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TaxonomyTermThemerUrl.php in Geofield Map 8.2


View source

namespace Drupal\geofield_map\Plugin\GeofieldMapThemer;

use Drupal\geofield_map\MapThemerBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\geofield_map\Plugin\views\style\GeofieldGoogleMapViewStyle;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\geofield_map\Services\MarkerIconService;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException;
use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\ReplaceCommand;

 * Style plugin to render a View output as a Leaflet map.
 * @ingroup geofield_map_themers_plugins
 * Attributes set below end up in the $this->definition[] array.
 * @MapThemer(
 *   id = "geofieldmap_taxonomy_term_url",
 *   name = @Translation("Taxonomy Term (geofield_map) - Image Select"),
 *   description = "This Geofield Map Themer allows the Image Selection of
 * different Marker Icons based on Taxonomy Terms reference field in View.",
 *   context = {"ViewStyle"},
 *   weight = 4,
 *   markerIconSelection = {
 *    "type" = "file_uri",
 *    "configSyncCompatibility" = TRUE,
 *   },
 *   defaultSettings = {
 *    "values" = {},
 *    "legend" = {
 *      "class" = "taxonomy-term",
 *     },
 *   }
 * )
class TaxonomyTermThemerUrl extends MapThemerBase {

   * The config factory service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
  protected $config;

   * The entity type bundle info.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface
  protected $entityTypeBundleInfo;

   * Constructs a Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase object.
   * @param array $configuration
   *   A configuration array containing information about the plugin instance.
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The plugin_id for the plugin instance.
   * @param mixed $plugin_definition
   *   The plugin implementation definition.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $translation_manager
   *   The translation manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
   *   A config factory for retrieving required config objects.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer
   *   The renderer.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_manager
   *   The entity manager.
   * @param \Drupal\geofield_map\Services\MarkerIconService $marker_icon_service
   *   The Marker Icon Service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface $entity_type_bundle_info
   *   The entity type bundle info.
  public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, TranslationInterface $translation_manager, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, RendererInterface $renderer, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_manager, MarkerIconService $marker_icon_service, EntityTypeBundleInfoInterface $entity_type_bundle_info) {
    parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $translation_manager, $renderer, $entity_manager, $marker_icon_service);
    $this->config = $config_factory;
    $this->entityTypeBundleInfo = $entity_type_bundle_info;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
    return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container
      ->get('string_translation'), $container
      ->get('config.factory'), $container
      ->get('renderer'), $container
      ->get('entity_type.manager'), $container
      ->get('geofield_map.marker_icon'), $container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildMapThemerElement(array $defaults, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, GeofieldGoogleMapViewStyle $geofieldMapView) {

    // Get the existing (Default) Element settings.
    $default_element = $this

    // Get the MapThemer Entity type.
    $entity_type = $geofieldMapView
    $view_fields = $geofieldMapView

    // Get the field_storage_definitions.
    $field_storage_definitions = $geofieldMapView
    $taxonomy_ref_fields = [];
    foreach ($view_fields as $field_id => $field_label) {

      /* @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig $field_storage */
      if (isset($field_storage_definitions[$field_id]) && $field_storage_definitions[$field_id] instanceof FieldStorageConfig && $field_storage_definitions[$field_id]
        ->getType() == 'entity_reference' && $field_storage_definitions[$field_id]
        ->getSetting('target_type') == 'taxonomy_term' && $field_storage_definitions[$field_id]
        ->getCardinality() == 1) {
        $taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id] = [];

    // Get the MapThemer Entity bundles.
    $entity_bundles = $this->entityTypeBundleInfo

    // Filter the View Bundles based on the View Filtered Bundles,
    // but only if the MapThemer is working on the View base table entity type.
    $view_bundles = $this
      ->getMapThemerEntityBundles($geofieldMapView, $entity_type, $entity_bundles);
    foreach ($taxonomy_ref_fields as $field_id => $data) {
      $taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['target_bundles'] = [];
      foreach ($view_bundles as $bundle) {
        $target_bundles = $this->config
          ->get('field.field.' . $entity_type . '.' . $bundle . '.' . $field_id)
        $target_bundles = is_array($target_bundles) ? array_keys($target_bundles) : [];
        if (!empty($target_bundles)) {
          $taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['target_bundles'] = array_unique(array_merge($taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['target_bundles'], $target_bundles));
    foreach ($taxonomy_ref_fields as $field_id => $data) {
      $taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['terms'] = [];
      foreach ($data['target_bundles'] as $vid) {
        try {
          $taxonomy_terms = [];

          /* @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermStorageInterface $taxonomy_term_storage */
          $taxonomy_term_storage = $this->entityManager

          /* @var \stdClass $term */
          foreach ($taxonomy_term_storage
            ->loadTree($vid) as $term) {
            $taxonomy_terms[$term->tid] = $term->name . (count($data['target_bundles']) > 1 ? ' (vid: ' . $vid . ')' : '');
          $taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['terms'] += $taxonomy_terms;
        } catch (InvalidPluginDefinitionException $e) {
        } catch (PluginNotFoundException $e) {

      // Reorder the field_id referenceable terms on existing (Default)
      // Element settings.
      if (!empty($default_element)) {

        // Eventually filter out the default terms that have been removed, in
        // the meanwhile.
        $default_existing_array_keys = array_intersect(array_keys($default_element['fields'][$field_id]['terms']), array_keys($taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['terms']));
        $taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['terms'] = array_replace(array_flip($default_existing_array_keys), $taxonomy_ref_fields[$field_id]['terms']);

    // Define a default taxonomy_field.
    $keys = array_keys($taxonomy_ref_fields);
    $fallback_taxonomy_field = array_shift($keys);
    $default_taxonomy_field = !empty($default_element['taxonomy_field']) ? $default_element['taxonomy_field'] : $fallback_taxonomy_field;

    // Get the eventual ajax user input of the specific taxonomy field.
    $user_input = $form_state
    $user_input_taxonomy_field = isset($user_input['style_options']) && isset($user_input['style_options']['map_marker_and_infowindow']['theming']['geofieldmap_taxonomy_term']['values']['taxonomy_field']) ? $user_input['style_options']['map_marker_and_infowindow']['theming']['geofieldmap_taxonomy_term']['values']['taxonomy_field'] : NULL;
    $selected_taxonomy_field = isset($user_input_taxonomy_field) ? $user_input_taxonomy_field : $default_taxonomy_field;
    $element = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#prefix' => '<div id="taxonomy-themer-wrapper">',
      '#suffix' => '</div>',
    if (!count($taxonomy_ref_fields) > 0) {
      $element['taxonomy_field'] = [
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => 'div',
        '#value' => $this
          ->t('At least a Taxonomy Term reference field (<u>with a cardinality of 1</u>) should be added to the View to use this Map Theming option.'),
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
    else {
      $element['taxonomy_field'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Taxonomy Field'),
        '#description' => $this
          ->t('Chose the Taxonomy Term reference field to base the Map Theming upon <br>(only the ones <u>with a cardinality of 1</u> are available for theming).'),
        '#options' => array_combine(array_keys($taxonomy_ref_fields), array_keys($taxonomy_ref_fields)),
        '#default_value' => $selected_taxonomy_field,
        '#ajax' => [
          'callback' => [
          'effect' => 'fade',
      $label_alias_upload_help = $this
      $file_select_help = $this->markerIcon
      $element['taxonomy_field']['fields'] = [];
      foreach ($taxonomy_ref_fields as $k => $field) {

        // Define the Table Header variables.
        $table_settings = [
          'header' => [
            'label' => $this
              ->t('Taxonomy term'),
            'label_alias' => Markup::create($this
              ->t('Term Alias @description', [
              '@description' => $this->renderer
            'marker_icon' => Markup::create($this
              ->t('Marker Icon @file_select_help', [
              '@file_select_help' => $this->renderer
            'image_style' => '',
          'tabledrag_group' => 'terms-order-weight',
          'caption' => [
            'title' => [
              '#type' => 'html_tag',
              '#tag' => 'label',
              '#value' => $this
                ->t('Taxonomy terms from @vocabularies', [
                '@vocabularies' => implode(', ', $field['target_bundles']),
              'notes' => [
                '#type' => 'html_tag',
                '#tag' => 'div',
                '#value' => $this
                  ->t('The - Default Value - will be used as fallback Value/Marker for unset Terms'),
                '#attributes' => [
                  'style' => [
                    'style' => 'font-size:0.8em; color: gray; font-weight: normal',

        // Build the Table Header.
        $element['fields'][$k] = [
          '#type' => 'container',
          'terms' => $this

        // Add a Default Value to be used as possible fallback Value/Marker.
        $field['terms']['__default_value__'] = '- Default Value - ';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($field['terms'] as $tid => $term) {
          $default_row = isset($default_element['fields']) && isset($default_element['fields'][$k]['terms'][$tid]) ? $default_element['fields'][$k]['terms'][$tid] : NULL;
          $icon_file_uri = isset($default_row) && !empty($default_row['icon_file']) ? $default_row['icon_file'] : NULL;

          // Define the table row parameters.
          $row = [
            'id' => "[geofieldmap_taxonomy_term_url][values][fields][{$k}][terms][{$tid}]",
            'label' => [
              'value' => $term,
              'markup' => $term,
            'weight' => [
              'value' => isset($default_row) && isset($default_row['weight']) ? $default_row['weight'] : $i,
              'class' => $table_settings['tabledrag_group'],
            'label_alias' => [
              'value' => isset($default_row) && isset($default_row['label_alias']) ? $default_row['label_alias'] : '',
            'icon_file_uri' => $icon_file_uri,
            'legend_exclude' => [
              'value' => isset($default_row) && isset($default_row['legend_exclude']) ? $default_row['legend_exclude'] : (count($field['terms']) > 10 ? TRUE : FALSE),
            'attributes' => [
              'class' => [

          // Builds the table row for the MapThemer.
          $element['fields'][$k]['terms'][$tid] = $this

        // Hide the un-selected Taxonomy Term Field options.
        if ($k != $selected_taxonomy_field) {
          $element['fields'][$k]['#attributes']['class'] = [
    return $element;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getIcon(array $datum, GeofieldGoogleMapViewStyle $geofieldMapView, EntityInterface $entity, $map_theming_values) {
    $taxonomy_field = isset($map_theming_values['taxonomy_field']) ? $map_theming_values['taxonomy_field'] : NULL;
    $fallback_icon = isset($map_theming_values['fields'][$taxonomy_field]['terms']['__default_value__']['icon_file']) ? $map_theming_values['fields'][$taxonomy_field]['terms']['__default_value__']['icon_file'] : NULL;
    $file_uri = $fallback_icon;
    if (isset($entity->{$taxonomy_field}) && !empty($entity->{$taxonomy_field}->target_id)) {
      $taxonomy_field_term = $entity->{$taxonomy_field}->target_id;
      $file_uri = isset($map_theming_values['fields'][$taxonomy_field]['terms'][$taxonomy_field_term]['icon_file']) && $map_theming_values['fields'][$taxonomy_field]['terms'][$taxonomy_field_term]['icon_file'] != 'none' ? $map_theming_values['fields'][$taxonomy_field]['terms'][$taxonomy_field_term]['icon_file'] : ($fallback_icon != 'none' ? $fallback_icon : NULL);
    return $this->markerIcon

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getLegend(array $map_theming_values, array $configuration = []) {
    $legend = $this

    // Get the icon image width, as result of the Legend configuration.
    $icon_width = isset($configuration['markers_width']) ? $configuration['markers_width'] : 50;
    $taxonomy_field = $map_theming_values['taxonomy_field'];
    foreach ($map_theming_values['fields'][$taxonomy_field]['terms'] as $vid => $term) {
      $icon_file_uri = !empty($term['icon_file']) ? $term['icon_file'] : NULL;

      // Don't render legend row in case:
      // - the specific value is flagged as excluded from the Legend, or
      // - no image is associated and the plugin denies to render the
      // DefaultLegendIcon definition.
      if (!empty($term['legend_exclude']) || $icon_file_uri == 'none' && !$this
        ->renderDefaultLegendIcon()) {
      $label = isset($term['label']) ? $term['label'] : $vid;
      $legend['table'][$vid] = [
        'value' => [
          '#type' => 'container',
          'label' => [
            '#markup' => !empty($term['label_alias']) ? $term['label_alias'] : $label,
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
        'marker' => [
          '#type' => 'container',
          'icon_file' => !empty($icon_file_uri) && $icon_file_uri != 'none' ? $this->markerIcon
            ->getLegendIconFromFileUri($icon_file_uri, $icon_width) : $this
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
    $legend['notes'] = $this
    return $legend;

   * Ajax callback triggered Taxonomy Field Options Selection.
   * @param array $form
   *   The build form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The form state.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse
   *   Ajax response with updated form element.
  public static function taxonomyFieldOptionsUpdate(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $response = new AjaxResponse();
      ->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand('#taxonomy-themer-wrapper', $form['options']['style_options']['map_marker_and_infowindow']['theming']['geofieldmap_taxonomy_term_url']['values']));
    return $response;



Namesort descending Description
TaxonomyTermThemerUrl Style plugin to render a View output as a Leaflet map.