You are here in General Data Protection Regulation 7


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 * Class GdprDumpGdprSqlDump.
class GdprDumpGdprSqlDump {
  const GDPR_TABLE_PREFIX = 'gdpr_clone_';

   * The GDPR table settings.
   * @var array
  protected $gdprOptions = [];

   * The empty tables array.
   * @var array
  protected $emptyTables = [];

   * The list of tables needed to be skipped.
   * @var array
  protected $skipTables = [];

   * The Sanitizer plugins.
   * @var array
  protected $plugins;

   * The database driver.
   * E.g mysql, pgsql, sqlite.
   * @var string
  protected $driver;

   * GdprDumpGdprSqlDump constructor.
  public function __construct() {
    $this->driver = db_driver();
    $this->plugins = ctools_get_plugins('gdpr_dump', 'sanitizer');
    $this->gdprOptions = variable_get('gdpr_dump_table_map', []);
    $this->emptyTables = variable_get('gdpr_dump_empty_tables', []);

   * Dump command.
  public function dump() {
    $sql = $this
    $results = $sql
      ->dump(drush_get_option('result-file', FALSE));
    return $results;

   * Get a SqlBase instance according to dbSpecs.
  protected function getInstance(array $dbSpec = NULL) {
    $database = drush_get_option('database', 'default');
    $target = drush_get_option('target', 'default');
    if (!empty($dbSpec)) {
      if (!empty($dbSpec['driver'])) {

        // Try loading our implementation first.
        $className = 'GdprDumpGdprSql' . ucfirst($dbSpec['driver']);
        module_load_include('inc', 'gdpr_dump', 'inc/' . $className);
        $instance = drush_get_class($className, [
        if (!empty($instance)) {
          return $instance;
    elseif ($url = drush_get_option('db-url')) {
      $url = \is_array($url) ? $url[$database] : $url;
      $dbSpec = drush_convert_db_from_db_url($url);
      $dbSpec['db_prefix'] = drush_get_option('db-prefix');
      return $this
    elseif (($databases = drush_get_option('databases')) && \array_key_exists($database, $databases) && \array_key_exists($target, $databases[$database])) {
      $dbSpec = $databases[$database][$target];
      return $this
    else {

      // No parameter or options provided. Determine $dbSpec ourselves.

      /** @var \Drush\Sql\SqlVersion $sqlVersion */
      if ($sqlVersion = drush_sql_get_version()) {
        if ($dbSpec = $sqlVersion
          ->get_db_spec()) {
          return $this

   * Creates a query string for cloning.
  protected function createCloneQueryString($originalTable) {
    if (\array_key_exists($originalTable, $this->skipTables)) {

      // No need to clone tables that are excluded.
      return NULL;
    $clonedTable = self::GDPR_TABLE_PREFIX . $originalTable;
    switch ($this->driver) {
      case 'mysql':
        return "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$clonedTable}` LIKE `{$originalTable}`;";

      /* @todo
       * - These seem to be the same.
       * - Test both.
      case 'pgsql':
      case 'sqlite':

        // Maybe get the original SQL of the table and apply that:
        // SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='mytable'.
        return "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$clonedTable}` AS SELECT * FROM `{$originalTable}` WHERE 1=2;";

      // These require a contrib module.
      case 'oracle':

        // @see:
      case 'sqlsrv':

        // @see:
    throw new SqlException("Unsupported database driver detected, can't clone table {$originalTable} for GDPR.");

   * Creates table clones according to the config.
  protected function createTableClones() {
    $tables = \array_keys($this->gdprOptions);
    $transaction = db_transaction('gdpr_drop_table');
    try {
      foreach ($tables as $table) {
        $queryString = $this
        if (NULL === $queryString) {

          // @todo: Notify?
        try {
          if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_VERBOSE') || drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) {
            drush_print("Executing: '{$queryString}'", 0, STDERR);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
          drush_print("Error while cloning the '{$table}' table.");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      drush_set_error('DRUSH_SQL_DUMP_FAIL', 'Table clone failed');

   * Go through the data and sanitize it.
  protected function sanitizeData() {

    /* @todo
     * Remote API call optimization:
     *   Prefetch the required amount of data from remote APIs.
     *   Maybe do it on a table level.

    /** @var array $sanitationOptions */
    foreach ($this->gdprOptions as $table => $sanitationOptions) {
      if (\array_key_exists($table, $this->skipTables)) {
      $selectQuery = db_select($table);
      $oldRows = $selectQuery
      if (NULL === $oldRows) {

        // @todo: notify
      $clonedTable = self::GDPR_TABLE_PREFIX . $table;
      $describeQueryString = "DESCRIBE  `{$table}`";
      $describeQuery = db_query($describeQueryString);
      $tableColumns = $describeQuery
      $insertQuery = db_insert($clonedTable);
      $unique_data = [];
      $schema = drupal_get_schema($table);
      $uniq_keys = isset($schema['unique keys']) ? $schema['unique keys'] : [];
      $primary_key = isset($schema['primary key'][0]) ? $schema['primary key'][0] : '';
      while ($row = $oldRows
        ->fetchAssoc()) {
        foreach ($sanitationOptions as $column => $pluginId) {

          /* @todo
           * Maybe it would be better to use 'per table' sanitation,
           * so username, email, etc can be the same.
           * E.g myuser could have as a mail, not
           * @todo:
           * Also add a way to make exceptions
           * e.g option for 'don't alter uid 1 name', etc.
          $plugin = gdpr_dump_get_sanitizer_plugins($pluginId);
          if (function_exists($plugin['sanitize callback'])) {
            $tries = 0;
            $unique_field = isset($uniq_keys[$column]) || $column == $primary_key;
            do {
              $is_valid = TRUE;
              $value = call_user_func($plugin['sanitize callback'], $row[$column]);
              if (isset($schema['fields'][$column]['length']) && strlen($value) > $schema['fields'][$column]['length']) {
                $value = truncate_utf8($value, $schema['fields'][$column]['length']);
              if ($unique_field && in_array($value, $unique_data)) {
                $is_valid = FALSE;
            } while (!$is_valid && $tries++ < 50);
            if ($tries >= 50) {
              drush_log("Too many tries for column '{$column}'", 'error');
            if ($unique_field) {
              $unique_data[] = $value;
            $row[$column] = $value;

   * Prepare the database for the dump.
  protected function prepare() {

   * Builds skipTables array.
  protected function buildSkipTables() {

    // Get table expanded selection.
    $sql = $this
    $table_selection = $sql
    $skipTables = \array_merge($table_selection['skip'], $table_selection['structure']);
    $skipTables = \array_flip($skipTables);
    $skipTables = $skipTables + $this->emptyTables;
    $this->skipTables = $skipTables;

   * Cleanup the database after the dump.
  protected function cleanup() {
    $transaction = db_transaction('gdpr_drop_table');
    try {
      foreach (\array_keys($this->gdprOptions) as $table) {
        $gdprTable = self::GDPR_TABLE_PREFIX . $table;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      drush_set_error('DRUSH_SQL_DUMP_FAIL', 'Database Cleanup failed');



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GdprDumpGdprSqlDump Class GdprDumpGdprSqlDump.