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9 calls to geoip_ip_address() in GeoIP API 7.2

geoip_admin_settings in ./
Menu callback and form builder for admin/settings/geoip.
geoip_city_name in ./geoip.module
Returns the city data for a given IP.
geoip_continent_code in ./geoip.module
Returns the continent code for a given IP.
geoip_continent_name in ./geoip.module
Returns the continent name for a given IP.
geoip_country_code in ./geoip.module
Returns the ISO 3166-2 country code for a given IP.
geoip_country_name in ./geoip.module
Returns the country name for a given IP.
geoip_raw_record in ./geoip.module
Returns the country code for a given IP.
geoip_region_code in ./geoip.module
Returns the region code for a given IP.
geoip_region_name in ./geoip.module
Returns the region name, given a country code and region code.