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GatsbyInstantPreview.php in Gatsby Live Preview & Incremental Builds 2.0.x

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  1. 8 modules/gatsby_instantpreview/src/GatsbyInstantPreview.php


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namespace Drupal\gatsby_instantpreview;

use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepository;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\gatsby\GatsbyPreview;
use Drupal\jsonapi_extras\EntityToJsonApi;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException;

 * Defines a class to extend the default preview system with an instant preview.
class GatsbyInstantPreview extends GatsbyPreview {

   * Drupal\jsonapi_extras\EntityToJsonApi definition.
   * @var \Drupal\jsonapi_extras\EntityToJsonApi
  private $entityToJsonApi;

   * Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepository definition.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepository
  private $entityRepository;

   * Decorated service.
   * @var \Drupal\gatsby\GatsbyPreview
  private $innerService;

   * Constructs a new GatsbyInstantPreview object.
  public function __construct(GatsbyPreview $inner_service, ClientInterface $http_client, ConfigFactoryInterface $config, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $logger, EntityToJsonApi $entity_to_json_api, EntityRepository $entity_repository) {
    $this->innerService = $inner_service;
    $this->entityToJsonApi = $entity_to_json_api;
    $this->entityRepository = $entity_repository;
    parent::__construct($http_client, $config, $entity_type_manager, $logger);

   * Prepares Gatsby Data to send to the preview and build servers.
   * By preparing the data in a separate step we prevent multiple requests from
   * being sent to the preview or incremental builds servers if multiple
   * Drupal entities are update/inserted/deleted in a single request.
  public function gatsbyPrepareData(ContentEntityInterface $entity = NULL, string $action = 'update') {
    $json = $this
    if (!$json) {
    $json['id'] = $entity
    $json['action'] = $action;

    // If there is a secret key, we decode the json, add the key, then encode.
    $settings = $this->configFactory
    if ($settings
      ->get('secret_key')) {
      $json['secret'] = $settings
    $preview_url = $settings
    if ($preview_url) {
      $json = $this
        ->bundleData('preview', $preview_url, $json);
        ->updateData('preview', $preview_url, $json);
    $incrementalbuild_url = $settings
    if (!$incrementalbuild_url) {
    if ($settings
      ->get('build_published')) {
      if (!$entity instanceof NodeInterface || !$entity
        ->isPublished()) {
      if (empty($json['data']['relationships'])) {

      // Generate JSON for all related entities to send to Gatsby.
      $entity_data = [];
      $included_types = $settings
        ->get('preview_entity_types') ?: [];
        ->buildRelationshipJson($json['data']['relationships'], $entity_data, array_values($included_types));
      if (!empty($entity_data)) {

        // Remove the uuid keys from the array.
        $entity_data = array_values($entity_data);
        $original_data = $json['data'];
        $entity_data[] = $original_data;
        $json['data'] = $entity_data;
    $json = $this
      ->bundleData('incrementalbuild', $incrementalbuild_url, $json);
      ->updateData('incrementalbuild', $incrementalbuild_url, $json);

   * Triggers the refreshing of Gatsby preview and incremental builds.
  public function gatsbyPrepareDelete(ContentEntityInterface $entity = NULL) {
    $json = [
      'id' => $entity
      'action' => 'delete',
      'type' => $entity
        ->id() . '--' . $entity
      'attributes' => [
        'langcode' => $entity
        'drupal_internal__revision_id' => $entity
    $settings = $this->configFactory

    // The id and action are needed in a data array for batch processing.
    $json['data'] = $json;

    // If there is a secret key, add the key to the request.
    if ($settings
      ->get('secret_key')) {
      $json['secret'] = $settings
    $preview_url = $settings
    if ($preview_url) {
      $preview_json = $this
        ->bundleData('preview', $preview_url, $json);
        ->updateData('preview', $preview_url, $preview_json);
    $incrementalbuild_url = $settings
    if ($incrementalbuild_url) {
      $json = $this
        ->bundleData('incrementalbuild', $incrementalbuild_url, $json);
        ->updateData('incrementalbuild', $incrementalbuild_url, $json);

   * Bundles entity JSON data so it can be passed in a single request.
  public function bundleData($key, $url, $json) {
    $updated =& self::$updateData;

    // The first time this method is called our updated data array is
    // empty so we can just return the data we were given.
    if (empty($updated)) {
      return $json;
    if (!empty($updated[$key][$url]['json'])) {
      if (!empty($updated[$key][$url]['json']['data']['type'])) {

        // If there is only one entity, convert it to an array.
        $json['data'] = [
      else {

        // Check to make sure this entity wasn't already added.
        foreach ($updated[$key][$url]['json']['data'] as $index => $entity) {
          if ($entity['id'] == $json['id']) {

            // Update the entity data if this entity was already.
            $updated[$key][$url]['json']['data'][$index] = $json['data'];
            $json['data'] = $updated[$key][$url]['json']['data'];
            return $json;

        // Add new entities to the updated json data array.
        $updated[$key][$url]['json']['data'][] = $json['data'];

        // Update our json data array with the updated entities.
        $json['data'] = $updated[$key][$url]['json']['data'];
    return $json;

   * Builds an array of entity JSON data based on entity relationships.
  public function buildRelationshipJson($relationships, &$entity_data, $included_types = []) {
    foreach ($relationships as $data) {
      if (empty($data['data'])) {
      $related_items = $data['data'];

      // Check if this is a single value field.
      if (!empty($data['data']['type'])) {
        $related_items = [
      foreach ($related_items as $related_data) {

        // Add JSON if the entity type is one that should be sent to Gatsby.
        $entityType = !empty($related_data['type']) ? explode('--', $related_data['type']) : "";
        if (!empty($entityType) && (!$included_types || in_array($entityType[0], $included_types, TRUE))) {

          // Skip this entity if it's already been added to the data array.
          if (!empty($entity_data[$related_data['id']])) {
          $related_entity = $this->entityRepository
            ->loadEntityByUuid($entityType[0], $related_data['id']);

          // Make sure the related entity is a valid entity.
          if (empty($related_entity) || !$related_entity instanceof ContentEntityInterface) {
          $related_json = $this
          if (!$related_json) {
          $entity_data[$related_data['id']] = $related_json['data'];

          // We need to traverse all related entities to get all relevant JSON.
          if (!empty($related_json['data']['relationships'])) {
              ->buildRelationshipJson($related_json['data']['relationships'], $entity_data, $included_types);

   * Gets the JSON object for an entity.
  public function getJson(ContentEntityInterface $entity) {
    try {
      return $this->entityToJsonApi
    } catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) {
      return NULL;



Namesort descending Description
GatsbyInstantPreview Defines a class to extend the default preview system with an instant preview.