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views.view.geolocation_demo_interactive_commonmap_with_address_input.yml in Geolocation Field 8.2



View source
  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. config:
  5. - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. - node.type.geolocation_default_article
  10. -
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  13. - geolocation_google_maps_demo
  14. module:
  15. - geolocation
  16. - geolocation_google_maps
  17. - node
  18. - text
  19. - user
  20. id: geolocation_demo_interactive_commonmap_with_address_input
  21. label: 'Geolocation Demo - Interactive CommonMap with address input'
  22. module: views
  23. description: ''
  24. tag: 'Geolocation Demo'
  25. base_table: node_field_data
  26. base_field: nid
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  77. next: 'Next ›'
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  79. last: 'Last »'
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  264. field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy:
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  327. filters:
  328. type_1:
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  330. table: node_field_data
  331. field: type
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  335. operator: in
  336. value:
  337. geolocation_default_article: geolocation_default_article
  338. group: 1
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  352. anonymous: '0'
  353. administrator: '0'
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  358. description: ''
  359. identifier: ''
  360. optional: true
  361. widget: select
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  363. remember: false
  364. default_group: All
  365. default_group_multiple: { }
  366. group_items: { }
  367. entity_type: node
  368. entity_field: type
  369. plugin_id: bundle
  370. field_geolocation_demo_single_boundary:
  371. id: field_geolocation_demo_single_boundary
  372. table: node__field_geolocation_demo_single
  373. field: field_geolocation_demo_single_boundary
  374. relationship: none
  375. group_type: group
  376. admin_label: ''
  377. operator: '='
  378. value:
  379. lat_north_east: ''
  380. lng_north_east: ''
  381. lat_south_west: ''
  382. lng_south_west: ''
  383. group: 1
  384. exposed: true
  385. expose:
  386. operator_id: ''
  387. label: 'Boundary (field_geolocation_demo_single)'
  388. description: ''
  389. use_operator: false
  390. operator: field_geolocation_demo_single_boundary_op
  391. identifier: field_geolocation_demo_single_boundary
  392. required: false
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  394. multiple: false
  395. remember_roles:
  396. authenticated: authenticated
  397. anonymous: '0'
  398. administrator: '0'
  399. input_by_geocoding_widget: 0
  400. geocoder_plugin_settings:
  401. plugin_id: google_geocoding_api
  402. settings:
  403. label: Address
  404. description: 'Enter an address to be localized.'
  405. component_restrictions:
  406. route: ''
  407. locality: ''
  408. administrative_area: ''
  409. postal_code: ''
  410. country: ''
  411. is_grouped: false
  412. group_info:
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  414. description: ''
  415. identifier: ''
  416. optional: true
  417. widget: select
  418. multiple: false
  419. remember: false
  420. default_group: All
  421. default_group_multiple: { }
  422. group_items: { }
  423. plugin_id: geolocation_filter_boundary
  424. sorts:
  425. type:
  426. id: type
  427. table: node_field_data
  428. field: type
  429. relationship: none
  430. group_type: group
  431. admin_label: ''
  432. order: ASC
  433. exposed: false
  434. expose:
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  436. entity_type: node
  437. entity_field: type
  438. plugin_id: standard
  439. created:
  440. id: created
  441. table: node_field_data
  442. field: created
  443. order: DESC
  444. entity_type: node
  445. entity_field: created
  446. plugin_id: date
  447. relationship: none
  448. group_type: group
  449. admin_label: ''
  450. exposed: false
  451. expose:
  452. label: ''
  453. granularity: second
  454. title: 'Geolocation Demo - Dynamic CommonMap with Boundary filter'
  455. header:
  456. area:
  457. id: area
  458. table: views
  459. field: area
  460. relationship: none
  461. group_type: group
  462. admin_label: ''
  463. empty: false
  464. tokenize: false
  465. content:
  466. value: "Interact with the map by dragging or zooming and see the result markers on the map as well the list of results below update accordingly.\nAlternatively, you can type in an address and see the map move to the location and update itself."
  467. format: basic_html
  468. plugin_id: text
  469. footer: { }
  470. empty: { }
  471. relationships: { }
  472. arguments: { }
  473. display_extenders: { }
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  475. filter_groups:
  476. operator: AND
  477. groups:
  478. 1: AND
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  480. max-age: -1
  481. contexts:
  482. - 'languages:language_content'
  483. - 'languages:language_interface'
  484. - url
  485. - url.query_args
  486. - 'user.node_grants:view'
  487. - user.permissions
  488. tags:
  489. - ''
  490. - ''
  491. - ''
  492. attachment_1:
  493. display_plugin: attachment
  494. id: attachment_1
  495. display_title: Map
  496. position: 2
  497. display_options:
  498. display_extenders: { }
  499. display_description: ''
  500. style:
  501. type: maps_common
  502. options:
  503. geolocation_field: field_geolocation_demo_single
  504. title_field: title
  505. dynamic_map:
  506. enabled: 1
  507. update_handler: boundary_filter_field_geolocation_demo_single_boundary
  508. hide_form: 1
  509. views_refresh_delay: '1200'
  510. update_target: common_map_ajax_page
  511. centre:
  512. boundary_filter_field_geolocation_demo_single_boundary:
  513. enable: true
  514. weight: -10
  515. fit_bounds:
  516. map_center_id: fit_bounds
  517. weight: -9
  518. enable: false
  519. first_row:
  520. weight: -8
  521. enable: false
  522. map_center_id: location_plugins
  523. fixed_value:
  524. map_center_id: location_plugins
  525. enable: true
  526. weight: -7
  527. settings:
  528. latitude: 52
  529. longitude: 13
  530. client_location:
  531. map_center_id: client_location
  532. weight: -6
  533. enable: false
  534. even_empty: 1
  535. marker_icon_path: ''
  536. marker_row_number: 0
  537. map_provider_id: google_maps
  538. map_provider_settings:
  539. height: 400px
  540. width: 100%
  541. type: ROADMAP
  542. zoom: 3
  543. maxZoom: 18
  544. minZoom: 0
  545. rotateControl: false
  546. gestureHandling: auto
  547. map_features:
  548. control_locate:
  549. enabled: true
  550. weight: 0
  551. settings:
  552. position: TOP_LEFT
  553. marker_infowindow:
  554. enabled: true
  555. weight: 0
  556. settings:
  557. info_window_solitary: true
  558. disable_auto_pan: true
  559. info_auto_display: false
  560. marker_infobubble:
  561. weight: 0
  562. settings:
  563. close_other: 1
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  566. padding: 10
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  570. background_color: '#fff'
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  572. max_width: 550
  573. min_height: null
  574. max_height: null
  575. close_button: 0
  576. enabled: false
  577. marker_icon:
  578. weight: 0
  579. settings:
  580. marker_icon_path: ''
  581. anchor:
  582. x: 0
  583. 'y': 0
  584. origin:
  585. x: 0
  586. 'y': 0
  587. label_origin:
  588. x: 0
  589. 'y': 0
  590. size:
  591. width: null
  592. height: null
  593. scaled_size:
  594. width: null
  595. height: null
  596. enabled: false
  597. marker_clusterer:
  598. weight: 0
  599. settings:
  600. image_path: ''
  601. styles: ''
  602. max_zoom: 15
  603. enabled: false
  604. map_type_style:
  605. weight: 0
  606. settings:
  607. style: '{}'
  608. enabled: false
  609. control_zoom:
  610. enabled: true
  611. weight: 0
  612. settings:
  613. position: RIGHT_CENTER
  614. behavior: default
  615. style: LARGE
  616. control_streetview:
  617. weight: 0
  618. settings:
  619. position: TOP_LEFT
  620. behavior: default
  621. enabled: false
  622. control_recenter:
  623. weight: 0
  624. settings:
  625. position: TOP_LEFT
  626. enabled: false
  627. control_maptype:
  628. enabled: true
  629. weight: 0
  630. settings:
  631. position: RIGHT_BOTTOM
  632. behavior: default
  633. style: DEFAULT
  634. control_geocoder:
  635. enabled: true
  636. weight: 0
  637. settings:
  638. position: LEFT_BOTTOM
  639. geocoder: google_geocoding_api
  640. settings:
  641. label: Address
  642. description: 'Enter an address to be localized.'
  643. component_restrictions:
  644. route: ''
  645. locality: ''
  646. administrative_area: ''
  647. postal_code: ''
  648. country: ''
  649. drawing:
  650. weight: 0
  651. settings:
  652. strokeColor: '#FF0000'
  653. strokeOpacity: '0.8'
  654. strokeWeight: '2'
  655. fillColor: '#FF0000'
  656. fillOpacity: '0.35'
  657. polyline: false
  658. geodesic: false
  659. polygon: false
  660. enabled: false
  661. map_disable_poi:
  662. weight: 0
  663. enabled: false
  664. context_popup:
  665. weight: 0
  666. settings:
  667. content:
  668. value: ''
  669. format: basic_html
  670. enabled: false
  671. client_location_indicator:
  672. weight: 0
  673. enabled: false
  674. spiderfying:
  675. weight: 0
  676. enabled: false
  677. defaults:
  678. style: false
  679. row: false
  680. header: false
  681. row:
  682. type: 'entity:node'
  683. options:
  684. relationship: none
  685. view_mode: teaser
  686. displays:
  687. common_map_ajax_page: common_map_ajax_page
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  689. header: { }
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  691. max-age: -1
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  693. - 'languages:language_content'
  694. - 'languages:language_interface'
  695. - url
  696. - 'user.node_grants:view'
  697. - user.permissions
  698. tags:
  699. - ''
  700. - ''
  701. - ''
  702. common_map_ajax_page:
  703. display_plugin: page
  704. id: common_map_ajax_page
  705. display_title: 'Page with article list'
  706. position: 1
  707. display_options:
  708. display_extenders: { }
  709. path: geolocation-demo/common-map-ajax-with-address-input
  710. defaults:
  711. filters: true
  712. filter_groups: true
  713. menu:
  714. type: normal
  715. title: 'Interactive CommonMap with address input'
  716. description: ''
  717. expanded: false
  718. parent: ''
  719. weight: 0
  720. context: '0'
  721. menu_name: geolocation-demo
  722. display_description: ''
  723. cache_metadata:
  724. max-age: -1
  725. contexts:
  726. - 'languages:language_content'
  727. - 'languages:language_interface'
  728. - url
  729. - url.query_args
  730. - 'user.node_grants:view'
  731. - user.permissions
  732. tags:
  733. - ''
  734. - ''
  735. - ''