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7 calls to ga_push_get_methods_option_list() in GA Push 7

ga_push_get_methods_option_list_ecommerce in ./ga_push.module
Get the options list for ecommerce.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_enhanced_ecommerce_purchase in ./ga_push.module
Get the options list for enhanced ecommerce purchase.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_event in ./ga_push.module
Get the options list for events.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_exception in ./ga_push.module
Get the options list for exception.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_pageview in ./ga_push.module
Get the options list for page views.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_social in ./ga_push.module
Get the options list for page views.
ga_push_settings_form in inc/
Form: GA Push settings.