You are here in Geofield 7.2

Hooks for Views integration.

In addition to the usual views hooks, Geofield defines a set of classes that allows us to break out the code needed to handle the wide variety of proximity searches the module supports. We define api functions here to allow for very basic autoloading.

Our mini-plugin system we're using here is not designed for external (non-geofield) use, but as a programming convenience for the maintainers.


View source

 * @file
 * Hooks for Views integration.
 * In addition to the usual views hooks, Geofield defines a set of classes that allows
 * us to break out the code needed to handle the wide variety of proximity searches 
 * the module supports. We define api functions here to allow for very basic autoloading.
 * Our mini-plugin system we're using here is not designed for external (non-geofield) use,
 * but as a programming convenience for the maintainers.

 * Implements hook_field_views_data().
 * Views integration for geofields.
function geofield_field_views_data($field) {
  $data = field_views_field_default_views_data($field);
  $field_name = $field['field_name'];
  foreach ($data as $table_name => $table_data) {
    if (isset($table_data[$field_name])) {
      $group_name = $table_data[$field_name]['group'];
      $title = $table_data[$field_name]['title'] . " ({$field_name}) - proximity";
      $data[$table_name]['field_geofield_distance'] = array(
        'group' => $group_name,
        'title' => $title,
        'title short' => $title,
        'help' => $table_data[$field_name]['help'],
        'sort' => array(
          'field' => 'field_geofield_distance',
          'table' => $table_name,
          'handler' => 'geofield_handler_sort',
          'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
          'real_field' => $table_name,
        'field' => array(
          'field' => 'field_geofield_distance',
          'table' => $table_name,
          'handler' => 'geofield_handler_field',
          'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
          'real_field' => $table_name,
          'float' => TRUE,
          'click sortable' => TRUE,
        'filter' => array(
          'field' => 'field_geofield_distance',
          'table' => $table_name,
          'handler' => 'geofield_handler_filter',
          'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
          'real_field' => $table_name,
        'argument' => array(
          'handler' => 'geofield_handler_argument_proximity',
          'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
  return $data;

 * Implements hook proximity_views_handlers().
 * Returns metainfo about each of the geofield proximity views classes.
function geofield_proximity_views_handlers() {
  $handlers = array(
    'manual' => array(
      'name' => t('Manually Enter Point'),
      'class' => 'geofieldProximityManual',
      'module' => 'geofield',
      'path' => 'views/proximity_plugins',
    'entity_from_url' => array(
      'name' => t('Entity From URL'),
      'class' => 'geofieldProximityEntityURL',
      'module' => 'geofield',
      'path' => 'views/proximity_plugins',
    'current_user' => array(
      'name' => t('Current User'),
      'class' => 'geofieldProximityCurrentUser',
      'module' => 'geofield',
      'path' => 'views/proximity_plugins',
    'other_geofield' => array(
      'name' => t('Other Geofield'),
      'class' => 'geofieldProximityOtherGeofield',
      'module' => 'geofield',
      'path' => 'views/proximity_plugins',
    'exposed_geofield_filter' => array(
      'name' => t('Exposed Geofield Proximity Filter'),
      'class' => 'geofieldProximityExposedFilter',
      'module' => 'geofield',
      'path' => 'views/proximity_plugins',
    'contextual_geofield_filter' => array(
      'name' => t('Contextual Geofield Proximity Filter'),
      'class' => 'geofieldProximityContextualFilter',
      'module' => 'geofield',
      'path' => 'views/proximity_plugins',
  if (module_exists('geocoder')) {
    $handlers['geocoder'] = array(
      'name' => t('Geocoded Location'),
      'class' => 'geofieldProximityGeocoder',
      'module' => 'geofield',
      'path' => 'views/proximity_plugins',
  return $handlers;

 * Loads an individual geofield proximity views class.
 * @return
 *   An instance of a class defined by $plugin (see keys for geofield_proximity_views_handlers), or FALSE
 *   if no such class exists.
function geofield_proximity_load_plugin($plugin) {
  $handlers = module_invoke_all('proximity_views_handlers');

  //module_load_include('inc', 'geofield', 'views/proximity_plugins/geofieldProximityManual');
  module_load_include('inc', $handlers[$plugin]['module'], $handlers[$plugin]['path'] . '/' . $handlers[$plugin]['class']);
  if (class_exists($handlers[$plugin]['class'])) {
    return new $handlers[$plugin]['class']();
  else {
    return FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
geofield_field_views_data Implements hook_field_views_data().
geofield_proximity_load_plugin Loads an individual geofield proximity views class.
geofield_proximity_views_handlers Implements hook proximity_views_handlers().