You are here in General Data Protection Regulation 3.0.x



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  1. # Task menu items definition
  2. entity.gdpr_task.collection:
  3. title: 'Task list'
  4. route_name: entity.gdpr_task.collection
  5. description: 'List Task entities'
  6. parent: gdpr.admin_gdpr
  7. weight: 100
  8. # Task type menu items definition
  9. entity.gdpr_task_type.collection:
  10. title: 'Task type'
  11. route_name: entity.gdpr_task_type.collection
  12. description: 'List Task type (bundles)'
  13. parent: gdpr.admin_gdpr
  14. weight: 99
  15. gdpr_tasks.remove_settings:
  16. title: 'Right to be Forgotten'
  17. description: 'GDPR Right to be Forgotten Settings'
  18. parent: gdpr.admin_config
  19. route_name: gdpr_tasks.remove_settings
  20. gdpr_tasks.summary:
  21. title: 'Summary'
  22. route_name: gdpr_tasks.summary
  23. description: 'GDPR Summary'
  24. parent: gdpr.admin_gdpr
  25. weight: 70