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 * Field handler to present a link to delete a mytype record.
class views_handler_field_mapping_gathercontent_updated extends views_handler_field_date {
  function construct() {
    $this->additional_fields['gathercontent_template_id'] = 'gathercontent_template_id';
  function query() {
  function render($values) {

    //    // Load last updated time from remote server.
    $template = $this->view->field['gathercontent_updated']->templates;
    $gathercontent_template_id = $values->{$this->aliases['gathercontent_template_id']};
    if (isset($template[$gathercontent_template_id]['updated_at'])) {
      $value = $template[$gathercontent_template_id]['updated_at'];
      $format = $this->options['date_format'];
      if (in_array($format, array(
        'raw time ago',
        'time ago',
        'today time ago',
        'raw time hence',
        'time hence',
        'raw time span',
        'time span',
        'raw time span',
        'inverse time span',
        'time span',
      ))) {
        $custom_format = $this->options['custom_date_format'];
      if ($value) {
        $timezone = !empty($this->options['timezone']) ? $this->options['timezone'] : NULL;
        $time_diff = REQUEST_TIME - $value;

        // will be positive for a datetime in the past (ago), and negative for a datetime in the future (hence)
        switch ($format) {
          case 'raw time ago':
            return format_interval($time_diff, is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2);
          case 'time ago':
            return t('%time ago', array(
              '%time' => format_interval($time_diff, is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2),
          case 'today time ago':
            $second_format = $this->options['second_date_format'];
            $second_custom_format = $this->options['second_date_format_custom'];
            if (format_date(REQUEST_TIME, 'custom', 'Y-m-d', $timezone) == format_date($value, 'custom', 'Y-m-d', $timezone)) {
              return t('%time ago', array(
                '%time' => format_interval($time_diff, is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2),
            elseif ($second_format == 'custom') {
              if ($second_custom_format == 'r') {
                return format_date($value, $second_format, $second_custom_format, $timezone, 'en');
              return format_date($value, $second_format, $second_custom_format, $timezone);
            else {
              return format_date($value, $this->options['second_date_format'], '', $timezone);
          case 'raw time hence':
            return format_interval(-$time_diff, is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2);
          case 'time hence':
            return t('%time hence', array(
              '%time' => format_interval(-$time_diff, is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2),
          case 'raw time span':
            return ($time_diff < 0 ? '-' : '') . format_interval(abs($time_diff), is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2);
          case 'inverse time span':
            return ($time_diff > 0 ? '-' : '') . format_interval(abs($time_diff), is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2);
          case 'time span':
            return t($time_diff < 0 ? '%time hence' : '%time ago', array(
              '%time' => format_interval(abs($time_diff), is_numeric($custom_format) ? $custom_format : 2),
          case 'custom':
            if ($custom_format == 'r') {
              return format_date($value, $format, $custom_format, $timezone, 'en');
            return format_date($value, $format, $custom_format, $timezone);
            return format_date($value, $format, '', $timezone);
    else {
      return t('Not accessible');



Namesort descending Description
views_handler_field_mapping_gathercontent_updated Field handler to present a link to delete a mytype record.