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function geofield_handler_argument_proximity::parseLatLonDistArg in Geofield 7.2

Extract lat,lon and distance from arg and return as array.


type $arg_string:

Return value

array(lat, lon, dist) or FALSE if string could not be parsed.

1 call to geofield_handler_argument_proximity::parseLatLonDistArg()
geofield_handler_argument_proximity::parseArg in views/handlers/


views/handlers/, line 122
Geofield contextual filter argument handler for Views.


The proximity argument may be appended to URL in the following format: /lat,lon_dist where dist is a positive number representing a circular proximity in either kilometers or miles, as configured through the contextual filter UI.


function parseLatLonDistArg($arg_string) {
  $args = array_filter(preg_split(GEOFIELD_PROXIMITY_REGEXP_PATTERN, $arg_string));
  foreach ($args as $value) {
    if (!is_numeric($value)) {
      return FALSE;
  if (count($args) == 3) {

    // Got lat + lon + dist: we're good to go
    // Use next() on $args as after array_filter() we cannot be sure what
    // the element indices are.
    return array(
      'latitude' => reset($args),
      'longitude' => next($args),
      'distance' => next($args),

  // Either distance or lat,lon where omitted. See if we can get these
  // from the defaults.
  $lat = reset($args);
  $lon = next($args);
  if ($lat !== FALSE && $lon !== FALSE) {

    // 2 args received, interpret as lat,lon and take distrance from default
    if ($dist = $this
      ->getDefaultDist()) {
      return array(
        'latitude' => $lat,
        'longitude' => $lon,
        'distance' => $dist,
    return FALSE;
  if ($lat !== FALSE && $lon === FALSE) {

    // 1 arg received, interpret as distance and take lat,lon from default
    $dist = $lat;
    $defaults = $this
    if (count($defaults) < 2) {
      return FALSE;
    return array(
      'latitude' => reset($defaults),
      'longitude' => next($defaults),
      'distance' => $dist,

  // If we get here, we're dealing with rubbish
  return FALSE;