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function FusionApplyUIPluginTestCase::testComment in Fusion Accelerator 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 fusion_apply/tests/fusion_apply_ui.test \FusionApplyUIPluginTestCase::testComment()

Tests comment plugin.


fusion_apply/tests/fusion_apply_ui.test, line 421
Tests for the Fusion Apply UI module.


Tests UI functionality for Block plugin.


function testComment() {

  // Create a node.
  $node1 = $this
    'type' => 'article',

  // Go to node.
  $uri = entity_uri('node', $node1);

  // Add a comment to the node. With bartik the contextual links won't
  // display until there is at least one comment.
  $edit = array(
    'comment_body[und][0][value]' => $this
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

  // Make sure our contextual link appears on the page.
    ->assertLinkByHref('admin/appearance/fusion/edit/nojs/comment/article/configure', 0, 'Contexual link to edit comment\'s skin configuration was found.');