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ga_push.module in GA Push 8

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Drupal Module: GA Push.


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use Drupal\Core\Link;

 * @file
 * Drupal Module: GA Push.
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;

// Methods:
// Classic GA.
define('GA_PUSH_METHOD_DEFAULT', 'default');
define('GA_PUSH_METHOD_GA_JS', 'ga-js');
define('GA_PUSH_METHOD_PHP_GA', 'php-ga');
define('GA_PUSH_METHOD_DATALAYER_JS', 'datalayer-js');

// Universal Tracking, Measurement Protocol.
define('GA_PUSH_METHOD_UTMP_PHP', 'utmp-php');
define('GA_PUSH_METHOD_ANALYTICS_JS', 'analytics-js');

// Tracking methods:

// Sides:
define('GA_PUSH_CLIENT_SIDE', 'client-side');
define('GA_PUSH_SERVER_SIDE', 'server-side');

// Types:
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_PAGEVIEW', 'pageview');
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_EVENT', 'event');
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_ECOMMERCE', 'ecommerce');
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_EXCEPTION', 'exception');
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_CUSTOM_VARIABLE', 'customvariable');
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_CAMPAIGN', 'campaign');
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_SOCIAL', 'social');
define('GA_PUSH_TYPE_SPEED', 'speed');

 * Implements hook_help().
function ga_push_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // @TODO Complete help texts
    case '':
      return '<p>' . t('A module that push Google Analytics events') . '</p>';
    case 'ga_push.settings':
      return '<p>' . t('Default method settings.') . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function ga_push_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {

  // Ensure GA Push runs after Google Analytics.
  if ($hook == 'page_alter' && isset($implementations['ga_push'])) {
    $group = $implementations['ga_push'];
    $implementations['ga_push'] = $group;

 * Implements hook_page_attachments().
function ga_push_page_attachments(array &$attachments) {
  $script = NULL;
  module_load_include('inc', 'ga_push', 'inc/ga_push.ga_js');
  $ga_js_push = ga_push_method_ga_js_push();
  $script .= $ga_js_push;
  module_load_include('inc', 'ga_push', 'inc/ga_push.analytics_js');
  $analytics_js_push = ga_push_method_analytics_js_push();
  $script .= $analytics_js_push;
  module_load_include('inc', 'ga_push', 'inc/ga_push.datalayer');
  $datalayer_push = ga_push_method_datalayer_push();
  $script .= $datalayer_push;

  // Add JS headers:
  if (!empty($script)) {
    $attachments['#attached']['html_head'][] = [
        '#tag' => 'script',
        '#value' => $script,
        // It must load after GA Module.
        '#weight' => 10,

 * Add a new google analytics tracking push.
 * The behavior of this function depends on the parameters it is called with.
 * The following actions can be performed using this function:
 * - Event tracking
 * - Ecommerce tracking
 * - Social tracking
 * - Pageview tracking
 * - ...
 * For better documentation understanding this function has been splited in to
 * several functions and should not be called directly.
 * @param array $push_params
 *   - 'push': The push parameters. The value depends on the $type parameter.
 *   - 'type': (optional) The GA Push type:
 *     - GA_PUSH_TYPE_EVENT (default)
 *   - 'method_key': (optional) The method identificator
 *     - The globally configured setting
 *     - GA_PUSH_METHOD_DEFAULT (default)
 *     - Classic GA.
 * @param array $options
 *   (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
 *   elements:
 *   Only for server-side methods:
 *     - 'tid': Override Tracking ID / Web Property ID (Classic User account
 *       aka UA)
 *       of the google analytics module config.
 *       Universal and Classic GA Methods.
 *     - 'cid': Override Universal Client ID of the current user cookie.
 *       Only for Universal GA methods.
 *     - 'utma': Force Classic GA __utma cookie of the current user cookie
 *       Only for Classic GA methods.
 *     - 'utmb': Force Classic GA __utmb cookie of the current user cookie
 *       Only for Classic GA methods.
 *     - 'ua': Override User Agent of the current user.
 *       Only for Universal GA methods.
 *     - 'uip': Override User IP of the current user.
 *       Only for Universal GA methods.
 *   All methods:
 *     - 'context': An array of aditional info to be passed to drupal_alter
 *       implementations.
 * @see
 *   - Universal Tracking, Measurement Protocol.
 * @see
 * @see ga_push_add_ecommerce()
 * @see ga_push_add_event()
 * @see ga_push_add_pageview()
 * @see ga_push_add_social()
function ga_push_add(array $push_params, $type = GA_PUSH_TYPE_EVENT, $method_key = NULL, array $options = []) {
  global $user;
  $push = [
    'type' => $type,
    'method_key' => $method_key,
    'options' => $options,

  // Add push parameters using legacy compatibility:
  // Map old method keys to the new ones.
  // @NOTE: this feature will be remove in future realeases.
  $push['params'] = ga_push_add_legacy_params($push_params, $push['type']);

  // Let other modules alter the current push data:
    ->alter('ga_push_add', $push);
  if (is_array($push['params']) && count($push['params'])) {

    // @TODO Check for _googleanalytics_visibility_user to work and Remove TRUE
    if (TRUE || _googleanalytics_visibility_user($user)) {

      // If the select method is not available or is not defined:
      if (is_null($push['method_key']) || $push['method_key'] == GA_PUSH_METHOD_DEFAULT || !is_null($push['method_key']) && !ga_push_method_available($push['method_key'], $push['type'])) {
        $push['method_key'] = \Drupal::config('ga_push.settings')
      if (!is_null($push['method_key'])) {
        $method = ga_push_get_method($push['method_key']);
        if (isset($method['file'])) {
          require_once $method['file'];

        // @TODO: remove deprecated!
        switch ($push['type']) {
          case GA_PUSH_TYPE_EVENT:

            // If the VALUE argument is not numeric -> 1.
            $push['params']['eventValue'] = isset($push['params']['eventValue']) && is_numeric($push['params']['eventValue']) ? $push['params']['eventValue'] : 1;
        call_user_func($method['callback'], $push['params'], $push['type'], $push['options']);
      else {

        // @TODO: watchdog there's no method available.

 * Maps old method keys to the new ones.
 * This function is for legacy compatibility and will be removed on next
 * releases.
 * @param array $push
 *   Push data.
 * @param string $type
 *   Push type.
function ga_push_add_legacy_params(array $push, $type) {
  switch ($type) {

      // Transaction:
      $push_legacy_trans_map = [
        'order_id' => 'id',
        'total' => 'revenue',
        'total_shipping' => 'shipping',
        'total_tax' => 'tax',
      $push['trans'] = ga_push_push_data_mapper($push_legacy_trans_map, $push['trans']);

      // Items:
      $push_legacy_items_map = [
        'order_id' => 'id',
      foreach ($push['items'] as $key => $value) {
        $push['items'][$key] = ga_push_push_data_mapper($push_legacy_items_map, $value);
      $push_legacy_map = [
        // Event:
        'category' => 'eventCategory',
        'action' => 'eventAction',
        'label' => 'eventLabel',
        'value' => 'eventValue',
        'non-interaction' => 'nonInteraction',

      // Mapping.
      $push = ga_push_push_data_mapper($push_legacy_map, $push);
  return $push;

 * Push a GA ecommerce.
 * Ecommerce tracking allows you to measure the number of transactions and
 * revenue that your website generates. On a typical ecommerce site, once a user
 * clicks the "purchase" button in the browser, the user's purchase information
 * is sent to the web server, which carries out the transaction. If successful,
 * the server redirects the user to a "Thank You" or receipt page with
 * transaction details and a receipt of the purchase.
 * @param array $push
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - trans: array
 *     Transaction data. An associative array containing:
 *     - id:
 *       The transaction ID. (e.g. 1234).
 *     - affiliation:
 *      (optional) The store or affiliation from which this transaction occurred
 *      (e.g. Acme Clothing).
 *     - revenue:
 *       Specifies the total revenue or grand total associated with the
 *       transaction (e.g. 11.99). This value may include shipping, tax costs,
 *       or other adjustments to total revenue that you want to include as part
 *       of your revenue calculations.
 *     - tax:
 *       (optional) Specifies the total tax of the transaction. (e.g. 1.29).
 *     - shipping:
 *       (optional) Specifies the total shipping cost of the transaction.
 *       (e.g. 5).
 *     - city:
 *       (optional) city. Only compatible with Classic Analytics.
 *     - region:
 *       (optional) state or province. Only compatible with Classic Analytics.
 *     - country:
 *       (optional) country. Only compatible with Classic Analytics.
 *     - currency:
 *       currency (ISO 4217).
 *   - items: array
 *     Items data. A multiple associative array containing on each row:
 *     - id:
 *       The transaction ID. This ID is what links items to the transactions to
 *       which they belong. (e.g. 1234)
 *     - name:
 *       The item name. (e.g. Fluffy Pink Bunnies).
 *     - sku:
 *       (optional) Specifies the SKU or item code. (e.g. SKU47).
 *     - category:
 *       (optional) The category to which the item belongs (e.g. Party Toys).
 *     - price:
 *       (optional) The individual, unit, price for each item. (e.g. 11.99).
 *     - quantity:
 *       (optional) The number of units purchased in the transaction.
 *       If a non-integer value is passed into this field (e.g. 1.5), it will be
 *       rounded to the closest integer value.
 *     - currency:
 *       currency (ISO 4217)
 * @param string $method_key
 *   Method key.
 * @param array $options
 *   Extra options.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see ga_push_add()
 * @note Important! The Ecommerce plug-in should not be used alongside the
 * Enhanced Ecommerce (ec.js) plug-in.
 * Example:
 * @code
 *   ga_push_add_ecommerce(array(
 *     'trans' => array(
 *       'id'          => '1234',
 *       'affiliation' => 'Acme Clothing',
 *       'revenue'     => '11.99',
 *       'tax'         => '1.29',
 *       'shipping'    => '5',
 *       'currency'    => 'EUR',
 *       'city'        => 'San Jose',  // Classic Analytics only.
 *       'region'      => 'California',  // Classic Analytics only.
 *       'country'     => 'USA',  // Classic Analytics only.
 *     ),
 *     'items' => array(
 *       array(
 *         'id' => '1234',
 *         'sku'      => 'DD44',
 *         'name'     => 'T-Shirt',
 *         'category' => 'Green Medium',
 *         'price'    => '11.99',
 *         'quantity' => '1',
 *         'currency' => 'EUR'
 *       ),
 *     ),
 *   ));
 * @endcode
function ga_push_add_ecommerce(array $push, $method_key = NULL, array $options = []) {
  ga_push_add($push, GA_PUSH_TYPE_ECOMMERCE, $method_key, $options);

 * Push a GA event.
 * Event tracking allows you to measure how users interact with the content of
 * your website. For example, you might want to measure how many times a button
 * was pressed, or how many times a particular item was used in a web game.
 * @param array $push
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - eventCategory: string
 *     Typically the object that was interacted with (e.g. button).
 *   - eventAction: string
 *     The type of interaction (e.g. click).
 *   - eventLabel: string
 *     (optional) Useful for categorizing events (e.g. nav buttons).
 *   - eventValue: int
 *     (optional) Values must be non-negative. Useful to pass counts
 *     (e.g. 4 times).
 *   - non-interaction: bool
 *     (optional) A boolean that when set to true, indicates that the event hit
 *     will not be used in bounce-rate calculation. Defaults to FALSE.
 * @param string $method_key
 *   Method key.
 * @param array $options
 *   Extra options.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see ga_push_add()
 * Example:
 * @code
 *   ga_push_add_event(array(
 *     'eventCategory'        => 'Videos',
 *     'eventAction'          => 'Play',
 *     'eventLabel'           => 'Gone With the Wind',
 *     'eventValue'           => 1,
 *     'nonInteraction'       => FALSE,
 *   ));
 * @endcode
function ga_push_add_event(array $push, $method_key = NULL, array $options = []) {
  ga_push_add($push, GA_PUSH_TYPE_EVENT, $method_key, $options);

 * Push a GA exception.
 * Exception measurement allows you to measure the number and type of crashes
 * and exceptions that occur on your property.
 * @param array $push
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - exDescription: string
 *     (optional) A description of the exception.
 *   - exFatal: bool
 *     (optional) Indicates whether the exception was fatal. true indicates
 *     fatal.
 * @param string $method_key
 *   Method key.
 * @param array $options
 *   Extra options.
 * @see
 * see ga_push_add()
 * Example:
 * @code
 *   ga_push_add_exception(array(
 *     'exDescription' => 'DatabaseError',
 *     'exFatal'       => FALSE,
 *     'appName'       => 'myApp',
 *     'appVersion'    => 1.0,
 *   ));
 * @endcode
function ga_push_add_exception(array $push, $method_key = NULL, array $options = []) {
  ga_push_add($push, GA_PUSH_TYPE_EXCEPTION, $method_key, $options);

 * Push a GA pageview.
 * Page tracking allows you to measure the number of views you had of a
 * particular page on your web site. For a web app, you might decide to track a
 * page when a large portion of the screen changes, for example when the user
 * goes from the home screen to the settings screen.
 * @param array $push
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - location: string
 *     (optional) URL of the page being tracked.
 *     By default, analytics_js sets this to the full document URL, excluding
 *     the fragment identifier.
 *   - page: string
 *     (optional) A string that is uniquely paired with each category, and
 *     commonly used to define the type of user interaction for the web object.
 *   - title: string
 *     (optional) The title of the page.
 * @param string $method_key
 *   Method key.
 * @param array $options
 *   Extra options.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see ga_push_add()
 * Example:
 * @code
 *    ga_push_add_pageview(array(
 *     'location' => '',
 *     'page'     => '/my-overridden-page?id=1',
 *     'title'    => 'My overridden page',
 *   ));
 * @endcode
function ga_push_add_pageview(array $push = [], $method_key = NULL, array $options = []) {
  ga_push_add($push, GA_PUSH_TYPE_PAGEVIEW, $method_key, $options);

 * Push a GA social.
 * Social Interaction Analytics allows you to measure the number of times users
 * click on social buttons embedded in webpages. For example, you might measure
 * a Facebook "Like" or a Twitter "Tweet."
 * @param array $push
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - socialNetwork: string
 *     (optional) The network on which the action occurs (e.g. Facebook,
 *     Twitter).
 *   - socialAction: string
 *     (optional) The type of action that happens (e.g. Like, Send, Tweet).
 *   - socialTarget: string
 *     (optional) Specifies the target of a social interaction. This value is
 *     typically a URL but can be any text.
 * @param string $method_key
 *   Method key.
 * @param array $options
 *   Extra options.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see ga_push_add()
 * Example:
 * @code
 *   ga_push_add_social(array(
 *     'socialNetwork' => 'facebook',
 *     'socialAction'  => 'like',
 *     'socialTarget'  => '',
 *   ));
 * @endcode
function ga_push_add_social(array $push, $method_key = NULL, array $options = []) {
  ga_push_add($push, GA_PUSH_TYPE_SOCIAL, $method_key, $options);

 * Check if a GA PUSH method is available.
 * @param string $method_key
 *   Method identificator.
 * @param string $type
 *   GA Push type.
 * @return bool
 *   Available.
function ga_push_method_available($method_key, $type = NULL) {
  $available = FALSE;
  $methods = ga_push_get_methods();
  $method = $methods[$method_key];

  // Checks the method:
  if (is_bool($method['available'])) {
    $available = $method['available'];
  elseif (is_string($method['available'])) {
    $available = call_user_func($method['available']);

  // Checks its implements:
  if (!is_null($type) && $available) {
    $available = isset($method['implements'][$type]) ? $method['implements'][$type] : FALSE;
  return $available;

 * Get all GA Push methods.
function ga_push_get_methods() {
  static $callbacks = [];
  if (!count($callbacks)) {
    $implementations = Drupal::moduleHandler()
    foreach ($implementations as $module) {
      $router_items = call_user_func($module . '_ga_push_method');
      if (isset($router_items) && is_array($router_items)) {
        foreach (array_keys($router_items) as $method) {
          $router_items[$method]['module'] = $module;
        $callbacks = array_merge($callbacks, $router_items);
  return $callbacks;

 * Get GA Push method info.
 * @param string $key
 *   Method key.
function ga_push_get_method($key) {
  $methods = ga_push_get_methods();
  return isset($methods[$key]) ? $methods[$key] : NULL;

 * Returns all available methods as option list.
function ga_push_get_methods_option_list($type = NULL, $default = TRUE) {
  $options = [];
  if ($default) {
    $options['default'] = t('Default');
  $methods = ga_push_get_methods();
  foreach ($methods as $key => $method) {
    if (ga_push_method_available($key, $type)) {
      $options[$key] = $method['name'];
      $options[$key] .= !empty($method['description']) ? ': ' . $method['description'] : '';
      $options[$key] .= ' | ' . $method['side'] . ' (' . $method['tracking_method'] . ' analytics)';
  return $options;

 * Get the options list for events.
function ga_push_get_methods_option_list_event() {
  return ga_push_get_methods_option_list(GA_PUSH_TYPE_EVENT);

 * Get the options list for exception.
function ga_push_get_methods_option_list_exception() {
  return ga_push_get_methods_option_list(GA_PUSH_TYPE_EXCEPTION);

 * Get the options list for page views.
function ga_push_get_methods_option_list_pageview() {
  return ga_push_get_methods_option_list(GA_PUSH_TYPE_PAGEVIEW);

 * Get the options list for ecommerce.
function ga_push_get_methods_option_list_ecommerce() {
  return ga_push_get_methods_option_list(GA_PUSH_TYPE_ECOMMERCE);

 * Get the options list for page views.
function ga_push_get_methods_option_list_social() {
  return ga_push_get_methods_option_list(GA_PUSH_TYPE_SOCIAL);

 * Get the event non interaction rules options list.
function ga_push_get_event_non_interaction_option_list() {
  return [
    FALSE => t("False"),
    TRUE => t("True"),

 * Implements hook_ga_push_method().
function ga_push_ga_push_method() {
  $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'ga_push');
    'name' => 'Analytics.js (js)',
    'description' => Link::fromTextAndUrl('Analytics.js', Url::fromUri(''))
    'machine_name' => GA_PUSH_METHOD_ANALYTICS_JS,
    'callback' => 'ga_push_method_analytics_js',
    'file' => $module_path . '/inc/',
    'implements' => [
    'side' => GA_PUSH_CLIENT_SIDE,
    'tracking_method' => GA_PUSH_TRACKING_METHOD_UNIVERSAL,
    'available' => TRUE,
  $method[GA_PUSH_METHOD_UTMP_PHP] = [
    'name' => 'Measurement Protocol (php)',
    'description' => Link::fromTextAndUrl('Measurement Protocol', Url::fromUri(''))
    'machine_name' => GA_PUSH_METHOD_UTMP_PHP,
    'callback' => 'ga_push_method_utmp_php',
    'file' => $module_path . '/inc/',
    'implements' => [
    'side' => GA_PUSH_SERVER_SIDE,
    'tracking_method' => GA_PUSH_TRACKING_METHOD_UNIVERSAL,
    'available' => TRUE,
  $method[GA_PUSH_METHOD_GA_JS] = [
    'name' => 'Ga.js (js)',
    'description' => '@deprecated ' . Link::fromTextAndUrl('ga.js', Url::fromUri(''))
    // 'description' =>  Link::fromTextAndUrl('ga.js', Url::fromUri('')),
    'machine_name' => GA_PUSH_METHOD_GA_JS,
    'callback' => 'ga_push_method_ga_js',
    'file' => $module_path . '/inc/',
    'implements' => [
    'side' => GA_PUSH_CLIENT_SIDE,
    'tracking_method' => GA_PUSH_TRACKING_METHOD_CLASSIC,
    'available' => TRUE,
  $method[GA_PUSH_METHOD_PHP_GA] = [
    'name' => 'PHP-GA (php)',
    'description' => '@deprecated requires php 5.3 and php-ga library',
    'machine_name' => GA_PUSH_METHOD_PHP_GA,
    'callback' => 'ga_push_method_php_ga',
    'file' => $module_path . '/inc/',
    'implements' => [
    'side' => GA_PUSH_SERVER_SIDE,
    'tracking_method' => GA_PUSH_TRACKING_METHOD_CLASSIC,
    'available' => 'ga_push_method_php_ga_available',
    'name' => 'Datalayer.js (js)',
    'description' => Link::fromTextAndUrl('Data Layer', Url::fromUri(''))
    'machine_name' => GA_PUSH_METHOD_DATALAYER_JS,
    'callback' => 'ga_push_method_datalayer',
    'file' => $module_path . '/inc/',
    'implements' => [
    'side' => GA_PUSH_CLIENT_SIDE,
    'tracking_method' => GA_PUSH_TRACKING_METHOD_UNIVERSAL,
    'available' => TRUE,
  return $method;

 * Checks if php_ga library is available.
function ga_push_method_php_ga_available() {
  $libraries = libraries_get_libraries();
  return strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.3.0') >= 0 && isset($libraries['php-ga']);

 * Key relationship map between analyticsjs & measurement_protocol.
 * @see
function ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_map() {
  return [
    // Application:
    'appName' => 'an',
    'appId' => 'aid',
    'appVersion' => 'av',
    'appInstallerId' => 'aiid',
    // Ecommerce:
    'id' => 'ti',
    'affiliation' => 'ta',
    'revenue' => 'tr',
    'tax' => 'tt',
    'shipping' => 'ts',
    'currency' => 'cu',
    'name' => 'in',
    'price' => 'ip',
    'quantity' => 'iq',
    'sku' => 'ic',
    'category' => 'iv',
    // Event:
    'eventCategory' => 'ec',
    'eventAction' => 'ea',
    'eventLabel' => 'el',
    'eventValue' => 'ev',
    'nonInteraction' => 'ni',
    // Exception:
    'exDescription' => 'exd',
    'exFatal' => 'exf',
    // Pageview:
    'location' => 'dh',
    'page' => 'dp',
    'title' => 'dt',
    // Social:
    'socialNetwork' => 'sn',
    'socialAction' => 'sa',
    'socialTarget' => 'st',

 * Translates Analytics.js keys to UTMP keys.
 * Push array data uses Analytics.js keys to name each param. UTMP uses
 * another set of keys. This method translates those keys.
 * @param array $data
 *   Array with keys to be translated.
 * @return array
 *   Array with keys translated.
function ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_mapping(array $data) {
  $map = ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_map();
  $data_mapped = [];
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
    $mkey = isset($map[$key]) ? $map[$key] : $key;

    // Replace custom dimensions and metrics that uses Analytics.js
    // keys with UTMP keys.
    $mkey = str_replace([
    ], [
    ], $mkey);
    $data_mapped[$mkey] = $value;
  return $data_mapped;

 * Helper function to asign data to keys.
 * Only key_map keys will be mapped.
 * @param array $key_map
 *   Array with keys to translate.
 * @param array $data
 *   Data push array.
 * @param bool $initialize_empty
 *   Initialize empty values.
 * @return array
 *   Mapped data.
function ga_push_push_key_mapper(array $key_map, array $data, $initialize_empty = FALSE) {
  $mapped_data = [];
  foreach ($key_map as $key => $target) {
    if (isset($data[$key])) {
      $mapped_data[$target] = $data[$key];
    elseif ($initialize_empty) {
      $mapped_data[$target] = '';
  return $mapped_data;

 * Helper function to translate data keys.
 * @param array $key_map
 *   Array with keys to translate.
 * @param array $data
 *   Data push array.
 * @param bool $initialize_empty
 *   Initialize empty values.
 * @return array
 *   Mapped data.
function ga_push_push_data_mapper(array $key_map, array $data, $initialize_empty = FALSE) {
  $mapped_data = [];
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
    $mkey = isset($key_map[$key]) ? $key_map[$key] : $key;
    $mapped_data[$mkey] = $value;
  if ($initialize_empty) {
    $mapped_data += array_fill_keys($key_map, '');
  return $mapped_data;

 * Recursive function to delete last empty array entries.
 * @param array $array
 *   Array to filter.
 * @return array
 *   Filtered array.
function ga_push_clean_empty_array_tail(array $array) {
  if (count($array)) {
    $last_elem = end($array);
    if ($last_elem == '') {
      $array = ga_push_clean_empty_array_tail($array);
  return $array;

 * Implements hook_form_rules_expression_edit_alter().
function ga_push_form_rules_expression_edit_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
  $ga_push_rule_action_list = [
  if (in_array($form_state
    ->get('action_id'), $ga_push_rule_action_list)) {

    // Use select widget.
    // @WORKAROUND: set ga push event rule action method as option list. Now rules doesn't support it.
    // @TODO: don't use this when option list is allowed!
    $mode = $form_state
    if ($mode == 'input') {
      $form['context']['method']['setting']['#type'] = 'select';
      $form['context']['method']['setting']['#options'] = ga_push_get_methods_option_list_event();
      if (empty($form['context']['method']['setting']['#default_value'])) {
        $form['context']['method']['setting']['#default_value'] = \Drupal::config('ga_push.settings')
  if ($form_state
    ->get('action_id') == 'ga_push_event') {

    // Event only will be visible if:
    // - Datalayer method is selected.
    // - Default method is selected and is set up as datalayer.
    $default_method_key = \Drupal::config('ga_push.settings')
    $states = [];
    $states['visible'] = [
      '#edit-context-method-setting' => [
          'value' => 'datalayer-js',
    if ($default_method_key == GA_PUSH_METHOD_DATALAYER_JS) {
      $states['visible']['#edit-context-method-setting'][] = [
        'value' => 'default',
    $form['context']['event'] += [
      '#states' => $states,


Namesort descending Description
ga_push_add Add a new google analytics tracking push.
ga_push_add_ecommerce Push a GA ecommerce.
ga_push_add_event Push a GA event.
ga_push_add_exception Push a GA exception.
ga_push_add_legacy_params Maps old method keys to the new ones.
ga_push_add_pageview Push a GA pageview.
ga_push_add_social Push a GA social.
ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_map Key relationship map between analyticsjs & measurement_protocol.
ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_mapping Translates Analytics.js keys to UTMP keys.
ga_push_clean_empty_array_tail Recursive function to delete last empty array entries.
ga_push_form_rules_expression_edit_alter Implements hook_form_rules_expression_edit_alter().
ga_push_ga_push_method Implements hook_ga_push_method().
ga_push_get_event_non_interaction_option_list Get the event non interaction rules options list.
ga_push_get_method Get GA Push method info.
ga_push_get_methods Get all GA Push methods.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list Returns all available methods as option list.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_ecommerce Get the options list for ecommerce.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_event Get the options list for events.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_exception Get the options list for exception.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_pageview Get the options list for page views.
ga_push_get_methods_option_list_social Get the options list for page views.
ga_push_help Implements hook_help().
ga_push_method_available Check if a GA PUSH method is available.
ga_push_method_php_ga_available Checks if php_ga library is available.
ga_push_module_implements_alter Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
ga_push_page_attachments Implements hook_page_attachments().
ga_push_push_data_mapper Helper function to translate data keys.
ga_push_push_key_mapper Helper function to asign data to keys.
