: field_geolocation
  132. table: node__field_geolocation
  133. field: field_geolocation
  134. relationship: none
  135. group_type: group
  136. admin_label: ''
  137. label: ''
  138. exclude: false
  139. alter:
  140. alter_text: false
  141. text: ''
  142. make_link: false
  143. path: ''
  144. absolute: false
  145. external: false
  146. replace_spaces: false
  147. path_case: none
  148. trim_whitespace: false
  149. alt: ''
  150. rel: ''
  151. link_class: ''
  152. prefix: ''
  153. suffix: ''
  154. target: ''
  155. nl2br: false
  156. max_length: 0
  157. word_boundary: true
  158. ellipsis: true
  159. more_link: false
  160. more_link_text: ''
  161. more_link_path: ''
  162. strip_tags: false
  163. trim: false
  164. preserve_tags: ''
  165. html: false
  166. element_type: ''
  167. element_class: ''
  168. element_label_type: ''
  169. element_label_class: ''
  170. element_label_colon: false
  171. element_wrapper_type: ''
  172. element_wrapper_class: ''
  173. element_default_classes: true
  174. empty: ''
  175. hide_empty: false
  176. empty_zero: false
  177. hide_alter_empty: true
  178. click_sort_column: ''
  179. type: geolocation_latlng
  180. settings: { }
  181. group_column: ''
  182. group_columns: { }
  183. group_rows: true
  184. delta_limit: 0
  185. delta_offset: 0
  186. delta_reversed: false
  187. delta_first_last: false
  188. multi_type: separator
  189. separator: ', '
  190. field_api_classes: false
  191. plugin_id: geolocation_field
  192. filters:
  193. status:
  194. value: true
  195. table: node_field_data
  196. field: status
  197. plugin_id: boolean
  198. entity_type: node
  199. entity_field: status
  200. id: status
  201. expose:
  202. operator: ''
  203. group: 1
  204. type_1:
  205. id: type_1
  206. table: node_field_data
  207. field: type
  208. relationship: none
  209. group_type: group
  210. admin_label: ''
  211. operator: in
  212. value: { }
  213. group: 1
  214. exposed: true
  215. expose:
  216. operator_id: type_1_op
  217. label: 'Content type'
  218. description: ''
  219. use_operator: false
  220. operator: type_1_op
  221. identifier: type_1
  222. required: false
  223. remember: false
  224. multiple: false
  225. remember_roles:
  226. authenticated: authenticated
  227. anonymous: '0'
  228. administrator: '0'
  229. reduce: false
  230. is_grouped: false
  231. group_info:
  232. label: ''
  233. description: ''
  234. identifier: ''
  235. optional: true
  236. widget: select
  237. multiple: false
  238. remember: false
  239. default_group: All
  240. default_group_multiple: { }
  241. group_items: { }
  242. entity_type: node
  243. entity_field: type
  244. plugin_id: bundle
  245. field_geolocation_boundary:
  246. id: field_geolocation_boundary
  247. table: node__field_geolocation
  248. field: field_geolocation_boundary
  249. relationship: none
  250. group_type: group
  251. admin_label: ''
  252. operator: '='
  253. value:
  254. lat_north_east: ''
  255. lng_north_east: ''
  256. lat_south_west: ''
  257. lng_south_west: ''
  258. group: 1
  259. exposed: true
  260. expose:
  261. operator_id: ''
  262. label: 'Boundary (field_geolocation)'
  263. description: ''
  264. use_operator: false
  265. operator: field_geolocation_boundary_op
  266. identifier: field_geolocation_boundary
  267. required: false
  268. remember: false
  269. multiple: false
  270. remember_roles:
  271. authenticated: authenticated
  272. anonymous: '0'
  273. administrator: '0'
  274. is_grouped: false
  275. group_info:
  276. label: ''
  277. description: ''
  278. identifier: ''
  279. optional: true
  280. widget: select
  281. multiple: false
  282. remember: false
  283. default_group: All
  284. default_group_multiple: { }
  285. group_items: { }
  286. plugin_id: geolocation_filter_boundary
  287. sorts:
  288. type:
  289. id: type
  290. table: node_field_data
  291. field: type
  292. relationship: none
  293. group_type: group
  294. admin_label: ''
  295. order: ASC
  296. exposed: false
  297. expose:
  298. label: ''
  299. entity_type: node
  300. entity_field: type
  301. plugin_id: standard
  302. created:
  303. id: created
  304. table: node_field_data
  305. field: created
  306. order: DESC
  307. entity_type: node
  308. entity_field: created
  309. plugin_id: date
  310. relationship: none
  311. group_type: group
  312. admin_label: ''
  313. exposed: false
  314. expose:
  315. label: ''
  316. granularity: second
  317. title: Geolocation
  318. header: { }
  319. footer: { }
  320. empty: { }
  321. relationships: { }
  322. arguments: { }
  323. display_extenders: { }
  324. use_ajax: true
  325. filter_groups:
  326. operator: AND
  327. groups:
  328. 1: AND
  329. cache_metadata:
  330. max-age: -1
  331. contexts:
  332. - 'languages:language_content'
  333. - 'languages:language_interface'
  334. - url
  335. - url.query_args
  336. - 'user.node_grants:view'
  337. - user.permissions
  338. tags:
  339. - ''
  340. attachment_1:
  341. display_plugin: attachment
  342. id: attachment_1
  343. display_title: Attachment
  344. position: 2
  345. display_options:
  346. display_extenders: { }
  347. style:
  348. type: maps_common
  349. options:
  350. even_empty: 0
  351. geolocation_field: field_geolocation
  352. title_field: none
  353. icon_field: none
  354. dynamic_map:
  355. enabled: 1
  356. update_handler: boundary_filter_field_geolocation_boundary
  357. hide_form: 0
  358. update_target: page_1
  359. views_refresh_delay: 1200
  360. centre:
  361. fit_bounds:
  362. enable: true
  363. weight: 0
  364. first_row:
  365. enable: true
  366. weight: 0
  367. fixed_value:
  368. enable: true
  369. weight: 0
  370. settings:
  371. latitude: ''
  372. longitude: ''
  373. client_location:
  374. enable: true
  375. weight: 0
  376. settings:
  377. update_map: '0'
  378. boundary_filter_field_geolocation_boundary:
  379. enable: true
  380. weight: 0
  381. google_map_settings:
  382. type: ROADMAP
  383. zoom: '10'
  384. mapTypeControl: 1
  385. streetViewControl: 1
  386. zoomControl: 1
  387. scrollwheel: 1
  388. disableDoubleClickZoom: 0
  389. draggable: 1
  390. style: ''
  391. height: 400px
  392. width: 100%
  393. info_auto_display: 1
  394. defaults:
  395. style: false
  396. row: false
  397. row:
  398. type: fields
  399. options:
  400. default_field_elements: true
  401. inline: { }
  402. separator: ''
  403. hide_empty: false
  404. displays:
  405. page_1: page_1
  406. inherit_exposed_filters: true
  407. attachment_position: after
  408. display_description: ''
  409. cache_metadata:
  410. max-age: -1
  411. contexts:
  412. - 'languages:language_content'
  413. - 'languages:language_interface'
  414. - url
  415. - 'user.node_grants:view'
  416. - user.permissions
  417. tags:
  418. - ''
  419. page_1:
  420. display_plugin: page
  421. id: page_1
  422. display_title: Page
  423. position: 1
  424. display_options:
  425. display_extenders: { }
  426. path: geolocation-common-map-ajax-test
  427. defaults:
  428. filters: true
  429. filter_groups: true
  430. menu:
  431. enabled: true
  432. expanded: false
  433. cache_metadata:
  434. max-age: -1
  435. contexts:
  436. - 'languages:language_content'
  437. - 'languages:language_interface'
  438. - url
  439. - url.query_args
  440. - 'user.node_grants:view'
  441. - user.permissions
  442. tags:
  443. - ''