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public function geofieldProximityBase::option_definition in Geofield 7.2

All methods in geofieldProximityPluginInterface maps directly to a method in a views_handler class, expect for 'getSourceValue,' which is primarily called in the 'query' method, but also in other instances.

Overrides geofieldProximityPluginInterface::option_definition

5 methods override geofieldProximityBase::option_definition()
geofieldProximityCurrentUser::option_definition in views/proximity_plugins/
All methods in geofieldProximityPluginInterface maps directly to a method in a views_handler class, expect for 'getSourceValue,' which is primarily called in the 'query' method, but also in other instances.
geofieldProximityEntityURL::option_definition in views/proximity_plugins/
All methods in geofieldProximityPluginInterface maps directly to a method in a views_handler class, expect for 'getSourceValue,' which is primarily called in the 'query' method, but also in other instances.
geofieldProximityGeocoder::option_definition in views/proximity_plugins/
All methods in geofieldProximityPluginInterface maps directly to a method in a views_handler class, expect for 'getSourceValue,' which is primarily called in the 'query' method, but also in other instances.
geofieldProximityManual::option_definition in views/proximity_plugins/
All methods in geofieldProximityPluginInterface maps directly to a method in a views_handler class, expect for 'getSourceValue,' which is primarily called in the 'query' method, but also in other instances.
geofieldProximityOtherGeofield::option_definition in views/proximity_plugins/
All methods in geofieldProximityPluginInterface maps directly to a method in a views_handler class, expect for 'getSourceValue,' which is primarily called in the 'query' method, but also in other instances.


views/proximity_plugins/, line 23
Contains geofieldProximityPluginInterface and geofieldProximityBase.




public function option_definition(&$options, $views_plugin) {