fusion_apply.module in Fusion Accelerator 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Handles core Fusion Apply functionality.
fusion_apply/fusion_apply.moduleView source
* @file
* Handles core Fusion Apply functionality.
* The Fusion Apply API version.
define('fusion_apply_VERSION', 2);
* Implements hook_help().
function fusion_apply_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#fusion':
if (module_exists('advanced_help')) {
return t('Visit the <a href="@fusion-help">help page</a> for full documentation.', array(
'@fusion-help' => url('admin/advanced_help/fusion'),
else {
return t('Please download and enable the <a href="http://drupal.org/project/advanced_help">Advanced Help</a> module for full Fusion documentation.');
* Implements hook_hook_info().
function fusion_apply_hook_info() {
$hooks = array(
$hooks = array_fill_keys($hooks, array(
'group' => 'fusion_apply',
return $hooks;
* Clears cached Fusion information.
function fusion_apply_cache_reset() {
cache_clear_all('fusion_apply_', 'cache', TRUE);
* Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function fusion_apply_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
// Run Fusion Apply first to avoid issues with other modules during hook_init().
if ($hook == 'init') {
$fusion_apply['fusion_apply'] = $implementations['fusion_apply'];
$implementations = array_merge($fusion_apply, $implementations);
* Implements hook_init().
* @todo Kill me. Entirely.
function fusion_apply_init() {
module_load_include('inc', 'fusion_apply', 'fusion_apply.handlers');
* Implements hook_preprocess().
* @todo Optimize this function by removing dependencies on
* fusion_apply_get_skin_info() and similar resource heavy functions.
* @todo Account for Drupal's caching being enabled and make it work.
function fusion_apply_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) {
// Fix for update script.
if ($hook == 'maintenance_page') {
$config = fusion_apply_get_config_info();
$current_theme = fusion_apply_current_theme();
$theme_registry = theme_get_registry();
$skin_info = fusion_apply_get_skin_info();
$original_hook = isset($theme_registry[$hook]['original hook']) ? $theme_registry[$hook]['original hook'] : $hook;
foreach ($config as $module => $module_settings) {
if (!empty($module_settings['preprocess'][$original_hook])) {
$preprocess_settings = $module_settings['preprocess'][$original_hook];
$elements = fusion_apply_handler('preprocess_index_handler', 'preprocess', $preprocess_settings['index_handler'], $variables);
if (empty($elements)) {
// We can receive empty arrays; if that happens, there's no point in continuing.
// Get a list of skin configuration IDs to pass to
// fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple().
$params = array(
'theme' => $current_theme,
'module' => $module,
'element' => $elements,
'status' => 1,
$sids = fusion_apply_skin_get_sids($params);
if (empty($sids)) {
// Nothing to apply.
$applied_skins = array();
foreach (fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple($sids) as $skin) {
$applied_skins = array(
$skin->skin => $skin->options,
) + $applied_skins;
// Invoke hook_fusion_apply_preprocess_alter() in all modules.
// @todo Review whether this alter hook is useful or not, and if it's in
// the right place or not.
$context = array(
'hook' => $hook,
'variables' => &$variables,
'theme' => $current_theme,
'module' => $module,
'elements' => $elements,
'options' => $applied_skins,
drupal_alter('fusion_apply_preprocess', $context);
// Use drupal_process_attached() to add attachements such as JS and CSS.
if (!empty($applied_skins)) {
foreach ($applied_skins as $skin_name => $skin_options) {
// Special case for _additional.
if ($skin_name == '_additional') {
// Make sure this skin is enabled for the current theme.
if (isset($skin_info[$skin_name]['attached'])) {
$elements['#attached'] = $skin_info[$skin_name]['attached'];
if (!is_array($skin_options)) {
$skin_options = array(
foreach ($skin_options as $skin_option) {
if (isset($skin_info[$skin_name]['options'][$skin_option]['attached'])) {
$elements['#attached'] = $skin_info[$skin_name]['options'][$skin_option]['attached'];
$variables['classes_array'] = array_merge($variables['classes_array'], fusion_apply_flatten_skins_array($applied_skins));
* Returns an array of classes.
* @param $skin_options
* An array of skin options keyed by their skin name. The key '_additional'
* is reserved for additional classes entered by the user.
* @todo Optimize this function by removing dependencies on the resource heavy
* fusion_apply_get_skin_info() function.
* @todo Rename function to reflect new functionality.
function fusion_apply_flatten_skins_array($skin_options) {
$skin_info = fusion_apply_get_skin_info();
$classes = array();
foreach ($skin_options as $skin_name => $options) {
if ($skin_name == '_additional') {
$classes = array_merge($classes, $options);
else {
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (!empty($skin_info[$skin_name]['options'][$option]['class'])) {
$classes = array_merge($classes, $skin_info[$skin_name]['options'][$option]['class']);
return array_unique($classes);
* Returns a list of extensions that implement this API version of Fusion Apply.
* @return
* An associative array whose keys are system names of extensions and whose
* values are again associative arrays containing:
* - type: Either 'module' or 'theme'.
* - name: The system name of the extension.
* - path: The path to the extension.
* - directory: (optional) The sub-directory holding Fusion plugin files.
* - ...: Any other properties defined by the module or theme.
* @todo Cache this.
function fusion_apply_implements() {
$cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($cache)) {
$cache = array();
// Collect hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION() module implementations. This will also
// auto-load $module.fusion_apply.inc files, which may contain skin/group hook
// implementations (when not using the plugin system).
$module_info = system_get_info('module');
foreach (module_implements('fusion_apply_api_' . fusion_apply_VERSION) as $module) {
// Ensure that $module and the extension type is registered.
$cache[$module] = array(
'type' => 'module',
'name' => $module,
'version' => isset($module_info[$module]['version']) ? $module_info[$module]['version'] : NULL,
// Check whether the hook returns any information.
$function = $module . '_fusion_apply_api_' . fusion_apply_VERSION;
$info = $function();
if (isset($info) && is_array($info)) {
$cache[$module] += $info;
// If the module specified a custom path, check whether it contains a
// $module.fusion.inc file and auto-load it. module_implements() only
// auto-loads $module.fusion.inc in a module's root folder.
if (isset($cache[$module]['path'])) {
$file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $cache[$module]['path'] . '/' . $module . '.fusion.inc';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require_once $file;
// Populate defaults.
$cache[$module] += array(
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', $module),
'directory' => NULL,
// Collect the equivalent of hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION() implementations in
// themes. The theme system only initializes one theme (and optionally its
// base themes) for the current request, and the phptemplate engine only
// loads template.php during theme initialization. Furthermore, template.php
// is a custom concept of the phptemplate engine and does not exist for
// other theme engines. Since we are interested in all existing
// implementations of all enabled themes, the equivalent of the module hook
// is a theme .info file property 'fusion' that has the sub-keys 'api' and
// optionally 'directory' defined.
// Account for all enabled themes and (any recursive) base themes of them,
// regardless of whether base themes are enabled.
$all_themes = list_themes();
$themes = array();
// Additionally record the base themes and sub themes of each theme, in
// order to apply inheritance rules elsewhere. Do not assign these variables
// as properties on the theme objects themselves, since all objects are
// pointers (much like references) in PHP 5, so our properties would be
// visible for everyone else who calls list_themes().
$base_themes = array();
$sub_themes = array();
foreach ($all_themes as $name => $theme) {
// If the theme is enabled, add it to the stack.
if (!empty($theme->status)) {
$themes[$name] = $theme;
// Find and add all base themes of the enabled theme to the stack.
// @see drupal_theme_initialize()
$sub_theme_name = $name;
while ($name && isset($all_themes[$name]->base_theme)) {
// Record the sub theme for the base theme.
$sub_themes[$all_themes[$name]->base_theme][$name] = $name;
// Add the base theme to the stack.
$name = $all_themes[$name]->base_theme;
$themes[$name] = $all_themes[$name];
// Record the base theme for the original sub theme.
$base_themes[$sub_theme_name][$name] = $name;
foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) {
if (isset($theme->info['fusion']['api']) && $theme->info['fusion']['api'] == fusion_apply_VERSION) {
// Ensure that the theme name and the extension type is registered.
$cache[$name] = array(
'type' => 'theme',
'name' => $name,
'version' => isset($theme->info['version']) ? $theme->info['version'] : NULL,
'base themes' => isset($base_themes[$name]) ? $base_themes[$name] : array(),
'sub themes' => isset($sub_themes[$name]) ? $sub_themes[$name] : array(),
// Add any additional information that has been registered.
$cache[$name] += $theme->info['fusion'];
// Populate defaults.
$cache[$name] += array(
'path' => drupal_get_path('theme', $name),
// Since themes cannot do anything else than registering skins and
// groups, we default to the sub-directory 'skins'.
'directory' => 'skins',
// Lastly, for API consistency with modules, check whether the theme
// contains a $theme.fusion.inc file and auto-load it, if any.
$file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $cache[$name]['path'] . '/' . $name . '.fusion.inc';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require_once $file;
return $cache;
* Includes $extension.fusion.inc files of extensions compatible with this version of Fusion Apply.
* @todo Shoot me. Twice.
function fusion_apply_load_includes() {
foreach (fusion_apply_implements() as $extension) {
$file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $extension['path'] . '/' . $extension['name'] . '.fusion.inc';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require_once $file;
* Includes Fusion Apply plugin files for an extension, if any.
* @param $extension
* The API information for an extension, as returned by fusion_apply_implements().
function fusion_apply_load_plugins($extension) {
static $loaded = array();
// If plugins have already been loaded for this extension, return them.
if (isset($loaded[$extension['name']])) {
return $loaded[$extension['name']];
$loaded[$extension['name']] = array();
// If the extension defines a plugin directory, scan its plugins.
if (isset($extension['directory'])) {
$dir = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $extension['path'] . '/' . $extension['directory'];
$mask = '@^' . DRUPAL_PHP_FUNCTION_PATTERN . '\\.inc$@';
$loaded[$extension['name']] = file_scan_directory($dir, $mask, array(
'key' => 'name',
'recurse' => TRUE,
'min_depth' => 1,
'callback' => 'fusion_apply_include_once',
return $loaded[$extension['name']];
* file_scan_directory() callback wrapper around include_once.
* include_once is a PHP construct, not a function, so it cannot be invoked
* directly as 'callback' in file_scan_directory().
function fusion_apply_include_once($file) {
include_once $file;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fusion Apply data handling functions.
* Validate a skin object.
* @param $skin
* A skin object.
* @return
* TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
function fusion_apply_skin_validate(&$skin) {
if (empty($skin->theme) || empty($skin->module) || empty($skin->element) || empty($skin->skin) || empty($skin->options)) {
return FALSE;
if (!is_array($skin->options)) {
return FALSE;
// Strip empty skins.
$skin->options = _fusion_apply_array_strip_empty($skin->options);
if (empty($skin->options)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Save a skin object.
* @param $skin
* A skin object.
* @return
* TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
function fusion_apply_skin_save(&$skin) {
// Make sure we're getting valid data.
if (!fusion_apply_skin_validate($skin)) {
return FALSE;
// Load the stored skin configuration object, if any.
if (!empty($skin->sid)) {
if (!isset($skin->original)) {
// Load an uncached version of the skin configuration object.
$skin->original = fusion_apply_skin_load_unchanged($skin->sid);
// Let modules modify the node before it is saved to the database.
module_invoke_all('fusion_apply_skin_presave', $skin);
if (!empty($skin->sid)) {
// Record exists, so let's update.
$status = drupal_write_record('fusion_apply_skins', $skin, 'sid');
module_invoke_all('fusion_apply_skin_update', $skin);
else {
// Insert a new record.
$status = drupal_write_record('fusion_apply_skins', $skin);
module_invoke_all('fusion_apply_skin_insert', $skin);
// Clear internal properties.
// Clear the static loading cache.
// @todo If we have a more granular reset for fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple(), we
// need to use it here.
return $status;
* Delete a skin object.
* @param $sid
* The skin configuration ID.
function fusion_apply_skin_delete($sid) {
* Delete multiple skin configuration objects.
* @param $sids
* An array of skin configuration IDs.
function fusion_apply_skin_delete_multiple($sids) {
$transaction = db_transaction();
if (!empty($sids)) {
$skins = fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple($sids);
try {
foreach ($skins as $sid => $skin) {
module_invoke_all('fusion_apply_skin_delete', $skin);
// Delete after calling hooks so that they can query node tables as needed.
->condition('sid', $sids, 'IN')
} catch (Exception $e) {
watchdog_exception('fusion_apply', $e);
throw $e;
// Clear the fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple cache.
* Load a skin configuration object from the database.
* @param $sid
* The skin configuration ID.
* @return
* A fully-populated skin configuration object.
function fusion_apply_skin_load($sid = NULL) {
$sids = isset($sid) ? array(
) : array();
$skin = fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple($sids);
return $skin ? reset($skin) : FALSE;
* Load skin configuration objects from the database.
* This function should be used whenever you need to load more than one skin
* configuration from the database. Skin configurations are loaded into memory
* and will not require database access if loaded again during the same page
* request.
* @see fusion_apply_skin_get_sids()
* @param $sids
* An array of skin configuration IDs.
* @return
* An array of skin configuration objects indexed by sid.
function fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple($sids = array()) {
// @todo Do we want to write a more granular cache reset?
$skins =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
// Create a new variable which is either a prepared version of the $sids
// array for later comparison with cached skin configuration objects, or FALSE
// if no $sids were passed. The $sids array is reduced as items are loaded
// from cache, and we need to know if it's empty for this reason to avoid
// querying the database when all requested skin configuration objects are
// loaded from cache.
$passed_sids = !empty($sids) ? array_flip($sids) : FALSE;
if ($passed_sids) {
$sids = array_keys(array_diff_key($passed_sids, $skins));
// Load any remaining skin configurations from the database. This is the
// case if $sids is set to FALSE (so we load all skins), or if there are any
// sids left to load.
if ($sids === FALSE || $sids) {
// Build the query.
$queried_skins = db_select('fusion_apply_skins', 's')
->condition('sid', $sids)
foreach ($queried_skins as $sid => $skin) {
// Unserialize options array.
$queried_skins[$sid]->options = unserialize($skin->options);
// Let modules modify the skin configurations.
module_invoke_all('fusion_apply_skin_load', $queried_skins[$sid]);
$skins += $queried_skins;
// Ensure that the returned array is ordered the same as the original
// $sids array if this was passed in and remove any invalid sids.
if ($passed_sids) {
// Remove any invalid sids from the array.
$passed_sids = array_intersect_key($passed_sids, $skins);
$return = array();
foreach ($passed_sids as $sid => $ignore) {
$return[$sid] = $skins[$sid];
else {
$return = $skins;
return $return;
* Load an uncached version of a skin configuration object.
* @param $sid
* The skin configuration ID.
* @return
* A fully-populated skin configuration object.
function fusion_apply_skin_load_unchanged($sid) {
// Load an uncached version of the skin configuration object.
$skin = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fusion_apply_skins} WHERE sid = :sid", array(
':sid' => $sid,
// Unserialize options array.
$skin->options = unserialize($skin->options);
// Let modules modify the skin configuration.
module_invoke_all('fusion_apply_skin_load', $skin);
return $skin;
* Get skin configuration IDs.
* @param $filter_by
* An associative array whose keys are:
* - theme: (optional) The theme.
* - module: (optional) The module.
* - element: (optional) The element ID.
* - skin: (optional) The skin name.
* - status: (optional) Boolean indicating whether or not this skin
* configuration is enabled.
* @return
* An array of skin configuration IDs.
function fusion_apply_skin_get_sids($filter_by = array()) {
$query = db_select('fusion_apply_skins', 's')
->fields('s', array(
if (isset($filter_by['theme'])) {
->condition('theme', $filter_by['theme']);
if (isset($filter_by['module'])) {
->condition('module', $filter_by['module']);
if (isset($filter_by['element'])) {
->condition('element', $filter_by['element']);
if (isset($filter_by['skin'])) {
->condition('skin', $filter_by['skin']);
if (isset($filter_by['status'])) {
->condition('status', $filter_by['status']);
return $query
* Helper function to remove empty skins from an array.
* @param $array
* A single or multi-dimensional array to strip of empty values.
* @return
* An array stripped of empty values.
function _fusion_apply_array_strip_empty($array) {
$new_array = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = _fusion_apply_array_strip_empty($value);
if (!empty($value)) {
$new_array[$key] = $value;
return $new_array;
* Helper function to retrieve the current theme.
* The global variable $theme_key doesn't work for our purposes when an admin
* theme is enabled.
* @param $exclude_admin_theme
* Optional. Set to TRUE to exclude the admin theme from possible themes to
* return.
* @return
* The current theme name.
function fusion_apply_current_theme($exclude_admin_theme = FALSE) {
global $user, $custom_theme;
if (!empty($user->theme) && drupal_theme_access($user->theme)) {
$current_theme = $user->theme;
elseif (!empty($custom_theme) && drupal_theme_access($custom_theme) && !($exclude_admin_theme && $custom_theme == variable_get('admin_theme', '0'))) {
// Don't return the admin theme if we're editing Fusion Apply settings.
$current_theme = $custom_theme;
else {
$current_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');
return $current_theme;
* Prepare the default status for a skin.
* @param $skin_info
* Information about a registered skin.
* @return
* An array of default statuses for each enabled theme.
function fusion_apply_skin_info_status_default($skin_info) {
$status = array();
// Retrieve the explicit default status of the registering theme for itself.
$base_theme_status = NULL;
if (isset($skin_info['status'][$skin_info['source']['name']])) {
$base_theme_status = $skin_info['status'][$skin_info['source']['name']];
// Retrieve the sub themes of the base theme that registered the skin.
$sub_themes = array();
if (isset($skin_info['source']['sub themes'])) {
$sub_themes = $skin_info['source']['sub themes'];
$themes = list_themes();
foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) {
if (!$theme->status) {
// If this theme is a sub theme of the theme that registered the skin, check
// whether we need to inherit the status of the base theme to the sub theme.
// This is the case when a skin of a base theme enables itself for the base
// theme (not knowing about potential sub themes).
if (isset($base_theme_status) && isset($sub_themes[$name])) {
$status[$name] = $base_theme_status;
// Apply global default.
$status += array(
$name => $skin_info['default status'],
// Lastly, apply all explicit defaults.
$status = array_merge($status, $skin_info['status']);
return $status;
* Retrieve the overridden status of a skin.
* @param $skin_info
* Information about a registered skin.
* @return
* An array of statuses for each enabled theme. If no overrides are found,
* the status defaults will be returned.
function fusion_apply_skin_info_status_get($skin_info) {
return variable_get('fusion_apply_skin_' . $skin_info['name'] . '_status', $skin_info['status']);
* Set the status of a skin. Overrides the skin plugin settings.
* @param $skin_info
* Information about a registered skin.
* @param $status
* An array of statuses for each theme.
function fusion_apply_skin_info_status_set($skin_info, $status) {
variable_set('fusion_apply_skin_' . $skin_info['name'] . '_status', $status);
* Helper function to prepend a path to an array of stylesheet or script filenames.
* If the url is absolute (e.g. the url start with 'http://' or 'https://')
* the path does not get prepended.
* @param $files
* A an array of filenames that need the path prepended.
* @todo Adjust docs to account for arrays instead of filenames.
* @param $path
* The path to prepend.
function _fusion_apply_add_path_to_files(&$files, $path) {
foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
if (is_array($file)) {
if (strpos($file[0], 'http://') === 0 || strpos($file[0], 'https://') === 0) {
$files[$key][0] = $path . '/' . $file[0];
else {
if (strpos($file, 'http://') === 0 || strpos($file, 'https://') === 0) {
$files[$key] = $path . '/' . $file;
* Parse a skin_infos array as returned from a skins plugin.
* This function inserts any missing defaults and updates the stylesheet and
* script paths to be relative to Drupal's root.
* @param $skin_infos
* An array of skins as returned from skin plugins.
* @param $source
* An associative array containing information about the source of the skin.
* See fusion_apply_implements() for details.
* @todo Merge into fusion_apply_get_skin_info() and remove this function.
function fusion_apply_skin_info_process(&$skin_infos, $source) {
foreach ($skin_infos as $skin_name => $skin_info) {
// Populate default properties.
$skin_infos[$skin_name] += array(
'name' => '',
'title' => '',
'type' => 'checkboxes',
'description' => '',
'group' => 'general',
'theme hooks' => array(
'attached' => array(),
'options' => array(),
'weight' => NULL,
'default status' => 0,
'status' => array(),
// Merge in name.
$skin_infos[$skin_name]['name'] = $skin_name;
// Merge in source information.
$skin_infos[$skin_name]['source'] = $source;
// Merge in default status for all themes.
$skin_infos[$skin_name]['status'] = fusion_apply_skin_info_status_default($skin_infos[$skin_name]);
// Add path to stylesheets.
if (isset($skin_infos[$skin_name]['attached']['css'])) {
_fusion_apply_add_path_to_files($skin_infos[$skin_name]['attached']['css'], $source['path']);
// Add path to scripts.
if (isset($skin_infos[$skin_name]['attached']['js'])) {
_fusion_apply_add_path_to_files($skin_infos[$skin_name]['attached']['js'], $source['path']);
foreach ($skin_infos[$skin_name]['options'] as $option_name => $option) {
// Add path to stylesheets.
if (isset($option['attached']['css'])) {
_fusion_apply_add_path_to_files($skin_infos[$skin_name]['options'][$option_name]['attached']['css'], $source['path']);
// Add path to scripts.
if (isset($option['attached']['js'])) {
_fusion_apply_add_path_to_files($skin_infos[$skin_name]['options'][$option_name]['attached']['js'], $source['path']);
// Validate class by running it through drupal_html_class().
if (!is_array($skin_infos[$skin_name]['options'][$option_name]['class'])) {
$skin_infos[$skin_name]['options'][$option_name]['class'] = array(
foreach ($skin_infos[$skin_name]['options'][$option_name]['class'] as $key => $class) {
$skin_infos[$skin_name]['options'][$option_name]['class'][$key] = drupal_html_class($class);
* Retrieves all skins registered by modules and themes.
* @return
* An array of skins.
function fusion_apply_get_skin_info() {
$skin_info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($skin_info)) {
if ($cached = cache_get('fusion_apply_skin_info')) {
$skin_info = $cached->data;
return $skin_info;
$skin_info = array();
foreach (fusion_apply_implements() as $name => $extension) {
$hooks = array(
"{$name}_fusion_apply_skin_info" => $extension,
// Load the extension's plugins, if any.
if ($files = fusion_apply_load_plugins($extension)) {
// The base path for plugins is the directory defined by the extension.
$dir = $extension['path'] . '/' . $extension['directory'];
foreach ($files as $plugin => $file) {
$hooks["{$name}_fusion_apply_skin_{$plugin}_info"] = array(
// The source path for a plugin is the plugin directory.
'path' => $dir . '/' . basename(dirname($file->uri)),
) + $extension;
foreach ($hooks as $function => $source) {
if (function_exists($function)) {
$extension_info = $function();
if (isset($extension_info) && is_array($extension_info)) {
// Prepare the skin information.
fusion_apply_skin_info_process($extension_info, $source);
$skin_info += $extension_info;
// Allow modules to alter registered skin information.
drupal_alter('fusion_apply_skin_info', $skin_info);
cache_set('fusion_apply_skin_info', $skin_info);
return $skin_info;
* Retrieves all skin groups registered by modules and themes.
* @return
* An array of groups.
function fusion_apply_get_group_info() {
$group_info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($group_info)) {
if ($cached = cache_get('fusion_apply_group_info')) {
$group_info = $cached->data;
return $group_info;
$group_info = array();
foreach (fusion_apply_implements() as $name => $extension) {
$hooks = array(
"{$name}_fusion_apply_group_info" => $extension,
// Load the extension's plugins, if any.
if ($files = fusion_apply_load_plugins($extension)) {
// The base path for plugins is the directory defined by the extension.
$dir = $extension['path'] . '/' . $extension['directory'];
foreach ($files as $plugin => $file) {
$hooks["{$name}_fusion_apply_group_{$plugin}_info"] = array(
// The source path for a plugin is the plugin directory.
'path' => $dir . '/' . basename(dirname($file->uri)),
) + $extension;
foreach ($hooks as $function => $source) {
if (function_exists($function)) {
$extension_info = $function();
if (isset($extension_info) && is_array($extension_info)) {
// Prepare the skin group information.
foreach ($extension_info as &$group) {
$group += array(
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'weight' => 0,
$group_info += $extension_info;
// Allow modules to alter groups through hook_fusion_apply_group_info_alter().
drupal_alter('fusion_apply_group_info', $group_info);
cache_set('fusion_apply_group_info', $group_info);
return $group_info;
* Fetch Fusion Apply configuration data from functionality plugins.
* @return
* An array of all configuration data.
function fusion_apply_get_config_info() {
$config_info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($config_info)) {
if ($cached = cache_get('fusion_apply_config_info')) {
$config_info = $cached->data;
return $config_info;
$config_info = array();
foreach (fusion_apply_implements() as $name => $extension) {
$function = "{$name}_fusion_apply_config_info";
if (function_exists($function)) {
$extension_info = $function();
if (isset($extension_info) && is_array($extension_info)) {
$config_info = array_merge_recursive($config_info, $extension_info);
// Allow modules to alter config info via hook_fusion_apply_config_info_alter().
drupal_alter('fusion_apply_config_info', $config_info);
cache_set('fusion_apply_config_info', $config_info);
return $config_info;
* Prepare default configuration data for modules.
* @todo Search and destroy.
function fusion_apply_config_info_default() {
return array(
'access_handler' => 'fusion_apply_access_handler',
'index_handler' => 'fusion_apply_index_handler',
'data_handler' => 'fusion_apply_data_handler',
'submit_handler' => 'fusion_apply_submit_handler',
'submit_handler_attach_to' => array(
'fusion_apply_title' => t('Fusion Apply'),
'fusion_apply_weight' => 1,
'title' => '',
'description' => t('Manage which skins you want to apply to hooks'),
'collapsed' => TRUE,
'weight' => 0,
* Execute a module's data handler.
* @param $type
* The type of handler to execute. Possible values:
* - 'access_handler':
* - 'contextual_links':
* - 'data_handler':
* - 'form_index_handler':
* - 'preprocess_index_handler':
* - 'preprocess_hook_callback':
* - 'submit_handler':
* @param $op
* For 'access_handler' the possible values are 'edit skin settings'
* and 'edit advanced skin settings'.
* For 'contextual_links' an empty string is passed.
* For 'data_handler' the possible values are 'form' and 'submit'.
* For 'form_index_handler' the possible values are 'form' and 'submit'.
* For 'preprocess_index_handler' the possible values are 'preprocess'.
* For 'preprocess_hook_callback' an empty string is passed.
* For 'submit_handler' an empty string is passed.
* @param $handler
* The function name for this handler as gotten from fusion_apply_fetch_config().
* @param $a3
* For 'access_handler', passes in the $form parameter as provided to a form
* function.
* For 'contextual_links', passes in the $variables parameter from
* fusion_apply_preprocess().
* For 'data_handler', passes in the $form parameter from hook_form_submit().
* For 'form_index_handler':
* - For $op 'form', passes in the $form parameter from hook_form_alter().
* - For $op 'submit', passes in the $form parameter from hook_form_submit().
* For 'preprocess_index_handler', passes in the $variables parameter from
* module_preprocess().
* For 'preprocess_hook_callback', passes in the $form parameter from
* hook_form_alter().
* For 'submit_handler', passes in the $form parameter from hook_form_alter().
* @param $a4
* For 'access_handler', passes in the $form_state array as provided to a
* form function.
* For 'data_handler', passes in the $form_state parameter form
* hook_form_submit().
* For 'form_index_handler':
* - For $op 'form', passes in the $form_state parameter from
* hook_form_alter().
* - For $op 'submit', passes in the $form_state parameter from
* hook_form_submit().
* For 'preprocess_hook_callback', passes in the $form_state parameter from
* hook_form_alter().
* For 'submit_handler', passes in the $form_state parameter from
* hook_form_alter().
* @param $a5
* For 'data_handler', passes in the module that is currently being processed.
* For 'submit_handler', passes in the module that is currently being
* processed.
* @param $a6
* For 'data_handler', passes in the settings from hook_fusion_apply_config() for
* the form that's currently being processed.
* For 'submit_handler', passes in the settings from hook_fusion_apply_config() for
* the form that's currently being processed.
* @param $a7
function fusion_apply_handler($type, $op, $handler, &$a3, $a4 = NULL, $a5 = NULL, $a6 = NULL, $a7 = NULL) {
if (is_callable($handler)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'contextual_links':
case 'preprocess_index_handler':
return $handler($a3);
case 'preprocess_hook_callback':
return $handler($a3, $a4);
case 'data_handler':
case 'submit_handler':
return $handler($a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7);
return $handler($op, $a3, $a4);
* Implements hook_modules_enabled().
function fusion_apply_modules_enabled() {
* Implements hook_modules_disabled().
function fusion_apply_modules_disabled() {
* Implements hook_themes_enabled().
function fusion_apply_themes_enabled() {
* Implements hook_themes_disabled().
function fusion_apply_themes_disabled() {
Name![]() |
Description |
fusion_apply_cache_reset | Clears cached Fusion information. |
fusion_apply_config_info_default | Prepare default configuration data for modules. |
fusion_apply_current_theme | Helper function to retrieve the current theme. |
fusion_apply_flatten_skins_array | Returns an array of classes. |
fusion_apply_get_config_info | Fetch Fusion Apply configuration data from functionality plugins. |
fusion_apply_get_group_info | Retrieves all skin groups registered by modules and themes. |
fusion_apply_get_skin_info | Retrieves all skins registered by modules and themes. |
fusion_apply_handler | Execute a module's data handler. |
fusion_apply_help | Implements hook_help(). |
fusion_apply_hook_info | Implements hook_hook_info(). |
fusion_apply_implements | Returns a list of extensions that implement this API version of Fusion Apply. |
fusion_apply_include_once | file_scan_directory() callback wrapper around include_once. |
fusion_apply_init | Implements hook_init(). |
fusion_apply_load_includes | Includes $extension.fusion.inc files of extensions compatible with this version of Fusion Apply. |
fusion_apply_load_plugins | Includes Fusion Apply plugin files for an extension, if any. |
fusion_apply_modules_disabled | Implements hook_modules_disabled(). |
fusion_apply_modules_enabled | Implements hook_modules_enabled(). |
fusion_apply_module_implements_alter | Implements hook_module_implements_alter(). |
fusion_apply_preprocess | Implements hook_preprocess(). |
fusion_apply_skin_delete | Delete a skin object. |
fusion_apply_skin_delete_multiple | Delete multiple skin configuration objects. |
fusion_apply_skin_get_sids | Get skin configuration IDs. |
fusion_apply_skin_info_process | Parse a skin_infos array as returned from a skins plugin. |
fusion_apply_skin_info_status_default | Prepare the default status for a skin. |
fusion_apply_skin_info_status_get | Retrieve the overridden status of a skin. |
fusion_apply_skin_info_status_set | Set the status of a skin. Overrides the skin plugin settings. |
fusion_apply_skin_load | Load a skin configuration object from the database. |
fusion_apply_skin_load_multiple | Load skin configuration objects from the database. |
fusion_apply_skin_load_unchanged | Load an uncached version of a skin configuration object. |
fusion_apply_skin_save | Save a skin object. |
fusion_apply_skin_validate | Validate a skin object. |
fusion_apply_themes_disabled | Implements hook_themes_disabled(). |
fusion_apply_themes_enabled | Implements hook_themes_enabled(). |
_fusion_apply_add_path_to_files | Helper function to prepend a path to an array of stylesheet or script filenames. |
_fusion_apply_array_strip_empty | Helper function to remove empty skins from an array. |
Name![]() |
Description |
fusion_apply_VERSION | The Fusion Apply API version. |