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8 calls to GoogleAuthenticator::internalPutData() in Google Authenticator login 7

GALoginGA::authenticateUser in ./ga_login.class.php
Authenticate a user.
GoogleAuthenticator::authenticateUser in ./ga4php.php
Authenticate a user using a code.
GoogleAuthenticator::deleteUser in ./ga4php.php
Delete a user.
GoogleAuthenticator::resyncCode in ./ga4php.php
Resync codes.
GoogleAuthenticator::setCustomData in ./ga4php.php
Set custom data.
GoogleAuthenticator::setTokenType in ./ga4php.php
Sets the token type the user it going to use.
GoogleAuthenticator::setUser in ./ga4php.php
Create a user.
GoogleAuthenticator::setUserKey in ./ga4php.php
Sets a users key.