views.view.geolocation_demo_commonmap_with_attachment.yml in Geolocation Field 8.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
modules/geolocation_google_maps/modules/geolocation_google_maps_demo/config/optional/views.view.geolocation_demo_commonmap_with_attachment.ymlView source
- langcode: en
- status: true
- dependencies:
- config:
- - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
- -
- -
- -
- - node.type.geolocation_default_article
- -
- - taxonomy.vocabulary.geolocation_demo_taxonomy
- enforced:
- module:
- - geolocation_google_maps_demo
- module:
- - geolocation
- - geolocation_google_maps
- - node
- - taxonomy
- - text
- - user
- id: geolocation_demo_commonmap_with_attachment
- label: 'Geolocation Demo - CommonMap with updating attachment'
- module: views
- description: ''
- tag: 'Geolocation Demo'
- base_table: node_field_data
- base_field: nid
- core: 8.x
- display:
- default:
- display_plugin: default
- id: default
- display_title: Master
- position: 0
- display_options:
- access:
- type: perm
- options:
- perm: 'access content'
- cache:
- type: tag
- options: { }
- query:
- type: views_query
- options:
- disable_sql_rewrite: false
- distinct: false
- replica: false
- query_comment: ''
- query_tags: { }
- exposed_form:
- type: basic
- options:
- submit_button: Apply
- reset_button: true
- reset_button_label: Reset
- exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
- expose_sort_order: true
- sort_asc_label: Asc
- sort_desc_label: Desc
- pager:
- type: full
- options:
- items_per_page: 10
- offset: 0
- id: 0
- total_pages: null
- expose:
- items_per_page: false
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- items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
- items_per_page_options_all: false
- items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
- offset: false
- offset_label: Offset
- tags:
- previous: '‹ Previous'
- next: 'Next ›'
- first: '« First'
- last: 'Last »'
- quantity: 9
- style:
- type: default
- options:
- row_class: ''
- default_row_class: true
- uses_fields: false
- row:
- type: 'entity:node'
- options:
- relationship: none
- view_mode: teaser
- fields:
- title:
- id: title
- table: node_field_data
- field: title
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: title
- label: ''
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- make_link: false
- absolute: false
- trim: false
- word_boundary: false
- ellipsis: false
- strip_tags: false
- html: false
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- settings:
- link_to_entity: true
- plugin_id: field
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exclude: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
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- element_wrapper_type: ''
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- empty: ''
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: value
- type: string
- group_column: value
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- body:
- id: body
- table: node__body
- field: body
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: ''
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
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- rel: ''
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- suffix: ''
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- trim: false
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- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
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- element_label_class: ''
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- empty: ''
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- type: text_default
- settings: { }
- group_column: value
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- plugin_id: field
- field_geolocation_demo_single:
- id: field_geolocation_demo_single
- table: node__field_geolocation_demo_single
- field: field_geolocation_demo_single
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: Location
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: false
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: ''
- type: geolocation_latlng
- settings: { }
- group_column: ''
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- plugin_id: geolocation_field
- field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy:
- id: field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy
- table: node__field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy
- field: field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- label: 'Taxonomy Terms'
- exclude: false
- alter:
- alter_text: false
- text: ''
- make_link: false
- path: ''
- absolute: false
- external: false
- replace_spaces: false
- path_case: none
- trim_whitespace: false
- alt: ''
- rel: ''
- link_class: ''
- prefix: ''
- suffix: ''
- target: ''
- nl2br: false
- max_length: 0
- word_boundary: true
- ellipsis: true
- more_link: false
- more_link_text: ''
- more_link_path: ''
- strip_tags: false
- trim: false
- preserve_tags: ''
- html: false
- element_type: ''
- element_class: ''
- element_label_type: ''
- element_label_class: ''
- element_label_colon: false
- element_wrapper_type: ''
- element_wrapper_class: ''
- element_default_classes: true
- empty: ''
- hide_empty: false
- empty_zero: false
- hide_alter_empty: true
- click_sort_column: target_id
- type: entity_reference_label
- settings:
- link: false
- group_column: target_id
- group_columns: { }
- group_rows: true
- delta_limit: 0
- delta_offset: 0
- delta_reversed: false
- delta_first_last: false
- multi_type: separator
- separator: ', '
- field_api_classes: false
- plugin_id: field
- filters:
- type_1:
- id: type_1
- table: node_field_data
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: in
- value:
- geolocation_default_article: geolocation_default_article
- group: 1
- exposed: false
- expose:
- operator_id: type_1_op
- label: 'Content type'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: type_1_op
- identifier: type_1
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: type
- plugin_id: bundle
- field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy_target_id:
- id: field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy_target_id
- table: node__field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy
- field: field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy_target_id
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- operator: or
- value: { }
- group: 1
- exposed: true
- expose:
- operator_id: field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy_target_id_op
- label: 'Geolocation Demo Taxonomy (field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy)'
- description: ''
- use_operator: false
- operator: field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy_target_id_op
- identifier: field_geolocation_demo_taxonomy_target_id
- required: false
- remember: false
- multiple: false
- remember_roles:
- authenticated: authenticated
- anonymous: '0'
- administrator: '0'
- reduce: false
- is_grouped: false
- group_info:
- label: ''
- description: ''
- identifier: ''
- optional: true
- widget: select
- multiple: false
- remember: false
- default_group: All
- default_group_multiple: { }
- group_items: { }
- reduce_duplicates: false
- type: select
- limit: true
- vid: geolocation_demo_taxonomy
- hierarchy: false
- error_message: true
- plugin_id: taxonomy_index_tid
- sorts:
- type:
- id: type
- table: node_field_data
- field: type
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- order: ASC
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: type
- plugin_id: standard
- created:
- id: created
- table: node_field_data
- field: created
- order: DESC
- entity_type: node
- entity_field: created
- plugin_id: date
- relationship: none
- group_type: group
- admin_label: ''
- exposed: false
- expose:
- label: ''
- granularity: second
- title: 'Geolocation Demo - CommonMap with Attachment & AJAX'
- header: { }
- footer: { }
- empty: { }
- relationships: { }
- arguments: { }
- display_extenders: { }
- use_ajax: true
- filter_groups:
- operator: AND
- groups:
- 1: AND
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: -1
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- tags:
- - ''
- - ''
- - ''
- attachment_1:
- display_plugin: attachment
- id: attachment_1
- display_title: Map
- position: 2
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- display_description: ''
- style:
- type: maps_common
- options:
- geolocation_field: field_geolocation_demo_single
- title_field: title
- centre:
- fit_bounds:
- map_center_id: fit_bounds
- enable: true
- weight: -9
- first_row:
- map_center_id: location_plugins
- weight: -8
- enable: false
- fixed_value:
- map_center_id: location_plugins
- weight: -7
- settings:
- latitude: 0
- longitude: 0
- enable: false
- client_location:
- map_center_id: client_location
- weight: -6
- enable: false
- even_empty: 0
- marker_icon_path: ''
- marker_row_number: 0
- map_provider_id: google_maps
- map_provider_settings:
- height: 400px
- width: 100%
- type: ROADMAP
- zoom: 10
- maxZoom: 18
- minZoom: 0
- rotateControl: false
- gestureHandling: auto
- map_features:
- control_locate:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- position: TOP_LEFT
- enabled: false
- marker_infowindow:
- enabled: true
- weight: 0
- settings:
- info_window_solitary: true
- disable_auto_pan: true
- info_auto_display: false
- marker_infobubble:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- close_other: 1
- close_button_src: ''
- shadow_style: 0
- padding: 10
- border_radius: 8
- border_width: 2
- border_color: '#039be5'
- background_color: '#fff'
- min_width: null
- max_width: 550
- min_height: null
- max_height: null
- close_button: 0
- enabled: false
- marker_icon:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- marker_icon_path: ''
- anchor:
- x: 0
- 'y': 0
- origin:
- x: 0
- 'y': 0
- label_origin:
- x: 0
- 'y': 0
- size:
- width: null
- height: null
- scaled_size:
- width: null
- height: null
- enabled: false
- marker_clusterer:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- image_path: ''
- styles: ''
- max_zoom: 15
- enabled: false
- map_type_style:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- style: '[]'
- enabled: false
- control_zoom:
- enabled: true
- weight: 0
- settings:
- position: RIGHT_CENTER
- behavior: default
- style: LARGE
- control_streetview:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- position: TOP_LEFT
- behavior: default
- enabled: false
- control_recenter:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- position: TOP_LEFT
- enabled: false
- control_maptype:
- enabled: true
- weight: 0
- settings:
- position: RIGHT_BOTTOM
- behavior: default
- style: DEFAULT
- control_geocoder:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- position: TOP_LEFT
- geocoder: google_geocoding_api
- settings:
- label: Address
- description: 'Enter an address to be localized.'
- component_restrictions:
- route: ''
- locality: ''
- administrative_area: ''
- postal_code: ''
- country: ''
- enabled: false
- drawing:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- strokeColor: '#FF0000'
- strokeOpacity: '0.8'
- strokeWeight: '2'
- fillColor: '#FF0000'
- fillOpacity: '0.35'
- polyline: false
- geodesic: false
- polygon: false
- enabled: false
- map_disable_poi:
- weight: 0
- enabled: false
- context_popup:
- weight: 0
- settings:
- content:
- value: ''
- format: basic_html
- enabled: false
- client_location_indicator:
- weight: 0
- enabled: false
- spiderfying:
- weight: 0
- enabled: false
- defaults:
- style: false
- row: false
- row:
- type: 'entity:node'
- options:
- relationship: none
- view_mode: teaser
- displays:
- common_map_ajax_page: common_map_ajax_page
- inherit_exposed_filters: true
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: -1
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - user
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- tags:
- - ''
- - ''
- - ''
- common_map_ajax_page:
- display_plugin: page
- id: common_map_ajax_page
- display_title: 'Page with article list'
- position: 1
- display_options:
- display_extenders: { }
- path: geolocation-demo/common-map-ajax-with-attachment
- defaults:
- filters: true
- filter_groups: true
- menu:
- type: normal
- title: 'CommonMap with updating Attachment'
- description: ''
- expanded: false
- parent: ''
- weight: 0
- context: '0'
- menu_name: geolocation-demo
- display_description: ''
- cache_metadata:
- max-age: -1
- contexts:
- - 'languages:language_content'
- - 'languages:language_interface'
- - url
- - url.query_args
- - user
- - 'user.node_grants:view'
- - user.permissions
- tags:
- - ''
- - ''
- - ''