ga_tokenizer.module in Google Analytics Tokenizer 6
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$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'ga_tokenizer') . '/class.gaparse.php';
if (file_exists($path)) {
require_once $path;
function ga_tokenizer_token_values($type = 'all', $object = NULL) {
$values = array();
if ($type == 'global' || $type == 'all') {
$aux = new GA_Parse($_COOKIE);
$values['ga-source'] = $aux->campaign_source;
$values['ga-campaign'] = $aux->campaign_name;
$values['ga-medium'] = $aux->campaign_medium;
$values['ga-content'] = $aux->campaign_content;
$values['ga-term'] = $aux->campaign_term;
$values['ga-first-visit'] = $aux->first_visit;
$values['ga-previous-visit'] = $aux->previous_visit;
$values['ga-current-visit'] = $aux->current_visit_started;
$values['ga-times-visited'] = $aux->times_visited;
return $values;
function ga_tokenizer_token_list($type = 'all') {
$tokens = array();
if ($type == 'global' || $type == 'all') {
$tokens['global']['ga-source'] = t('Search engine, newsletter name, or other source.');
$tokens['global']['ga-campaign'] = t('To identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.');
$tokens['global']['ga-medium'] = t('A medium such as email or cost-per-click.');
$tokens['global']['ga-content'] = t('Used for A/B testing. To differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.');
$tokens['global']['ga-term'] = t('The keywords for the organic search or ad.');
$tokens['global']['ga-first-visit'] = t('Date/Time of initial visit.');
$tokens['global']['ga-previous-visit'] = t('Date/Time of previous visit.');
$tokens['global']['ga-current-visit'] = t('Date/Time of current visit.');
$tokens['global']['ga-times-visited'] = t('Total number of times visited.');
return $tokens;