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public function FusionApplyRulesApiTestCase::testFusionApplyRulesVisibility in Fusion Accelerator 7

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  1. 7.2 fusion_apply/tests/fusion_apply.test \FusionApplyRulesApiTestCase::testFusionApplyRulesVisibility()

Tests visibility of rules.


fusion_apply/tests/fusion_apply.test, line 641
Tests for the Fusion Apply module.


Tests API functionality.


public function testFusionApplyRulesVisibility() {
  $front = variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');
  $article = $this->nodes['article'];
  $page = $this->nodes['page'];
  $rule = (object) array(
    'title' => 'Rule 1',
    'rule_type' => 'page',
    'node_types' => array(),
    'roles' => array(),
    'visibility' => 0,
    // Show on all pages, except those listed.
    'pages' => '',

  // Test visibility when no filters are applied.
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid), 'The rule is visible on the front page.');
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $article->nid);
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid), 'The rule is visible for an article node.');
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid), 'The rule is visible for a basic page node.');

  // Test visibility with a node type filter.
  $rule->node_types = array(
    'article' => 'article',
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, $front), "The rule is not visible on the front page when it has the node type filter set to 'article'.");
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $article->nid), "The rule is visible for an article node when it has the node type filter set to 'article'.");
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $page->nid), "The rule is not visible for a basic page node when it has the node type filter set to 'article'.");

  // @todo Need to test with node/add/* path.
  // Problem to solve: node_type_get_types() always returns an empty array when running tests.
  // Test visibility with a roles filter.
  $rule->node_types = array();
  $rule->roles = array(
    2 => '2',

  // @todo Is there a way to test role API functionality without temporarily
  //   changing global user?
  global $user;
  $current_user = $user;
  $user = $this->users['normal_user'];
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, $front), "The rule is visible for a logged-in user when it has a role filter set to 'authenticated user'.");
  $user = drupal_anonymous_user();
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, $front), "The rule is not visible for an anonymous user when it has a role filter set to 'authenticated user'.");
  $user = $current_user;

  // Test visibility with an exclude page filter.
  $rule->roles = array();
  $rule->pages = "<front>";
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, $front), "The rule is not visible on the front page when it has the page filter set to exclude '&lt;front&gt'.");
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $article->nid), "The rule is visible for an article node when it has the page filter set to exclude '&lt;front&gt'.");
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $page->nid), "The rule is visible for a basic page node when it has the page filter set to exclude '&lt;front&gt'.");

  // Test visibility with an include page filter.
  $rule->visibility = 1;
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, $front), "The rule is visible on the front page when it has the page filter set to include '&lt;front&gt'.");
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $article->nid), "The rule is not visible for an article node when it has the page filter set to include '&lt;front&gt'.");
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $page->nid), "The rule is not visible for a basic page node when it has the page filter set to include '&lt;front&gt'.");

  // Test visibility with a php page filter.
  $rule->visibility = 2;
  $rule->pages = "<?php\nreturn FALSE;\n?>";
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, $front), "The rule is not visible on the front page when it has the page filter set to php with code always returning FALSE.");
    ->assertFalse(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $article->nid), "The rule is not visible for an article node when it has the page filter set to php with code always returning FALSE.");
  $rule->pages = "<?php\nreturn TRUE;\n?>";
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid), "The rule is visible on the front page when it has the page filter set to php with code always returning TRUE.");
    ->assertTrue(fusion_apply_rule_is_visible($rule->rid, 'node/' . $article->nid), "The rule is visible for an article node when it has the page filter set to php with code always returning TRUE.");