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7 calls to gdpr_consent_get_accept() in GDPR Consent 7

gdpr_consent_accept_form in ./gdpr_consent.module
Consent acceptance form.
gdpr_consent_display_changes in ./gdpr_consent.module
Get all changes since user last accepted.
gdpr_consent_form_user_profile_form_alter in ./gdpr_consent.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
gdpr_consent_redirect_to_consent in ./gdpr_consent.module
Custom function to handle redirects.
gdpr_consent_save_accept in ./gdpr_consent.module
Function to save acceptance.
gdpr_consent_user_login in ./gdpr_consent.module
Implements hook_user_login().
gdpr_consent_version_check in ./gdpr_consent.module
Check if user has accepted latest version of consent.