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public static function Anonymizer::propertyIsEntityId in General Data Protection Regulation 7

Check whether a property is the entity ID.


string $entity_type: The entity type.

string $field: The field name.

Return value

bool Whether the property is the entity ID.

4 calls to Anonymizer::propertyIsEntityId()
Anonymizer::remove in modules/gdpr_tasks/src/Anonymizer.php
Removes the field value.
gdpr_fields_field_data_export_ui_form in modules/gdpr_fields/plugins/export_ui/
Define the preset add/edit form.
gdpr_fields_ui::list_build_row in modules/gdpr_fields/plugins/export_ui/gdpr_fields_ui.class.php
Build a row based on the item.
gdpr_tasks_collect_rtf_data in modules/gdpr_tasks/gdpr_tasks.module
Collect RTF data for a specific user.


modules/gdpr_tasks/src/Anonymizer.php, line 276


Anonymizes or removes field values for GDPR.


public static function propertyIsEntityId($entity_type, $field) {
  $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
  return $entity_info['entity keys']['id'] == $field;