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views-freepager.tpl.php in Free pager 7.2

freepager.tpl.php Default view template to display Free pager blocks.

Available variables:

$previous The rendered field used for the row before the viewed one. May be empty. $previous_linked The 'previous' field, linking to the previous page. $current The rendered field used for the currently viewed row. $current_linked The 'current' field, linking to the current page. Not highly useful. $next The rendered field used for the row after the viewed one. May be empty. $next_linked The 'next' field, linking to the next page. $row_number The number of the viewed row. $total_rows The total number of rows in the list from Views.


View source

 * @file freepager.tpl.php
 * Default view template to display Free pager blocks.
 * Available variables:
 * $previous
 *   The rendered field used for the row before the viewed one. May be empty.
 * $previous_linked
 *   The 'previous' field, linking to the previous page.
 * $current
 *   The rendered field used for the currently viewed row.
 * $current_linked
 *   The 'current' field, linking to the current page. Not highly useful.
 * $next
 *   The rendered field used for the row after the viewed one. May be empty.
 * $next_linked
 *   The 'next' field, linking to the next page.
 * $row_number
 *   The number of the viewed row.
 * $total_rows
 *   The total number of rows in the list from Views.
 * @ingroup views_templates


if (!empty($previous)) {
  <span class="freepager-previous">

  print $previous_linked;

if (!empty($next)) {
  <span class="freepager-next">

  print $next_linked;

if (!empty($current)) {
  <div class="freepager-current">

  print $current;
