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7 files declare their use of DumperInterface in Geocoder 7.2

Geocoder.php in src/Geocoder.php
GeoJson.php in src/Plugin/Geocoder/Dumper/GeoJson.php
The GeoJson plugin.
Geometry.php in src/Plugin/Geocoder/Dumper/Geometry.php
The Geometry plugin.
Gpx.php in src/Plugin/Geocoder/Dumper/Gpx.php
The Gpx plugin.
Kml.php in src/Plugin/Geocoder/Dumper/Kml.php
The Kml plugin.
Wkb.php in src/Plugin/Geocoder/Dumper/Wkb.php
The Wkb plugin.
Wkt.php in src/Plugin/Geocoder/Dumper/Wkt.php
The Wkt plugin.